
groups Statement: Erkl

under NT-based Windowssystemen are each User in groups eingeordnet. so is it possible, for defined types of Usern integrally defined rights and Systemeinstellungen wirksam go To let. Standardmäßig is eachone User several groups zugeordnet - Systemtools show but in the rule only a this groups on!

These Mehrfachzuordnung To groups is extreme useful and important:
would be one Administrator to that example only the group Administratoren zugehörig his, could it no Files open, The affiliated another groups open can. there's there means among other things yet The group 'Jeder', the mrmalerweise (almost) any User to belong to.

The Zugehörigkeit To eachone individual group can also again deleted go, with of/ one exception: In of/ one designed group, in the one User Member is, in the so-called 'Primäre Gruppe', must eachone User Member stay. in the rule is the The Netzwerkgruppe 'Kein'. One User is in the rule in several groups Member, only a becomes in the rule of Systemtools displayed!!!

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