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JRPC new Precompiler for XProfan X4 - JRPC3

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good evening together,

i'm recent over the trouble stumbled, that XPSE a quite large Quelldatei of I do not More process could. variables get suddenly as not definiert gemeldet and others "erratische" Problems More. I could me present, that this on it lying, that XPSE Keywords in windows-Atoms manages. there's sometime Schluss (with something between 60.000 and 70.000 Piece, where one deliberating must, that XPSE The windows-API with vorhält). Perhaps is But something integrally other, I can Yes not whom "Maschinenraum" of XPSE look.

anyway stayed me, there XPSE not any more taken care of becomes, nothing other spare, as the nachzubauen. the Result is JRPC3.

----- Features:

*reasonable Message of Fehlern
*direct display the Programmablaufes in XProfEd (sofern the under erhältliche aufgebohrte XProfEd is used)
*Umsetzung the middle-aged Profan-Syntax for Operators and old Containerfunktionen
*extreme speedy native fbPROCs, sofern one FreeBasic installs has (free, see Help)
*with fbPROCs can additionally Inline-Assembler too to XProfan X4 realized go
*extreme speedy native pbPROCs, sofern one PureBasic installs has
*Echtzeitverfolgung of Variableninhalten
*simple Zeitmessungen in the Programmablauf
*Profan-Kompilerdirektiven functions finally sensible (z.B. Verschachtelung)
*eingebettete variables functions too with Arrays
*most WIN32-API-functions are already vordefiniert included
*API-Aufrufe over @external(...) go automatically in @call(...)-Aufrufe umgesetzt
*Einrückungsanalyse to that find of vertrackten Verschachtelungsfehlern
*Klammeranalyse to that find of vertrackten Klammerfehlern
*Assert to Fehlerkontrolle
*it can arbitrary DLLs into XProfan-EXE integrate go, so tappt im dunkeln not delivered go must (see {$WrapDll})
*simple Killen Pixel JRPC3 launched Programs (interprets, .prc launched, .exe launched)
*extreme quick (and therefore naturally not XProfan written, there a interpretierte Language this natural plenty too slow is)
*at Start of JRPC3 already available .prc-Files can to that started and left used go (it'll one Info displayed, that it itself for a altes Compilations deals)
*the Profan-Compiler can to Beschleunigung with high Prozessorpriorität called go
*eingebauter Update-Checker with Download, if it one Update gives (Help --> online to Updates search)
*64- or 32-bit-Version available (simply JRPC3_64.exe or JRPC_32.exe as Interpreter in XProfEd deposit [Options --> general Settings] and JRPC3 with F7 started) - deference, The 64-bit-Version created naturally no 64-bit-XProfan-programs, there XProfan the not can, separate JRPC3 self becomes as 64-bit-Program carryed out
*XProfan X4-Syntax available (möglicherweise not yet everything, I presumably not everything of it use, but I have me circa Vollständigkeit ready - anyway are z.B. HASH-Arrays and QUADINTs thereby)
*Interpreter, PRCs and EXEs can with Kommandozeilenparametern carryed out go
*Interpreter, PRCs, EXEs and XPSE can with Administratorrechten carryed out go
*Procedures, The in the actually Program of course include are, but not uses go, go from the umgesetzten File removes, around the Filesize the Kompilats possible small To hold
*variables, The in the actually Program of course include are, but not uses go, go from the umgesetzten File removes, around the Filesize the Kompilats possible small To hold and the Speicherverbrauch To optimize
*nPROCs from XPSE go automatically with XPE to a DLL umgesetzt and the Aufrufe the nPROCs in the program properly adjusted, sofern XPSE present is
*almost everything from XPSE functions too in JRPC3 ({$NOERR}, {$(PRE)BATCH}, {$PUSHKEYWORD}, Interpreter, Runtime and compiler determine, Shorties, ...)
*XProfEd_JR with View source-AutoComplete
*XProfEd_JR with View source-Memory-function (Markierungen, To them zurückgesprungen go can)

-no XPSE-Inline-Assembler, well but XProfan-Inline-Assembler (therein though no tests on Korrektheit the Codes)
-ABER: one can XPSE from JRPC3 out Call, so these Funktionalität furthermore available is, sofern one XPSE own (new Shorty: {$x})
-variables, The in a procedure not declared are, separate "aus the aufrufenden procedure übernommen werden", are standardmäßig not registered (XProfan allows the, but such a thing is just as mortal How GOTO-instructions). Please any To nutzenden Inputs as Parameter transfer, and if something from the aufrufenden Programmteil changed go must, when calling as Parameter z.B. @addr(x&) use and the procedure parameters x# and LONG x#,0=y& benefit.
If one but absolutely "vererbte" variables benefit would like, can this with the Kompilerdirektive {$Declare...} do.

*as Hommage on XPSE sounds The Endung the Ausgabedatei ".enh3"

an genauere explanation the individual Features is the chm-Helpfile To entnehmen, The in the program under Help --> Helpfile Show or with F1 available is.

----- /Features

Download and install:
JRPC3 can under Downloaded go (setup_jrpc3.exe or as ZIP-File).
as Installationsverzeichnis Please the XProfan-Stammverzeichnis indicate, means the one, in the The Files PROFAN.EXE, PROFCOMP.EXE, PRFRUN32.EXE etc. lying. alternatively can The ZIP-File Downloaded and its Content manually in that XProfan-Stammverzeichnis copies go.

JRPC3_64.exe or JRPC_32.exe as Interpreter in XProfEd deposit [Options --> general Settings] and JRPC3 with F7 started.

any command are with the commands "h" How "Hilfe" abrufbar and should selbsterklärend his.

for many erweitere Features, The XProfEd concern, How z.B. jenes, The row, in the one Error auftrat, directly in XProfEd Show to, is the mitinstallierte XProfEd_JR necessary. For this must one means XProfEd_JR.exe instead of XProfEd.exe as editor using. as "goody" there moreover, that at On- and Zufalten of Programs one Fortschrittsanzeiger integrate is (the can with large Programs Yes known a little bit last).

it likes his, that not yet everything perfect functions. I Please this circa clemency. my  programs can umsetzen, but the must yet long not hot, that this with Programs another Authors, The eachone so your Eigenheiten having, too functions.

Fehlermeldungen and Verbesserungsvorschläge gladly on jreumsc@web.de or here in the Forum.

best Regards, Jens-Arne

2.584 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: JRPC3-Installer
1.699 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: old Version without AutoComplete to safety
3.777 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: ZIP-File instead of Installer
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de

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« this Posting watts as Solution marked. »

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there's a new Version, The differently with the internen Messagehandling bypassing. Please probier The time from. Perhaps is the trouble so fixed.
XProfan X4
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de

Have one small Problem testing, trau me now times correctly ran on the Topic....will be but immediately ausgebremst...

I gib of course with Options whom way on, however shining the way not stored To go. Poste still time Please The Ini-File Perhaps can I the manually present...

39 kB
XProfan X4
Xprofan X4
Rudolf Beske / München

Hardware: NB Intel I9 - 16GByte RAM

Desweiteren functions z.B: neither "h" for Help ....no idea mach I grundlegend what wrong ??
XProfan X4
Xprofan X4
Rudolf Beske / München

Hardware: NB Intel I9 - 16GByte RAM

Hello Rudi,

the are now but two really very seltsame Error. I have The not, what about me have of it too otherwise not yet heard. have You JRPC3_64.exe or JRPC3_32.exe in the Profan-Stammverzeichnis stored, means there, where too z.B. the Compiler lying?

my INI sees so from:

Last_Commandline_Params=-parameter -par2 -par3

The PureBasic-entry is obsolet, so becomes nothing veranstaltet. but under is the FreeBasic-Compiler hinterlegt.

Why "h" for Help not functions, erschließt itself me not at all. this is Yes solid in the program verdrahtet, there there no Settings, everybody can versaubeuteln could.

If you the somehow eingrenzen can, then be I for Info extreme grateful. Something like should naturally not at all his. but a idea moreover have I objectively in the momentum not.

EDIT: what Perhaps his could is, that your XProfan-Stammverzeichnis with Admin-Rechten laid out watts. then can JRPC3 The Ini-File presumably not Save. the could You ggf. time Verify.

best Regards, Jens-Arne
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de

Hello Jens-Arne,,

Have now times the Ini-File manually machine and the way registered.
the functions now....
but with the "h" for Help, there becomes only under the h displayed...

already eingenartig...

but I teste time moreover, Have there another couple things The me noticed are, so mault it me "AddChoice" on as uncharted...

15 kB
XProfan X4
Xprofan X4
Rudolf Beske / München

Hardware: NB Intel I9 - 16GByte RAM

Hello Rudi,

stupid question: using Thou The neuste Version of JRPC3 (V7.07, build 253)?

AddChoice should as uncharted gemeldet go, because the function antiquated is. See Profan-Help: "Hinweis: These function is antiquated and becomes ex XProfan 10 through AddStrings supplant.".

If you nevertheless absolutely AddChoice using want, can You, the Keyword with the Compilerdirektive {$PUSHKEYWORD AddChoice} famous make. one can also as a last middle with {$NOERR} any Fehlermeldungen turn off. but this is naturally not sonderlich meaningfully, because one then at all no Error More displayed get.

can You me u.u. your Source send? I can it me of course not really present, but Perhaps happens with the Abarbeitung something, what moreover lead, that The Help not any more displayed becomes.

Greeting, Jens-Arne
XProfan X4
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de

here The Help-spending, so You if need be at least here look over can:

Help - command:

i=Code interpret (PRF); I=mit Parametern; Related under o
c=Code kompilieren (C=danach left); Related under o
!=Compiler with high Prozessorpriorität started (UAC!)
l=Code left
r=kompilierten code started (PRC); R=mit Parameters
e=gelinkten code started (EXE); E=mit Parameters
K=mit i,r,e gestartetes Program hard terminate ("killen"); helpful with Nichtreagieren
f=Zeile with Error in XProfEd Show
s=umgesetzten Sourcecode in XProfEd Show
n=nicht genutzte variables anzeigen; N=nur from the Hauptprogramm
o=toggle Originalcode for i,c,x,p (not nutzbare Compilerdirektiven go before temporär removes (only master-*.prf-Module!))
d=toggle Aministratorrechte for i,r,e,x demand (programs can in the Admin-mode not »K« gekillt go!)
x=XPSE aufrufen; X=mit Originalsourcecode
p=Profan2Cpp aufrufen; P=mit Originalsourcecode
ö=.ENH3 & .PRC-Files delete
F1=chm-Helpfile Show
F5=toggle Eingabezeile fokussieren (z.B. circa in the Ausgabefeld something herauszukopieren)
h=zeigt these Help on
a=JRPC3 restart
q=JRPC3 terminate (too Esc)
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de

Hello Jens-Arne,

must me times correctly reinhängen into Topic, is already very bulkily.
with the Hotkeys How z.B: "h" functions still not...having The latest Version runtergeladen....yesterday first...nothing goes...in a Why not.
by me is only the windows-Defender in use, and the has nothing geblockt or. limited.
otherwise have I filled Admin-rights, and even if I everything as "Admin" ausführe, no Änderung
but ought to not over the Menu-point File perform the program not too carryed out go??? there happens by me too nothing...it launch JRPC_32.exe shows me The Durchlaufzeit on (with or without Error), but the wars.....

Related to the AutoComplete gefällt me very. is of course gewöhnungsbedürftig but I faith very helpful, if one more Source code writes..
what I cool find the even variables with include go.....genial.
How machts You, the???
The speed would I me for my Program VarFinder wish...still there be I distant of.

OK so far first time...today I will not any more plenty make can, JOB goes to, must yet what do...

Greeting Rudi
XProfan X4
Xprofan X4
Rudolf Beske / München

Hardware: NB Intel I9 - 16GByte RAM

Hello Rudi,

whom Programmpunkt "Datei ausführen" in welchem Program mean You? the there weder in XProfEd, still in JRPC3.

i see simply not at all, Why The Hotkeys with you not functions. "f" for Error in XProfEd_JR shining but at least to go, the was on Your first Screenshot To see. concerns the only "h"?

without your Source come I there not further. is the secret, or can I whom to that testing having? or at least one Testprogramm, with the with you too "h" not goes? or does it never?

AutoComplete is in the doing a complicated thing. from Performancegründen have I already The global Variables and z.B. new PROC-names not The automatic updating with reingenommen, separate there must one F5 pressing, around the global Kram To update. Since I whom over any Include-Files sammle, would the in Echtzeit too slow with more Source code mti many Includes or simply one very long Program. one sees Yes, How long the lasts, if one F5 pressing (Perhaps 100-300ms with more Programs, wealth I). it must Yes each Tastendruck nachgesehen go, whether one so z.B. straight new variables definiert has. there are 300ms too slow. The for fundamentally nötige speed too with only local variables goes naturally only with nativ kompiliertem code. with XProfan is there nothing To make. This is too for everything else, what JRPC3 power, the are to that part vastly complicated Umsetzungen and Fehlerprüfungen. therefore is it in PureBasic written.

Greeting, Jens-Arne
XProfan X4
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de

Hello Jens-Arne,

now gebs I then slow on...
the can Yes not his the only I these Problems have.
How already said, The Hotkeys How "h" for Help weg not...
The FCB32.exe Compiler is not found,though the way registered is.
programs go neither interprets/carryed out, speak it launch jrc3_32.exe and the wars.
and self one Program-Example of you becomes, if I Copilieren and perform clicke, with the Error-Message {fbsyntaxon} uncharted receipting.
have already one complete new XProfan-directory prepares and there your neuste Version installs, nothing goes.
here a couple Screenshots moreover.

80 kB
77 kB
77 kB
XProfan X4
Xprofan X4
Rudolf Beske / München

Hardware: NB Intel I9 - 16GByte RAM

Hello Rudi,

now be I unfortunately ratlos. I have straight a complete Neuinstallation of XProfanX4 and JRPC3 undertaken, and everything functions on attempt so, as should. and these Problems has objectively yet nobody gemeldet. but naturally would like I know, what there go is.

with your Screenshots seem You in the second example The Quelldatei directly with XProfan to kompilieren. XProfan self knows {$fbsyntax on} naturally not. The Source must before with JRPC3 umgesetzt ("präkompiliert") go.

How call You JRPC3 because on? standing in XProfEd under Options --> general Settings in the first area ...\jrpc3_64.exe or. ...\jrpc3_32.exe? And then with F7 Call?

If the so far everything correctly is, then can the really only yet on irgendwelchen Rechteproblemen lying. If the FB-Compiler-way not correctly. stored becomes, speaks the for, that windows The ini-File at Save in this unsägliche Schattenverzeichnis shift, because no Schreibrechte in the actual Ordner consist. If these File later red becomes, becomes then The unchanged File on the richigen place read. this "Feature" Windows is the schlimmste Verdummung, The Microsoft its customers ever zugemutet has, because the Yes completely without Info happens.

the declared but not yet, Why The Function-Keys not works. If you can, then Try the whole Please once more on one others computer from, z.B. one Laptop. or in a virtual machine in another Betriebssystem, z.B. Windows XP, only so to that testing.

If the everything nothing helps, then must I well time a Debug-Version building, The a couple items indicating, circa the thing on the reason weg to.

Greeting, Jens-Arne
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de

Hello Jens-Arne,

or You building instead of the Hotkeys one advanced Menu....
XProfan X4
Xprofan X4
Rudolf Beske / München

Hardware: NB Intel I9 - 16GByte RAM

...habs incidentally in a VM ausprobiert...gleiches Result !!
XProfan X4
Xprofan X4
Rudolf Beske / München

Hardware: NB Intel I9 - 16GByte RAM


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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