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GDL | Hi,
I get it simply not there, 3 Pic Buttons over The Seitenbreite To distribute. Picbutton is no trouble. Linksseitig,center rechtsseitig among themselves neither. but three Buttons next to each other (left,center,right on yourself Page-Depth) schnall I simply not. selected Help.thanks.
Hello Georg |
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Rolf Koch | I habs time with normalen Buttons made. hope iF schimpft not again over my Style (iF is my Lehrmeister *lol*)
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GDL | Hi Rolf
table width 100% means on whole Seitenbreite border =0 means none edge
what cellpadding and cellspacing =0 means,come I net clear.
Hello Georg |
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Rolf Koch | GDL, something like can You loosly experienced, if you [web]https://de.selfhtml.org[/web] as reference aufrufst. there standing everything drin, what You know want |
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Rolf Koch | was Yes clear *lol* |
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GDL | Hello Rolf,
there have I to all my ask already with rumprobiert. only by me is it krankheitsbedingt. After 2 Zitteranfällen (conditioned through Reinknien in some trouble,not only program) must I everywhere fit. I have yet 2 things and then must I ne longer Auszeit(medically verordnet) take,otherwise running I menace that The Zitteranfälle not any more stop.
The sekundäre Fibromyalgie has me fully in the handle moreover yet 3 HWS Bandscheibenvorfälle,2 LWS Bandscheibenvorfälle any pressing into Nervenkanäle and increasingly Gelenke The versteinern. i'll soon everything forsaking must.
Hello Georg |
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Hi Rolf thanks. table width 100% means on whole Seitenbreite
No, separate 100% the internal wide the ElternKontainers. is The scheduler zB within of/ one cell, then means 100% The filled inside wide this cell.
according to Browser and Kontainer can 100% too a Streckung the ElternKontainers mean.
border =0 means none edge
what cellpadding and cellspacing =0 means,come I net clear.
Hello Georg
place border on 1 and Try with cellpadding and cellspacing around - then see You as Browser different hereon react. what Margins and Paddings concerns orientiere you on the Firefox - not on the IE. IE machts to date net correctly, about which one itself incidentally too einig is...
Tabellenkonstrukte are of course sometimes yet necessary, nevertheless should css if mgl. vorziehen. |
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| Nachtrag: If you instead of the buttons left means a hrefs take, then should in the Style too display:block; stand so the width-attribut grab can. there You of ImageButtons promise I'm going of a IMG in the a hrefs from, the img can You then with width:100% produce there You here 100% the ElternKontainers - means the a hrefs mean. Skalierte or itself wiederholende Images are but often unschön, except as background. |
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| @Rolf: your Variante would I as The stabilste deklarieren, I use these constantly here too in the Community. |
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Rolf Koch |
@Rolf: your Variante would I as The stabilste deklarieren, I use these constantly here too in the Community.
logical, because these Variante Have I Yes from you erlernt, How grösstenteils everything at Html and Php Gedöns. |
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GDL | @any
here's now The Possibility all over again thanks To say. the latest trouble Have I with iF over Skype resolved. with my Modellbahnprogramm power now one miner in the Club whom installation the hardwaremäßig finished Platinen.The Steuerungen walk correct, only i haven't been More The strength further Platinen To finished. for our HP Have I now everything beisammen.These becomes ex now my son with Content fill. I have since 2004 known, that this Time come becomes. it were over again 2 nice latest, but hard, years for me.now is it from. i'll here but fleissig read along and if I already what fertiges have, this provide.
Hello Georg |
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