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JRPC new Precompiler for XProfan X4 - JRPC3

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good evening together,

i'm recent over the trouble stumbled, that XPSE a quite large Quelldatei of I do not More process could. variables get suddenly as not definiert gemeldet and others "erratische" Problems More. I could me present, that this on it lying, that XPSE Keywords in windows-Atoms manages. there's sometime Schluss (with something between 60.000 and 70.000 Piece, where one deliberating must, that XPSE The windows-API with vorhält). Perhaps is But something integrally other, I can Yes not whom "Maschinenraum" of XPSE look.

anyway stayed me, there XPSE not any more taken care of becomes, nothing other spare, as the nachzubauen. the Result is JRPC3.

----- Features:

*reasonable Message of Fehlern
*direct display the Programmablaufes in XProfEd (sofern the under erhältliche aufgebohrte XProfEd is used)
*Umsetzung the middle-aged Profan-Syntax for Operators and old Containerfunktionen
*extreme speedy native fbPROCs, sofern one FreeBasic installs has (free, see Help)
*with fbPROCs can additionally Inline-Assembler too to XProfan X4 realized go
*extreme speedy native pbPROCs, sofern one PureBasic installs has
*Echtzeitverfolgung of Variableninhalten
*simple Zeitmessungen in the Programmablauf
*Profan-Kompilerdirektiven functions finally sensible (z.B. Verschachtelung)
*eingebettete variables functions too with Arrays
*most WIN32-API-functions are already vordefiniert included
*API-Aufrufe over @external(...) go automatically in @call(...)-Aufrufe umgesetzt
*Einrückungsanalyse to that find of vertrackten Verschachtelungsfehlern
*Klammeranalyse to that find of vertrackten Klammerfehlern
*Assert to Fehlerkontrolle
*it can arbitrary DLLs into XProfan-EXE integrate go, so tappt im dunkeln not delivered go must (see {$WrapDll})
*simple Killen Pixel JRPC3 launched Programs (interprets, .prc launched, .exe launched)
*extreme quick (and therefore naturally not XProfan written, there a interpretierte Language this natural plenty too slow is)
*at Start of JRPC3 already available .prc-Files can to that started and left used go (it'll one Info displayed, that it itself for a altes Compilations deals)
*the Profan-Compiler can to Beschleunigung with high Prozessorpriorität called go
*eingebauter Update-Checker with Download, if it one Update gives (Help --> online to Updates search)
*64- or 32-bit-Version available (simply JRPC3_64.exe or JRPC_32.exe as Interpreter in XProfEd deposit [Options --> general Settings] and JRPC3 with F7 started) - deference, The 64-bit-Version created naturally no 64-bit-XProfan-programs, there XProfan the not can, separate JRPC3 self becomes as 64-bit-Program carryed out
*XProfan X4-Syntax available (möglicherweise not yet everything, I presumably not everything of it use, but I have me circa Vollständigkeit ready - anyway are z.B. HASH-Arrays and QUADINTs thereby)
*Interpreter, PRCs and EXEs can with Kommandozeilenparametern carryed out go
*Interpreter, PRCs, EXEs and XPSE can with Administratorrechten carryed out go
*Procedures, The in the actually Program of course include are, but not uses go, go from the umgesetzten File removes, around the Filesize the Kompilats possible small To hold
*variables, The in the actually Program of course include are, but not uses go, go from the umgesetzten File removes, around the Filesize the Kompilats possible small To hold and the Speicherverbrauch To optimize
*nPROCs from XPSE go automatically with XPE to a DLL umgesetzt and the Aufrufe the nPROCs in the program properly adjusted, sofern XPSE present is
*almost everything from XPSE functions too in JRPC3 ({$NOERR}, {$(PRE)BATCH}, {$PUSHKEYWORD}, Interpreter, Runtime and compiler determine, Shorties, ...)
*XProfEd_JR with View source-AutoComplete
*XProfEd_JR with View source-Memory-function (Markierungen, To them zurückgesprungen go can)

-no XPSE-Inline-Assembler, well but XProfan-Inline-Assembler (therein though no tests on Korrektheit the Codes)
-ABER: one can XPSE from JRPC3 out Call, so these Funktionalität furthermore available is, sofern one XPSE own (new Shorty: {$x})
-variables, The in a procedure not declared are, separate "aus the aufrufenden procedure übernommen werden", are standardmäßig not registered (XProfan allows the, but such a thing is just as mortal How GOTO-instructions). Please any To nutzenden Inputs as Parameter transfer, and if something from the aufrufenden Programmteil changed go must, when calling as Parameter z.B. @addr(x&) use and the procedure parameters x# and LONG x#,0=y& benefit.
If one but absolutely "vererbte" variables benefit would like, can this with the Kompilerdirektive {$Declare...} do.

*as Hommage on XPSE sounds The Endung the Ausgabedatei ".enh3"

an genauere explanation the individual Features is the chm-Helpfile To entnehmen, The in the program under Help --> Helpfile Show or with F1 available is.

----- /Features

Download and install:
JRPC3 can under Downloaded go (setup_jrpc3.exe or as ZIP-File).
as Installationsverzeichnis Please the XProfan-Stammverzeichnis indicate, means the one, in the The Files PROFAN.EXE, PROFCOMP.EXE, PRFRUN32.EXE etc. lying. alternatively can The ZIP-File Downloaded and its Content manually in that XProfan-Stammverzeichnis copies go.

JRPC3_64.exe or JRPC_32.exe as Interpreter in XProfEd deposit [Options --> general Settings] and JRPC3 with F7 started.

any command are with the commands "h" How "Hilfe" abrufbar and should selbsterklärend his.

for many erweitere Features, The XProfEd concern, How z.B. jenes, The row, in the one Error auftrat, directly in XProfEd Show to, is the mitinstallierte XProfEd_JR necessary. For this must one means XProfEd_JR.exe instead of XProfEd.exe as editor using. as "goody" there moreover, that at On- and Zufalten of Programs one Fortschrittsanzeiger integrate is (the can with large Programs Yes known a little bit last).

it likes his, that not yet everything perfect functions. I Please this circa clemency. my  programs can umsetzen, but the must yet long not hot, that this with Programs another Authors, The eachone so your Eigenheiten having, too functions.

Fehlermeldungen and Verbesserungsvorschläge gladly on jreumsc@web.de or here in the Forum.

best Regards, Jens-Arne

2.584 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: JRPC3-Installer
1.699 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: old Version without AutoComplete to safety
3.777 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: ZIP-File instead of Installer
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de

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« this Posting watts as Solution marked. »

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there's a new Version, The differently with the internen Messagehandling bypassing. Please probier The time from. Perhaps is the trouble so fixed.
XProfan X4
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de

Well, you have windows.ph eingebunden. there's The function already definiert. the should means so his. one finds a whole crowd Error with JRPC3, The one before entgangen are, anyway was by me so.

EDIT: though, if I now so above nachdenke... this is there Yes only as Headeraustauschtext definiert. means should your code ok his. i'll the time checken.

EDIT 2: Versuch's now please again.

EDIT 3: You can me The Fehlermeldungen too by pm send (jreumsc@web.de), then filling the this Thread not so. One Beispielprogramm to that testing would too plainer, as each Error sukzessive over new Uploads here the Troubleshooting durchzuführen.

EDIT 4: The Error exit with you in STBAR.INC on. Möglicherweise is the function really twice definiert? I can whom Error namely not understand.
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de

it'll now the Module displayed, where a function the first time definiert watts. Perhaps helps the with the Search to the trouble.
XProfan X4
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de


Tolles part! thanks too for Klarstellung the philosophy behind it!
XProfan 11
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...

The Profan-Compiler can now with high Prozessorpriorität called go (V1.68). moreover is "!" instead of "c" to that started the Compilers To use. there's but a large Wermutstropfen: so windows these Prozessorpriorität zulässt, results a UAC-request Windows-Administratorpasswortes. the rewards itself means only properly great code. The Compiler becomes therefore about 1/3 faster as usually, anyway by me.

with "p" can now Profan2Cpp called go, sofern installs (V1.69).

best Regards, Jens-Arne
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de

new version:

- bow with XPSE-FOR...DO BEGIN-Umsetzung fixed
- each Program, the Profan-FOR using (means z.B. For i%,1,10), can now directly without Use of XFOR in XPSE launched go, sofern JRPC V1 in the Profan-Stammverzeichnis present is (XFOR must but moreover using go)
- old Move-command To {$USEOLDPROF} added

- new Kompilerdirektive {$NOCHECKDUPLICATEVARS}
its in XProfan possible, Parameter- and Variablendeklarationen conditioned through IF-Lines To define – so the functions, must The check on double Variablendeklarationen shorted go, what these Kompilerdirektive bewirkt; though is these check then for the entire Program deaktiviert
- no colon-Zeilentrennung More with CASE/NOCASE (XProfan can the of course, but XPSE not)
- XPSE-FOR becomes now as XProfan-FOR umgesetzt, not more than WHILE...ENDWHILE (XPSE functions nevertheless yet, if JRPC V1 present is)
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de

Einrückungsanalyse installed (V2.00b):

-The analysis of Verschachtelungsfehlern (z.B. fehlendes ENDIF) is particularly difficult, because with longer Verschachtelungskaskaden in principle not fixes go can, To welchem bspw. IF the ENDIF missing. first at the end of procedure or. the Hauptprogramms standing solid, that one ENDIF To little present is. If it itself circa a long and complicated Codeblock deals, is it sometimes extreme with difficulty, these Verschachtelungsfehler to find, if one z.B. to copy/paste-activities such Error produced has. with this trouble helps The Einrückungsanalyse. These becomes with derartigen Fehlern as additional option offered and can then with „ü“ launched go.
-These analysis power itself To use, that The most Authors ihren code within one IF/ENDIF-, FOR/ENDFOR-, WHILE/ENDWHILE-, REPEAT/UNTIL-Blockes one-back. If one Verschachtelungsfehler appears, is so therefore in all rule one fraction the Einrückungen joined, the itself check can. On these point can itself very plenty accurate eingrenzen, where very the trouble lying.
-The standard-Einrücktiefe the Autors becomes only anhand the Moduls determined, in the the Verschachtelungsfehler appears, so ggf. genutzte Fremdmodule another Authors, The ggf. others Einrücktiefen use, no Verfälschungen produce.
-it'll only the Codeblock analysiert, in the the Verschachtelungsfehler appears (means The suitable procedure or the Hauptprogramm).
-found Einrückungsbrüche can directly in XProfEd showing (aufgebohrter XProfEd necessary).
XProfan X4
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de

V2.02: if Profan2Cpp called go should and FOR/ENDFOR in the code vorkommt, becomes this now automatically To WHILE/ENDWHILE konvertiert, there Profan2Cpp The XProfan-FOR-Syntax not knows.

so is my Agenda now first once worn out.

best Regards, Jens-Arne

EDIT: small bow with verschachtelten FORs gefixt (V2.02a)

EDIT2: The conversion can now too by Compilerdirektive eingeschaltet go: {$CONVERTFOR2WHILE} (V2.03)
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de

your system bemängelt The indicated of 8^8.

i haven't been examined, Why very - because there's a einfachen ploy this To bypass.

from "8^8" make "8 ^ 8"And it's running.

there's some Operators, The without space written go can. too whom Sonderfall (-x) should You once more Verify.

P.Specht's Source code in the XProfan-Forums-Community strotzen only so to possible Fehlerquellen, there it The Codes any tight together writes.

there comes already times the Einrückung confusion and yet so some.

Beautiful would The Possibility, if JRPC whom code too at times itself self past unbearbeitet on whom Interpreter wealthy can - so one sees whether the so ablauffähig is. (its so umständlich, whom JRPC from- and again incorporate.)
Alle Sprachen
System: Windows 8/10, XProfan X4
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

Hello Michael,

first of all once beforehand: whom Originalcode on whom Interpreter (or whom Compiler, on XPSE or to profane2Cpp) To transfer, is integrally simply: to "i" once "o" pressing.

"8^8" ought to now ok his. I hope, I have me there on none others place a problem eingehandelt, but really ought to it aale his.

i=(-x) functions by me free from problems. In which Konstellation goes it with you not?

and Yes, Peter Spechts code is very Specifically. but he's permitted, and on it could I wonderful testing, what the Ausreizen the Opportunities angeht (long Verkettungen with ":", plenty GOTO etc. usf.).

best Regards, Jens-Arne
XProfan X4
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de

new versions:

V2.08: when calling with Originalcode ("o") go now any Compilerdirektiven removes, The the each genutzte Program (XProfan, XPSE, Profan2Cpp) not understand

V2.09: {$ENDNOERR} toggles The Fehlerkontrolle to {$NOERR} again

*nPROCs from XPSE:
-nPROCs go automatically with XPE to a DLL umgesetzt and the Aufrufe the nPROCs in the program properly adjusted, sofern XPSE present is
-this is useful z.B. with large and complicated Program, with them XPSE from irgendwelchen Found not in the site is, therein encompassed nPROCs umzusetzen
-The Umsetzung becomes automatically off, if globale variables from the Hauptprogramm with »global« in a nPROC übernommen werden; in this drop is XPSE manually with »x« aufzurufen
-generally counts: if something from the Hauptprogramm present his must, z.B. a Funktionsadresse, The in a nPROC with procaddr() übernommen becomes, must The automatic Umsetzung not active his – tappt im dunkeln can with {$NONPROCPROCESSING} off go
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de

V3.05 behebt a Errors in the API-Header-Vordefinitionen:
with ~GetForegroundWindow() was one comma To plenty vorhanden; these function has no Parameter. this was on a suitable Error in XProfans windows.ph-File zurückzuführen. its in the momentum not famous, whether further derartige Error functions with 0 Parameters present are.

white of you incidentally random someone, How one The korrekte Parameterzahl for windows-API-functions into diversen dazugehörenden DLLs herausbekommt? means z.B. for functions in User32.dll. INC_Gen.exe produced there haufenweise Error, means z.B. 0 Parameter, where really 6 expects go etc. Also extract INC_Gen.exe often not any functions from whom DLLs.

evident must one The DLLs disassemblieren, around the Parameteranzahl the functions To to determine. Dass the gladly time schiefgeht, can I me present. gives it one Program, that these values reliably in a File outputs, everybody can thereafter automatisiert evaluate can?

then could one in JRPC3 @external(...)-Aufrufe with whom gängigsten API-functions on a korrekte Parameterzahl Verify. If the not is correct, crashes the program namely gladly without Error Message ex, and one has its love hardship to find out, Why the so is.

best Regards, Jens-Arne
XProfan X4
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de


now carry I sure Eulen to Athen and will be same integrally thick stand there:
are The Parameter not MSDN into api-Beschreibungen to find? [...]  [...] 
XProfan 11
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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