
zugriffsrechte Statement: Erkl

under NT-based Windowssystemen is the Access to many Handles through so-called "Zugriffsrechte" dull. such Zugriffsrechte give on, in which Nature and point one User or a group very on a handle grab must. at that Call the suitable API to Open the jeweiligen Handles must then a Zugriffsmaske transfer go, The very festlegt in which Nature and point one a handle open and use wants (with the API RegOpenKeyEx would the to that example the 4.Parameter the function).
it'll then intern of OS screen, whether any angegebenen rights the aufrufenden User or of/ one groups, in the this User Member is, really zustehen. is this not the case, proposes the Open the Handles fehl.

One trouble: In which Nature and point one at all on a handle grab can, depends very heavy from the manner the Handles ex (specific rights). an File own so to that example attributes, everybody can Change can - one Registryschlüssel own such attributes not.
which rights (in this drop) means very for a kompletten Schreibzugriff necessary are, depends of of lever ex!
so itself the Normalprogrammierer not dauernd new ? Happen? heraussuchen must, there The GENERIC rights. These rights go automatically from the suitable API gemappt - means in its specific rights (according to lever unterschiedlichen rights) and Standardechte (for all Handles equal rights) umgesetzt.
GENERIC_READ kompletter Lesezugriff
GENERIC_WRITE Schreibzugriff
GENERIC_ALL Vollzugriff

whether one The GENERIC rights at Open the Handles angibt or The suitable specific rights game no role.

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