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The function reads a defined amount on Bytes from the virtual memory one Prozesses from.
P:L1 lever the Prozesses, which memory read go should. P:L2 Startadresse the Auslesevorganges. P:B3 enough dimensionierte Memory-Variable, The The Ausgelesenen Bytes receiving. P:L4 amount on Bytes, The read go should. P:L5 address of/ one LonInt variables or P:B6 a 4 Bytes large Memory-Variable, The The amount on ausgelesenen Bytes receiving (can 0 his). for NT-based systems: the lever must with PROCESS_VM_READ Zugriffsrecht opened go. has the executing User (or which group) this right not proposes The function fehl!
isn't the gesammte angegebene area auslesbar, proposes The function fehl!
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