
virtueller-prozessspeicher Statement: Erkl

under 32-bit windows manages eachone Process a own virtual memory of about 4GB Size.
Diesen virtual Prozesspeicher must one itself as an manner Landkarte present, with the each address of/ one real address in the RAM or in the Auslagerungsdatei zugeordnet go can. can is, not each address must absolutely RAM zugeordnet his, separate Adressen can also unbelegt his. The address in the virtual memory has thereby nothing so To do, where itself these address in the real memory befindet.
The virtual memory is folgendermaßen zoned:
under NT-based Systemen are the first 2GB for users useable, d.h. in this area go z.B. Module loaded or Fensterinformationen stored. The in this 2GB stehenden Information can directly machine and read go. into oberen 2GB stand data, on The the User none direct grabbed has and not having should - z.B. well too the Token  one Prozesses.
under not NT-based Systemen (z.B. windows98) are the first 3GB for users zugänglich. in the area of 2-3GB stand thereby among other things of Ptozess loaded DLLs. The area Pipe.pcu 3GB becomes here of Betriebsystem used and is the User not zugänglich.

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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