
xpse.errors Textblock


here are The Error and Warnings the XPSE accurate described. The Difference between Warnings and Errors is simply, because in the Contrast To Errors can withal Warnings weitergearbeitet go. what one "Error" and a "Warning" is can between whom XPSE-versions differieren. therefore I will here in Help neither between "Error" and "Warning" discern.

NOTE: ex XPSE V0.1.7f go The Fehlermeldungen and Warnings in deutscher Language outputted. accordingly erspare I it me here <u>jede</u> Message aufzuzeigen there these itself often self explain.

following Fehlermeldungen were to XPSE V0.1.7f currently:

blockstatement behind "case" hardship allowedbehind of/ one Case-instruction becomes a Kontrollstruktur uses which a block eröffnet, z.B. proc  or if . with XPSE allows, without XPSE however you don't say so, is however:
case 1 : case 2 : case 3 : ...

cant convert inline assembler without XPIAin the View source get Assemblerpassagen declared but the XPIA.EXE couldn't found go.

cant ''swap'' different variable typesit'll attempts whom Content two variables unterschiedlichen Type with swap  to exchange.

"do begin" expectedUnvollständige Syntax with application of/ one For -Loop.

duplicate identifier ...One Identifier becomes twice uses. either becomes a variable twice declared - or one Prozedurname/Funktionsname becomes twice uses - or one Prozedurname/Funktionsname becomes already a Variable uses.

duplicate variableidentifier ...One Variableidentifier becomes twice uses. The Message resembles the "duplicate identifier" Message with the Difference the it itself eindeutig circa a variable deals.

... include hardship foundan Includedatei could withal Search not aufgefunden go.

... is hardship a procedure but functionan function becomes as procedure uses. its unclear what with the Return Value happens. Rückgabewerte should fundamentally ausgewertet go. it'll not generally angemeckert if a function as procedure is used, but usually if it itself circa a function deals which XPSE through Umsetzung the Syntax self created.

keyword-collisionit'll attempts one Identifier To benefit which already in the vocabulary of XProfan include is. These Message becomes only under very rare Umständen displayed - since the Message "Duplicate-Identifier" often faster is. there's however situations where The Message "Duplicate-Identifier" intern suppress becomes - then however appear with of/ one Keyword-Kollision these Message.

missing ...XPSE missing a indicated or one characters. which indicated or. which characters XPSE missing position it instead of "..." the three spots dar. often becomes a Klammerunschlüssigkeit with: "missing (" or "missing )" displayed.

missing ''end'' argumentXPSE missing the "end" for a with "begin" eröffneten area with For -creep.

missing "endif"One "If" without dazugehöriges "Endif" watts found.

missing "endproc"One "Proc" without dazugehöriges "Endproc" watts found.

missing "if"One "Endif" without dazugehöriges "If" watts found.

missing "proc"One "Endproc" without dazugehöriges "Proc" watts found.

namespacesign but no namespace ...In of/ one Include watts one Namensraumsymbol found, inkludiert becomes however without indicated one Namensraumsymboles. XPSE see it as error on if a Include (not Unit!) inkludiert becomes in the Procedures/functions/variables with Namensraum declared go - however at Inkludieren no Namensraum set watts. If in a Include means z.B. following procedure:
declared is, and the Include without Namensraum inkludiert becomes:
 $I includedatei.inc
then is unclear whether The Namensraumangabe versehendlich forget watts what fatale follow may have - z.B. Überschreibungen of Funktionsnamen. remedy: Inkludieren with Namensraumangabe.
 $I includedatei.inc = myinc.

no "dim" but "dispose", missing "dim" for variable ...One not "Dim" dimensionierter Speicherbereich should evident with a "Dispose" released go.

no "dispose" but "dim", missing "dispose" for variable ...One with "Dim" dimensionierter Speicherbereich becomes evident not one "Dispose" released.

no variablesuffix for ...at that deklarieren of variables watts forget of/ one Variable one suffix anzuhängen. The Variablentyp is so vaguely. the goes but only with const .

hardship legitimately ...an not-auflösbare syntaktische challenge since the explanation the Quelltextes on place "..." mehrdeutig his could. These Message appear if within of/ one row instructions to More as of/ one Variante aufgelöst go could. The möglicherweise-störende instruction becomes on place "..." displayed and ought to rewritten go. Hierbei counts it Versionskonflikte To avoid.

open compiler argument ...One Kompilerschalter has fehlerhafte Syntax and is To to check on. Warscheinlich watts only the Abschließende } forget - or The row can not dissolve because one Rem angefügt watts what behind XPSE-Kompilerschaltern not allows is, except the Rem watts with ' eingeleitet.

section overlapFehlerhafte Sektionen (Blöcke) in the View source - or. a Sektion überlappt another Sektion. the simplest example one "section-overlap" is this:
if 1
proc Test
proc Test
if 1
See {$nosectioncheck }

string argument exceeds linean Stringangabe isn't completed and reicht over the Zeilenende out - and its on the Zeilenende neither obviously the the String itself over The next row erstreckt because z.B. on the Zeilenende no "" Backslash standing. If itself one String over mehere Lines erstrecken should is on the Zeilenende one "" Backslash To use.

the section-overlap is extendedan "sich through mehere Sektionen durchschleifende" Sektionsüberschreitung The withal gesetztem Kompilerschalter {$nosectioncheck} not ignoring go can - there the sense the Operationen in the View source wrong would and it itself circa a offensichtlichen mistake in writing deal must.

the specified compiler what hardship foundThe spezifizierte Compiler couldn't found go. See {$compiler).

the specified runtime-modul what hardship foundthe spezifizierte Runtime-Module (PrfRun32.Exe) couldn't found go. Related: {$runtime}

to many includepaths definedit get More as 5 Includepfade definiert which to that find the Includes without Pfadangaben count. its To mind the The in the XProfanEditor tuned Include-Paths ditto hinzugezählt go. Related: {$includepath} XPSE schaut of House from already additional in ca. 15 different Pfaden whether The Includes there hide could.

... undeclared identifieran Variable or procedure/function becomes uses which not declared is.

... without namespacesignIn of/ one Unit becomes a procedure/function/Variable declared without the Namensraum-symbol ?_

wrong case argumentUnvollständige Syntax with application of "Case".

wrong parameter argumentwith the indicated of Parameters on a procedure or function watts a Unschlüssigkeit fixes - which however not The amount or The Types the Parameter concerns. The Syntax is To to check on.


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