
ddelink procedure: system, Ger


DDE-link becomes aufgebaut.

DDELink s1,s2

P:s1 - application
P:s2 - Topic

it'll a DDE-link to application concerning the suitable Topic aufgebaut. After erfolgreichem construction contains The Systemvariable %LINKS:[DDEWin] the lever the application. can the application not report, can it occur, that the commands "hängenbleibt": it wait on The Reply called Program. here helps one beliebiger Tastendruck or Buttonklick moreover. If it not straight around the Program-manager deals, is one on the secure Page, if one The called application before vermittels LINK:[WinExec] launch. ought to The application unavailable his, sustain one here already a Error. in the entrapment the Program-Managers ought to however one started desselben unterbleiben, there some users even another Shell for its windows using, which however too at reputation to the Programmmanager addressed feel and properly reacted. with success contains %DDEWin the lever the called Program, otherwise 0.

with folgendem commands (see Beispielcode) points one whom Program-manager, or. The actually Shell, so z.B. under windows 95 whom Explorer, on, to that receptions of command concerning the Anlegens of groups "auf Empfang" to go:
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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