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![GDL: 09/24/14](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hallöle,
knows someone of you one good Umfragescript with - Auswahlantworten by Anklicken - free Textanworten - Adminbereich |
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![Georg Teles: 09/26/14](.././../../i/a/910.gif) Georg Teles | Hi hi,
jau, the Skript is something chaotic, is too costly, there Radiobuttons & Check boxes differently ausgewertet go, I mean with $_POST either as worth (radio) or aray (Check) transfer go. here ought to one itself whom whole construction time consider, of manner (Dateisystem or SQL) To spending
have you got to, The Votings into File To write ? i'd here SQL guess, alone already therefore, if several people at the same time whom questionnaire dispatching zB.
would even vllt. The from the Usern Own Antwortmöglichkeiten in extra scheduler unterbringen, a propos, should already of Usern "eigene Antwortmöglichkeiten" the next User showing ? |
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![GDL: 09/26/14](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hi,
No, The User should no Results see, there because of the special background everything apocryphal expires.
I bräuchte The survey How in the Beispiellink only hold plus Check boxes. |
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![Georg Teles: 09/26/14](.././../../i/a/910.gif) Georg Teles | Hi,
aaah understand, I bastel times the days what Brauchbares with SQL, have something like with of my 2.HP already drin but not so one amplitude & only with Radiobuttons ![](.././../../i/s/juggle.gif) |
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![GDL: 09/26/14](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | thanks. ![](.././../../i/s/smile.gif) |
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![Georg Teles: 09/27/14](.././../../i/a/910.gif) Georg Teles | OK, its aufweniger as i thought but I work dran...
have decided, any Votings at a single blow view, naturally without The of Users defined Own Answer... I my, These (Votings) own different IDs and go How with your Georg example any aufgelistet...
yet having any Own objects IDs, moreover have I the Objektnamen prä- & suffixes appended circa Eindeutigkeit To achieve, sees something chaotic from but systematic gegliedert, nu must the whole lettuce ausgewertet go
administrative management make I to that Schluss, because this is the EInfachste here |
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![GDL: 09/27/14](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Ups, there have I again what done. |
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![Georg Teles: 09/27/14](.././../../i/a/910.gif) Georg Teles | alas where, it is not tricky, its only.... seeehr costly. be not sure but I think, tommorrow have I the first useful Results ![](.././../../i/s/dance.gif)
EDIT: good evening,
does me sorrow, it lasts still something longer, Auswertung of Radiobuttons, eigener response-Edit & extra Text box (for comments) are no trouble, Check boxes but... be thereby, the trouble To solve
EDIT: I login me again... |
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![Georg Teles: 10/03/14](.././../../i/a/910.gif) Georg Teles | Boar, schwierige birth ... finally reads it everything correctly. from ( short durchgetestet, shining To functions )
Update: here [...] can testing ... PHP mail the form by $_POST on itself self, of my opinion meaningfully circa same To Verify, what staid is, what not ... nu missing korrekte Auswertung of $_POST ( functions Yes with the display already, must only paraphrase ) and on SQL Send |
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![GDL: 10/05/14](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | swell thing yet. ![](.././../../i/s/smile.gif)
Grüßle Georg |
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![Georg Teles: 10/09/14](.././../../i/a/910.gif) Georg Teles | alas one, I Have everything broken made ... I look me whom code with opportunity again accurate on, there there already a couple fallacy ![](.././../../i/s/heul.gif) |
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![Georg Teles: 11/16/14](.././../../i/a/910.gif) Georg Teles | good tommorrow,
again aufgegriffen --- Test [...] --- I teste The days time gründlichst through & try The values in data base write To let |
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![GDL: 11/16/14](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hallöle
Grüßle Georg |
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