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Julian Schmidt | Hi, watts yesterday, withal small rake-Captcha, over my Guestbook[...] zugespamt. have straight a small bath-Word-list added. what are so The häufigsten Wörter/criteria to whom one effectively Spams filter out can? my list sees straight so from.
$spots += 1 * substr_count(strtolower($content),'<');
$spots += 1 * substr_count(strtolower($content),'>');
$spots += 1 * substr_count(strtolower($content),'!');
$spots += 2 * substr_count(strtolower($content),'</');
$spots += 2 * substr_count(strtolower($content),'100%');
$spots += 2 * substr_count(strtolower($content),'viagra');
$spots += 2 * substr_count(strtolower($content),'porn');
$spots += 2 * substr_count(strtolower($content),'free');
$spots += 2 * substr_count(strtolower($content),'poker');
$spots += 2 * substr_count(strtolower($content),'https://');
$spots += 3 * substr_count(strtolower($content),'href');
Please no misery long word-lists post, separate only potenziale Spam-terms, which one normal User probably eh never use would. About 5 Points show I momentarily Spamverdacht. How can itself yet to Spams protect?
[OFFTOPIC]@iF: New Header-solid gefällt not. [/OFFTOPIC] |
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| If you whom Strich gray make instead of very in the same colour as letters is it in the principle futile. the Istgleich would I well too ruddy dye. what You yet make could would the image share but not about in a left or rechten or oberen or downstairs area separate beget 2 Images The only then a korrekte graphic yield if tappt im dunkeln a and the same place lying where the obenliegende very quick (setInterval(,50)) one- and ausgeblendet becomes. the has to follow, that even if one offered one Screenshot from the Page druckt/ auswertet, it never the Captcha complete receive can separate even only 1 of 2 Images. first a man can by the speedy Flickern through The Formel discern. |
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| Something like: [...]
try time a Screenshot of Text To make. reading can whom Text nevertheless. |
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| Nochmal...
You cans span class website input type Text display none -
this is not very I wrote and not so helpful.
cans input type Text in a span style display none. |
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Julian Schmidt | iF (02.05.13)
cans input type Text in a span style display none.
you mean I should whom Style rather the Parent lay, so it of offered badly was taken becomes?
Nochmal stupid demand How create/includiere I such Images on the simplest. Have straight The Rechencaptcha into Include ausgelagert. Seh I the right that I by img scr="captcha.php" only one erstelltest Image zurückliefern can. |
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| Yes, absolutely aufs Parent.
per php only one img, clear - gives Yes none Header for "mehrere" Files but in Header standing circa what kind of File it itself deals. But this is too alike because You can Yes simply by Get data append quasi captcha.php?bild=1 or correctly. elegant in the Session remember which Image viewed becomes. means simply $_SESSION["showThatCaptureBild"]++ in link with whether ($_SESSION[" showThatCaptureBild"] % 2) true is or even not. |
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E.T. | [OFFTOPIC] Have even time the Guestbook with Schlagwörtern filled. there has but nothing clutched, could without further post (@Julian: Please again delete).
somehow grab The Schlagwörter not at all, there can I Yes everything mere write.
Perhaps. still The Variante dial, where one Admin the Site any Guestbook - Entries first absegnet, before these online weg...
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 05/03/13 ▲ |
Julian Schmidt | @E.T: Have now time a couple More Spam-terms added, your entry naturally again removes. can Yes again try durchzukommen.
@IF: Erledige with the the Parent and the Captcha hereafter. Have same first ne Fahrstunde. |
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Julian Schmidt | @If Have time probiert the so in my Captchascript einzubinden. is unfortunately so the always The same spending stattfindet, if I the image twice einfüge. If I then Neulade comes first the second spending.
here sees mans vlt. what could the for Reasons having.
here short the code.
[OFFTOPIC]Striche in Captcha first omitted[/OFFTOPIC] |
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| Mach still How I wrote:
CConsiderate but whom Browsercache -
You must if The URL exakt same is at least .php?random append. |
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Julian Schmidt | |
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Julian Schmidt | How bind I the whom now by JS one. [...] |
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