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GetVolumeInformation reads Laufwerksinformationen over the angegebene drive from.
Def @GetVolumeInformation(8) !"KERNEL32","GetVolumeInformationA"
Parameter: P:B1 address one Strings or Memory-Variable with a String, the the Rootverzeichnis the Abzufragenden Laufwerks contains. can 0 his - then becomes the actually Rootverzeichnis taken. P:B2 Memory-Variable, The whom names the Labels (the Festplatte, floppy disk, CD... ) receiving. P:L3 length the Bereiches in Parameter 2 as LongInt. P:B4 Bereichvariable, The The serial number the Labels receiving (can 0 his). P:B5 4 byte Bereichvariable, The The maximum length one Dateinamens receiving (can 0 his). P:B6 4 byte Bereichvariable, The ? Happen? over the Dateisystem receiving (can 0 his). => $2 = big- and Kleinschreibung of Filenames becomes receive. $1 = big- and Kleinschreibung of Filenames becomes berücksichtigt (z.B. with the Search or the Überschreiben). $4 = Unicode Filenames go supported. $8 = Accesslisten go supported / demand (z.B. with windows2000) $10 = supported Dateikomprimierung. $8000 = Komprimierter volume. P:B7 Memory-Variable, The whom names the Dateisystems receiving (can 0 his). P:L8 length the Bereichs in Parameter 7.
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