
proc Kontrollstruktur: Kontrollstruktur

Proc < Name> ... ENDPROC

< Name> : name the procedure/function

an procedure or. function becomes definiert, The in the program like a commands or a function uses go can. About whom LINK:[Parameters]-commands go The To übergebenen Parameter definiert. becomes with Proc a function definiert, so becomes over LINKP:[Return] {argument} the zurückzugebende Result set.

The in the procedure over LINK:[Parameters] or LINK:[Declare] deklarierten variables only inside the procedure famous (pub). any variables, The outside (oberhalb) the procedure definiert get are the procedure too famous (How in PASCAL). The procedure can also already to achieve the row <b>EndProc</b> over LINKP:[Return] leave go, where then The Übergabe one Wertes on the aufrufende Program possible is.

[tb]xpse.proc[/tb] Return ought to not within creep apply go.

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