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with the API SHFileOperation can whole Ordner or single Files with Forschrittsanzeige copy, delete (too wastebasket), move or umbenenen. Deklaration:
Def @SHFileOperation(1) !"SHELL32","SHFileOperationA" Parameter:
P:B1 Structur or 30 byte large Memory-Variable => byte 0-3 = lever the Fensters, on the the Fortschrittsdialog attend should. byte 4-7 = Flag for durchzuführende action => $1 = verschieben; $2=kopieren; $2=löschen; $4=umbenenen byte 8-11 = address of/ one Bereichvariablen, The The To modifizierende(n) File(en) or Ordner contains. These Bereichvariable must as conclusion two Nullbytes include. Individual Files or Ordner go with a Nullbyte separated. byte 12-15 = address of/ one Bereichvariablen, The The target-File(en) or -ordner contains. These Bereichvariable must as conclusion two Nullbytes include. Individual Files or Ordner go with a Nullbyte separated. byte 16-17 = Flag for further Options the durchzuführenden action => $40 = If possible go Undoinformationen stored. $80 = If Wildcards (*.*) uses go, only Files respect. $1 = there's several Zielordner. $10 = No Einzelbestätigung. $200 = the Create one Folder must not confirm go. $2000 = connected Files not as group move. $800 = it go no Security attributes copies (NT/2000/XP) $400 = it'll no Userinterface with one Error outputted. $1000 = it go no Unterverzeichnisse berücksichtigt (only News directory). $8 = If Filename already present is, others names give! $4 = it'll no Fortschrittsdialog displayed. $100 = only Fortschrittsdialog, none Filenames Show! $20 = it'll one Mapping Objekt with the middle-aged and new Filenames created, if $8 specify watts and Files umbenannt get. byte 18-21 = Rückgabeflag. If the User a action aborted has, standing here 1. byte 22-25 = here standing as Return the lever the Mapping Objektes, if $20 specify watts. byte 26-29 = The address one Textstrings as Headline for Fortschrittsdialog, if $100 specify watts.
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