
RegQueryInfoKeyA, ADVAPI32 API: Registry , INI

RegQueryInfoKey supply erweiterte Information a Registryschlüssel.

P:L1: the lever one opened Registryschlüssels, which Info one read wants. The Key must with the Zugriffsrecht KEY_QUERY_VALUE ($1) opened go.

P:B2: an enough dimensionierte Memory-Variable, The whom "Klassennamen" the Registrykeys aufnimmt (if present). this Parameter can 0 his, if The Info not used becomes.

P:L3 or P:V3: address of/ one LongIntvariablen or 4 byte Memory-Variable, The The length of Parameter 2 in Bytes contains. Kehrt The function back, standing here The to Parameter 2 copied amount on Bytes. this Parameter can 0 his, if the 2.Parameter 0 is.

4.Parameter: reserved, must 0 his.

P:L5 or P:V5: address of/ one LongIntvariablen or 4 byte Memory-Variable, The The Number of Unterschlüssel aufnimmt. can 0 his, if The Info not needed becomes.

P:L6 or P:V6: address of/ one LongIntvariablen or 4 byte Memory-Variable, The The Size the longest Unterschlüssels aufnimmt. can 0 his, if The Info not needed becomes.

P:L7 or P:V7: address of/ one LongIntvariablen or 4 byte Memory-Variable, The The length the longest Unterschlüssel-Klassennamens aufnimmt. can 0 his, if The Info not needed becomes.

P:L8 or P:V8: address of/ one LongIntvariablen or 4 byte Memory-Variable, The The Number of values in the Key aufnimmt. can 0 his, if The Info not needed becomes.

P:L9 or P:V9: address of/ one LongIntvariablen or 4 byte Memory-Variable, The The length the longest Wertenamens aufnimmt. can 0 his, if The Info not needed becomes.

P:L10 or P:V10: address of/ one LongIntvariablen or 4 byte Memory-Variable, The The length the longest Wertes aufnimmt. can 0 his, if The Info not needed becomes.

P:L11 or P:V11: address of/ one LongIntvariablen or 4 byte Memory-Variable, The The length the Security Descriptors the Schlüssels aufnimmt. can 0 his, if The Info not needed becomes.

P:B12: FILETIME  Structure or 8 byte Memory-Variable, The The Time the last Schreibens into Key aufnimmt. calculated becomes The Time ex the 01.01.1601 in 100 Nanosekunden.

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