
GetSystemPowerStatus, KERNEL32 API: system, Ger

GetSystemPowerStatus supply Information over The Stromquellen the Rechners back.

P:B1: SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS Structure or 12 Bytes large Memory-Variable, The Information over The Stromquellen aufnimmt. =>
byte 0 = Flag the angibt, whether the computer on a Steckdose connected is:
0 = No
1 = Yes
255 = is uncharted.
byte 1 = Kombinationsflag, the whom Ladestatus the batteries zurückgibt:
1 = load high.
2 = load lowly.
4 = load critically.
8 = battery becomes loaded.
128 = No Systembatterie present.
255 = Unbekannter Ladestatus
byte 2 = Prozentuale load the Akkus:
0 To 100 = load in percent.
255 = load uncharted.
byte 3 = reserved, must 0 his.
byte 4-7 = One LongIntwert the angibt, How many sec The battery yet holds. If here $FFFFFFFF standing, is the Time uncharted.
byte 8-11 = The Time in sec, The the battery pack holds, if it fully aufgeladen is or $FFFFFFFF, if The Time uncharted is. These function there not under WindowsNT.

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