
playsound procedure: Multimedia

an WAV-File abgespielt. is no Soundtreiber present, happens nothing.

P:s1 - name the WAV-File (too with way)
P:I2 - Spielmodus

possible values for P:I2 are:
0 - The Sound becomes in the Vordergrund played. the Program becomes as long as angehalten.
1 - The Sound becomes in the background played. the Program runs moreover.
8 - The Sound becomes as long as repeatedly, To one new appeal this procedure results.
16 - The Sound becomes only launched, if no another z.Zt. played becomes.

Kombinationen this values are through addition possible. The 2. Parameter ought to never 8 yield, there then the computer blockiert becomes (and lärmt).

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Sven Bader07/19/21
Chregu Mueller05/22/17
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