PHP, HTML & JavaScript- Forum

PHP Tutorial?


Hello Friends,

today tommorrow stood I in the Bücerei and I of Knowware-publisher the book PHP for Beginner in the hand had. there The with Knowware itself but gladly repeat (well for Beginner) and it right long lasts, To one as erfahrener Programmer everything relevante red has, would it my interests, whether your one short-Tutorial knows, that not so langatmig held is.

particularly lobenswert find I in this direction the XML-Tutorial on  [...] 

In only few minutes white one, what thing is. Vorrausgesetzt one bring already a little bit Vorbelastung with.

thanks and Greeting,
Dennis :shock:
(Fast) alle Profan²-Versionen seit Version 2.6, sowie (fast) alle Windows-Versionen seit Windows 3.1

clear, such one does could so looks:

print = echo

PHP is C-similar, and nevertheless very How Profan. Well, almost. however no fear before it,- its keinerleicht!

the Hauptproblem lying often in the Verständniß. Wärend Java, Swf, Applez & Co at Client walk,- so becomes ne PHP on the Server worn out.

naturally could one with php too z.B. Autos-steer however is it well chiefly for used html-code To rendern and to that Browser To send.

one the warscheinlich mostly-genutzen Anwendungsbeispiele is the following:

I pack on the server ne header.tpl, ne content1.tpl ne content2.tpl ne content3.tpl and ne footer.tpl.

Ne index.php could now for care,- the always The header.tpl,- the always ever ne inhaltx.tpl,- and always The footer.tpl on whom browser gesendet becomes.

Sozusagen standing in the header.tpl the quelltext for piloting of/ one Page (theortetisch always unchanging) in the indexx.tpl standing the content the darzustellenden Page,- and the footer.tpl could NEN schöner seitenabschluß stand.

The principle has whom benefit the if one z.B. The piloting Change should,- one this not all pages do must,- separate only in the header.tpl.

On well german standing in the header.tpl z.B. the following:


and the index1.tpl could stand:

<h1>Übaschrüft.Test,- bla och lol

and the footer.tpl ought to then stand:



The PHP The then these three Files on whom browser Send should would then so looks:



;while (!feof($f)) {
;echo fgets($f,999)



;while (!feof($f)) {
;echo fgets($f,999)



;while (!feof($f)) {
;echo fgets($f,999)



Sag I still, How Profan.

The Source is however heavy vereinfacht,- rather would:


;if (!strlen($site)) {;$site=index1;};

;iF ($f=fopen(header.tpl,r)) {;while (!feof($f)) {;$page=$page.fgets($f,999);fclose($f);} else {;die(error loading template);};
;iF ($f=fopen($site..tpl,r)) {;while (!feof($f)) {;$page=$page.fgets($f,999);fclose($f);} else {;die(error loading template);};
;iF ($f=fopen(footer.tpl,r)) {;while (!feof($f)) {;$page=$page.fgets($f,999);fclose($f);} else {;die(error loading template);};



the really Lustiga on php is however, the one php simply (not all providern!!!) into html pinseln can! and nevertheless becomes the php-script first of server worn out, and the Result together with the restlichen html on whom browser sent!

the could then so looks:

;echo here at a single blow with php weitergeschrieben;

Have I what forget?

salvo, iF

[quote:4ff64e51cd=iF (!ReGeXiT)]
Have I what forget?
Yes, the does for with experience vorbelasteten Dennis.

means something like ähnliches How SelfHTML as SelfPHP. unfortunately know I there no Anlaufstelle in the network. I use for our really well sortierte public Library . there stand etliche works over PHP. sometimes must one hold in several herumblättern, To one everything together has.

Michael Wodrich [img:4ff64e51cd]https://www.michael-wodrich.de/images/study.gif[/img:4ff64e51cd]
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

I Have here time my Lieblings-Helpfile uploaded.

hope helps,- iF

thanks iF, something like have I sought.

(Fast) alle Profan²-Versionen seit Version 2.6, sowie (fast) alle Windows-Versionen seit Windows 3.1


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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