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![Torsten Rümker: 12/16/10](.././../../i/a/617900842433de430ed8f2.jpg) Torsten Rümker | Hello ersteinmal, I have now to längerer interval time again something To building, and wished ROC using for a couple dialogs To style. the style works well, but I have 2 Problems (Perhaps is it too only one kA). If I the dialog as Profan Source Save let would like, happens quite nothing. should hot it'll a suitable File created The but 0 byte big is. If I try over Objektfenster testing the whole time to execute comes following Error:
File can't red go: C:\PROFAN\AKTUELLE_PROJEKTE\ROC\FERTIG\BUTTONPICS\18.BMP STATICBITMAP1& = CREATE("hpic",-1, "C:\PROFAN\AKTUELLE_PROJEKTE\ROC\FERTIG\BUTTONPICS\18.BMP") Nu work I do not with nem suitable element. and the Paths lead neither To irgendwelchen of my Files. speak The Unterverzeichnisse there none by me.
MfG Torsten |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 12/16/10 ▲ |
![Rolf Koch: 12/16/10](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | LOL - Real comic I must then time look, because the directory, which You there angibst is my on the disk liegender way ^^ Hammerhart - what Have I because there gezaubert *lol* ? |
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![Torsten Rümker: 12/16/10](.././../../i/a/617900842433de430ed8f2.jpg) Torsten Rümker | whatever, I Have extra on one second computer tested there have I very The same Problems.
it burn not at me, I bastel derweil simply on the Exportfunktion The I for the Program need, The surface can also later come along ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1148399572.gif)
MfG Torsten |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 12/16/10 ▲ |
![Rolf Koch: 12/16/10](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | I teste it then too time on one others PC ^^ - if it The Time allows. |
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![Torsten Rümker: 01/15/11](.././../../i/a/617900842433de430ed8f2.jpg) Torsten Rümker | any Fortschritte? somehow missing me the ROC already at create the surfaces ![](.././../../i/s/smile.gif) |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 01/15/11 ▲ |
![Rolf Koch: 01/15/11](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | Sorry not yet, because I do not dauernd on the ROC work. which Version uses You really? comic, if others this trouble too hätten, would I say, it's located in a Dusselfehler for may part ![](.././../../i/s/smile.gif)
I kuck but really yet The days. |
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![Rolf Koch: 01/15/11](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | another couple thoughts. Perhaps übliches Pfadproblem? means: old Files, which because of Schreibschutz/from Admingründen not überschrieben go? example: C:\programs ?
Have kmpl. code gescannt in Version 4.7 there there no solid Pfadangabe for may part. it must what his, I ausversehen with in that Package mitgezogen have and really not überschrieben becomes. from somewhere must your PC Yes know, How my Paths lauten ![](.././../../i/s/smile.gif) means externe Files. to that example: - PRFDUMMY.PRF - DUMMY.PRF - LOOK.PRF - ROC.SUB - AKT.SUB One Info would Yes, How see it with the Erstellungsdatum from? is it older, so watts always The available used and it's located one Schreibproblem to. can Yes time these Files from joke in - PRFDUMMY_alt.PRF - DUMMY_alt.PRF u.s.w. rename, to see inwiefern then gemeckert becomes.
If you The Time and pleasure have, can You Yes time look, in whom Files my Ordnerpfad vorkommt and me telling for. many Editoren rule Yes in Files Search and there whom ROC way with Suchstring of my C:\Profan\actually ... indicate. |
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![Torsten Rümker: 01/18/11](.././../../i/a/617900842433de430ed8f2.jpg) Torsten Rümker | so, I Have now the a computer time something rumexperimentiert, it shining objectively so To his, the it on anybody "alten" File lying. which very, try I time today evening in silence to find out, I write still once moreover. currently is the only trouble that I (yet) have the no variables declared go (is the into actually versions of XProfan not any more necessary?) I the means jedesmal manually nachholen must. Well, How said, I teste tonight once more detail.
MfG Torsten |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 01/18/11 ▲ |
![Rolf Koch: 01/18/11](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | Yes thanks Torsten, kuck time in silence. The variables must naturally declared go. Irgendwas is correct there really not ^^ |
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