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GetWindowPlacement reads Information over the augenblicklichen status and over The voraussichtliche Fensterposition from, if itself one Window in a given status befindet.
P:L1: lever the Fensters, which Information one receive wants.
P:B2: WINDOWPLACEMENT Structure or 44 byte large Memory-Variable, The Information over the status and the voraussichtliche Fensterposition from, if itself one Window in a given status befindet aufnimmt.=> byte 0-3 = Size the Memory-Variables in Bytes byte 4-7 = Kombinationsflag for Fenstererzeugung and Minimierung: $1 = (WPF_SETMINPOSITION) Fensterposition for Minimierung is set and standing in byte 12 To byte 19. $2 = (WPF_RESTORETOMAXIMIZED) Window becomes with the Erzeugung always maximiert. byte 8-11 = One Statusflag.=> $1 = (SW_SHOWNORMAL) normal Fenstergröße. $2 = (SW_SHOWMINIMIZED) minimizes $3 = (SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED) Maximiert byte 12-15 = X-Koordinate,if Window minimizes is. byte 16-19 = Y-Koordinate,if Window minimizes is. byte 20-23 = X-Koordinate,if Window maximiert is. byte 24-27 = Y-Koordinate,if Window maximiert is. byte 28-31 = X-Koordinate supra left, if Window in Normalzustand is. byte 32-35 = Y-Koordinate supra left, if Window in Normalzustand is. byte 36-39 = X-Koordinate under right, if Window in Normalzustand is. byte 40-43 = Y-Koordinate under right, if Window in Normalzustand is.
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