
key Systemvariable: mouse, keyboard

The ANSI-code the lastly squeezed Button. application to whom command LINK:[WaitKey] and LINK:[WaitInput].

except on Keyboard-Key-Pressings reacted LINK:[WaitKey] as well as LINK:[WaitInput] yet on following Events and equips %Key properly:

1it watts one Sign in of/ one Listbox choosed or it watts one entry of/ one Selection chosen
2it watts in a Dialogbox or. one Dialog-Window the System Menu doubleclicked, or. "Close" select
3it watts in a Listbox  doubleclicked
4One Window the Program watts in the Size changed
5F1 watts pressed (only to LINK:[WaitInput])
13it watts in a singlelined Edit box or of/ one Listbox "Enter" pressed
255it watts one Button, one Scrollbutton, a Checkbox or one Radiobutton klicked

If in %Key the worth 5 standing, standing in %LINKS:[GetFocus] the with -1 multiplizierte worth the Handles the Dialogelementes, the whom Fokus has.

to direct hardwarenahen Keyboard-Query Related: @LINKF:[IsKey]()

scheduler the ANSI-Codes: LINK:[Tastaturcodes]

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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