
def Kontrollstruktur: Kontrollstruktur

Def (<b>Def</b>inition) has several Funtionen:

<b>1.</b> Def definiert a externe function, The in a 32-bit-DLL or the 32-bit-API present is.

Def <b>s1</b>(<b>I2</b>) !<b>s3</b>,<b>s4</b>

P:s1 - Funktionsname in the Profanprogramm

P:I2 - Number of Parameter, which The function expects

P:s3 - name the DLL

P:s4 - name the function in the DLL

<b>2.</b> with Def can also Konstanten definiert weden.

Def <b>s1</b> <b>X2</b>

P:s1 - name the Konstanten

P:X2 - worth the Konstanten

The name the Konstanten must with the suitable prefix for Type of Konstanten begin (see Examples).

<b>3.</b> an new einzeilige function becomes definiert.
Def <b>s1</b>(<b>I2</b>) <b>X3</b>

P:s1 - Funktionsname

P:I2 - Number of Parameter

P:X3 - Function-Algorithmus

P:s1 is the name the new function, P:I2 mark The Number of übergebenen Parameter and P:X3 describe the new function. The Parameter are @$(n), @%(n), @!(n) and @&(n) include. n standing for n.ten Parameter (1 To P:I2). any functions in Profan can with or without vorangestelltes <b>@</b> written go!
since in XProfan too mehrzeilige LINKS:[functions] (with Proc) possible are, should these vorgezogen go. you'll at least just as quick worn out and are additionally in the rule too übersichtlicher and therefore leichter To understand.

In künftigen XProfan-versions becomes Def only yet for Definition external functions and Konstanten akin go!

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Christof Neuß01/06/11


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