
dbgetmemo function: data base, DBase, SQL


Anzahl& = @db("GetMemo",s1)

Syntax to v10.0: Anzahl& = @dbGetMemo(s1)

If P:s1 one Memo-area marks becomes the dazugehörige Text from the Memo-File in The Listboxliste transfer, The before geleert watts. is P:s1 no Memo-area or one Memo-area without Text so is the Return Value 0 (zero).

The Content the Listboxliste can z.B. with LINKF:[ListBox] displayed or with LINKF:[EditBox] machine go. with LINKF:[dbPutMemo] becomes the geänderte Content again zurückgeschrieben.

circa in experience To bring, whether a scheduler at all Memo-boxes has, is the Systemvariable LINKS:[dbMemo] To use.

with the procedure from example 1 can the dBase-commands MemoEdit nachgebildet go, with the one Memo-area red, changed and zurückgeschrieben becomes.

Aufgerufen becomes The procedure with the Feldnamen the Memofeldes as Parameter.

it be hereon hingewiesen, that itself too the Content the Datensatzfeldes the Memodatei Change can. after a Memo-Änderung must means too always the Datensatz with @db("PutRec" zurückgeschrieben go. ex XProfan 10.0 there too The functions LINK:[MoveListToHandle] and LINK:[MoveHandleToList]. so is it possible, The data the Memofeldes too with others Controls (z.B. MultiEdit) To Edit.
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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Uwe Lang02/07/19


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