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Email-receptions and -Versand with TLS 1.2


Hello together,

bekanntermaßen having Yes meanwhile so quite any Email-Provider your Server on TLS 1.2 umgestellt. therefore functions The whole good middle-aged functions to that receptions and Versand of Emails not any more, particularly too The of XProfan not.

in the meanwhile sang- and klanglos tuned Forum on XProfan.de having time someone (Florian Heuberger) at a Solution gebastelt, tappt im dunkeln but never completed or. published.

means have I notgedrungen The last weeks intense with of/ one own Solution engage. CryptLib can TLS 1.2-connections produce and is to that Privatgebrauch free. means have I this Cryptosystem chosen. in the detail is though sowohl the Use with CryptLib as well as the create and particularly Reading of raw-Emails each a extreme complicated thing. nevertheless have I now one system beisammen, the functions.

Emails can with POP3 and IMAP abgerufen go. The Versand is about SMTP realized.

though unfortunately to Time, How could it too differently his, with of/ one schmerzhaften Einschränkung: CryptLib comes with some (too known) Email-Providern not clear, or for may part too inverse. who there what verbockt has, white I natural not. clear is only, that The TLS 1.2-Serververbindung To to momentarily last functioning CryptLib-Version 3.46 z.B. not t-online functions (this is not The actually CryptLib-Version 3.47, because The remaining immediate with a Error hang, if is a TLS 1.2-link produce would like, alike with welchem Provider!). this is for Germany naturally Real suboptimal, but unfortunately in the momentum not To Change. Presumably becomes the first functions, if CryptLib sometime TLS 1.3 supported.

here The of me tested Provider:
functions: web.de, GMX, IONOS (previously 1&1)
not working: t-online, freenet.de

the means naturally not, that one not on t-online-Email-Adressen versenden could, separate "nur", that one not a t-online-Account out versenden can. and unfortunately too no Emails a such Account abrufen.

for interesting have I the of me erstellte pkg here to that Download zusammengestellt. The latest working CryptLib-Version 3.46 is thereby, likewise a INC, a PH and a DLL of me, The to that pkg belong. its moreover one umfangreiches Beispielprogramm for POP3 and SMTP as well as a chm-Help thereby. Also for all Cases vcruntime140.dll. CryptLib need these File, but she's unfortunately not all Systemen vorinstalliert. to that Happiness is tappt im dunkeln of Microsoft for direct currency released, so one tappt im dunkeln insert can, as they with one are missing ought to.

best Regards, Jens-Arne

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Kurzbeschreibung: Email-receptions and -Versand over TLS 1.2 with CryptLib
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de


by me works neither, have private gemieteten Server in Hamburg, on attempt works garnix, the must I time accurate look at, Tests follow...

Jens-Arne Reumschüssel (31.08.2023)
though unfortunately to Time, How could it too differently his, with of/ one schmerzhaften Einschränkung: CryptLib comes with some (too known) Email-Providern not clear...

possibly lying it on whom Zertifikaten ? The go Yes any 3 months or depending on new outputted, with private Zertifikaten is always the large Galama, particularly if one iGeräte using >:/ doofes Apple, accepted only "bekannte" editor for "bekannte" Riesen like Google, Own iCloud, Web.de etc. in this drop must I always any 3 months my pigeon hole delete and new arrange, former could one "unsicheres Zertifikat" to accept because one "Zertifikat annehmen" selecting, and the Topic was for further 3 months eaten ... only Solution is now now since iVersion 14? the whole pigeon hole on iGerät To delete and new einzurichten arggggggh

otherwise should one on Update the CryptLib Waiting and look, whether there what realized watts

Have straight geschaut, 3.4.7 is released  [...]  habs not yet tested.

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TC-Programming [...] 
XProfan 8.0 - 10.0 - X2 - X3 - X4


CryptLib 4.37 functions by me, How I eingangs already mentioned, not at all. there comes one internal Checksummenfehler, if one itself with a Server To contact attempts. though is CryptLib quelloffen. If one itself with Visual studio auskennt, can the too self kompilieren and defined Features one- and switch off or. Perhaps a couple Testpunkte install. I had thereby yet though little Happiness, I with Visual studio hardly Berührungspunkte have.

And if I it correctly. see, can on these point Perhaps even TLS 1.3 running bring. get the someone there?

in the Readme-File standing the following:

"TLS 1.3 support has been added but is disabled by default. Despite its name,
TLS 1.3 is a completely new protocol that runs alongside standard TLS and
doubles the size of the TLS stack if enabled. In addition since a primary
solid goal for TLS 1.3 what to make the operations of large content providers
easier (for example it relies on the client guessing a number of
characteristics of the server, which works fine for Date clients connecting
to nonstandard configurations in Date servers but less well for non-web-
client cases) it can lead to performance issues or interoperability problems
where the client is unable to guess in advance what the server requires.
Unless there's on external requirement for TLS 1.3 use it's recommended that
users continue with TLS 1.2."

Greeting, Jens-Arne
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de

new Version with verbesserter Translation the Zeichenkodierung in lesbaren Text. Also get Bugs with whom Email-Digest-functions fixed.

deference: pbMailAnalyze has now a Parameter More, the one with take on can, whether The whole Email analysiert becomes, or only the Header. If one whom new Parameter not angibt, crashes the program without Error Message ex, as for DLL-functions normally is, with them The Parameterzahl not is correct. already available Codes must means properly adjusted go.
XProfan X4
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de

Boar Jens I come you not any more afterwards xD
tidy work, is soon tested !!!
Alle Sprachen
TC-Programming [...] 
XProfan 8.0 - 10.0 - X2 - X3 - X4


I hope, it functions everything. I have another Email of well 71.000 on one Server, with the I do not klarkomme. time see, what on it so particularly is.

EDIT: The Email functions still, she's only extreme big and need therefore a couple sec to that Download and analyse.
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de


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