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![Pocowast: 11/23/11](.././../../i/a/2943.gif) Pocowast | it'll a Ordner "JAHR" and therein properly The months as Unterordner give. In each Monatsordner I will then per day a finished zBsp. 21.11.php File having. now comes my trouble: How wars I each day The actually php-File The Homepage? useful: If today the 21.11. is, then open 21.11.php. who can me help? Regards of Pocowast. |
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![iF: 11/23/11](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Hi!
this is integrally simply dank the Include-function -
simply include(date("d.m",time()).".php") -
see php::date as well as php::include. |
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![Pocowast: 11/24/11](.././../../i/a/2943.gif) Pocowast | good tommorrow IF,
thanks for speedy response. Klappt super, but only, if The File in the same Verzweichnis lying.
where or can I the say hol from /year/month/ LGvP |
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![iF: 11/24/11](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | You could before by if (file_exists(...)) include(... Verify whether The File at all existing.
/year/month/ would date("\/y\/m\/") with "/11/11/". |
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![Pocowast: 11/24/11](.././../../i/a/2943.gif) Pocowast | means now, where I The 01 through 11 supplant have, standing here at a single blow too 11!!! So I have it without check made. If it no Problems gives, then lass I the so! You can time on the Testseite come round, because I then to next question come: [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) should I right and left advertisement reinstellen or should I which of my Ansichtskarten (Glückwunschkarten) go through let? LGvP |
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![iF: 11/24/11](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | there is correct what with the Zeichenkodierung not -
evident are The data as UTF8 present but the Browser get in the http-Header The Info as ISO-8859-1 view.
If the liefernde File behind the URL abc/ a PHP is then can You with the header-function right Zeichenkodierung Send.
What the advertisement concerns would I presumably complete hereon dispense -
have me self however already some on experience with Werbeanbietern angeeignet and can maximum Date recommend if one worth hereon places Auszahlungen too to obtain instead of tappt im dunkeln only promised To get. ^^ |
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![Pocowast: 11/24/11](.././../../i/a/2943.gif) Pocowast | have something probiert and now is it ok. LGvP |
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![Pocowast: 12/03/11](.././../../i/a/2943.gif) Pocowast | Topic can closed go. i'm pleased. mandatory now only yet The data Edit and überspielen. a couple Testtage have I already drin. LGvP |
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![Nico Madysa: 12/03/11](.././../../i/a/13527651904b3fcf583c5c0.png) Nico Madysa | the Topic can you self close, because You under left on "erledigt" click. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498539.gif) |
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