
return Kontrollstruktur: Kontrollstruktur

Return [P:X1]
Vorzeitiges terminate of/ one procedure. it is possible a worth zurückzugeben. this is then to the Calling the procedure in @$(0), @%(0), @&(0) and/or @!(0). needs one this worth, recommend it itself, The procedure as function aufzurufen. If the procedure no Parameter has, are when calling as function The clinging empty.

The zurückgegebene worth must too a local Variable his.

too one Program can itself vorzeitig terminate, this happens with the API-appeal ExitProcess. here exists The Possibility, the aufrufenden Program or Betriebssystem, over the ExitCode, a ReturnCode To transfer.

(see example 2)

the Program becomes vorzeitig exits and the ExitCode 16 transfer, this can z.B. in a DOS-Window with folgendem Batch quizzed go:


In one Program can over The API-function GetExitCodeProcess the ReturnCode in experience brought go. important: even if a procedure with Return leave becomes, must The Definition the procedure with ENDPROC completed go. the leave of/ one procedure must not within of/ one While-Loop erfolgen.

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Michael Borowiak12/08/11


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