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Jörg Sellmeyer | there me The Profan-Syntax the Play-Befehls To unflexibel is, have I to Alternativen sought. After ausführlichem studies verschiedener Websites and the Code Sebastian Sprengers Piano-coach [...] have I it finally rausbekommen, as Midi-Api functions. there it first ex XProfan11 runs, have so did i a EXE enclosed. (in the zipper-File is a updated Exe, with a couple (rudimentären) grafischen expenses the sounds) here's the result. I Please to test and Rückmeldungen. CompileMarkSeparationCode von Jörg Sellmeyer für die Profangemeinschaft
Proc MidiPlayInstrument
Parameters hMidiDevice&,Instrument%,Channel%,Ton%,Volume%
Declare b#
Dim b#,8
MidiOutShortMsg(hMidiDevice&,Instrument% * 256 + $C * 16 + Channel%)
$C = Statusbyte zum Einstellen des Kanals
Byte b#,0=$9 * 16 + Channel%,Ton%,Volume%,0
$9 = Statusbyte zum Einschalten des Tones
Dispose b#
Proc MidiChannelVolume
Proc PlayAccord
Parameters hMidiDevice&,Instrument%,GrundTon%,Volume%
MidiPlayInstrument(hMidiDevice&,Instrument%,6,GrundTon% + 5,Volume%)
MidiPlayInstrument(hMidiDevice&,Instrument%,7,GrundTon% + 7,Volume%)
WindowTitle "Virtual Keith Jarrett"
Var hWinMMDll& = ImportDll("WINMM","")
Declare Dev#,lpHMidiOut#,shMsg#,Tick&
Dim lpHMidiOut#,16
Dim Dev#,52
print MidiOutGetNumDevs(0,Dev#,52),"Gerät(e) vorhanden"
If MidiOutGetNumDevs(0,Dev#,52) > 0
WhileLoop MidiOutGetNumDevs(0,Dev#,52)
AddString Char$(Dev#,8,31)
Print "Taste",&Loop,"für: q";Char$(Dev#,8,31);"q drücken"
Print "Kein Midifähiges Gerät gefunden :("
Print "Beliebige Eingabe beendet das Programm"
Print "Welche Nummer?"
Declare Nr%
Input Nr%
Print "Device",Nr% - 1,"gewählt"
CaseNot Nr%:End
Case Nr% > MidiOutGetNumDevs(0,Dev#,52):End
MidiOutOpen(lpHMidiOut#,Nr% - 1,0,0,0)
Var Midi& = Long(lpHMidiOut#,0)
Print "ESC zum Beenden drücken"
Declare n1%,n2%,n1alt%,n2alt%
Locate 8,1
Declare Takt&,Takte&
WhileLoop 1000
Case IsKey(27):Break
If &Loop Mod (1 + Rnd(6))
n1% = 40 + Rnd(60)
Case n1alt%:MidiPlayInstrument(Midi&,0,0,n1%,0)
n1alt% = n1%
MidiPlayInstrument(Midi&,Rnd(4),0,n1%,40 + Rnd(88))
ElseIf &Loop Mod (1 + Rnd(6))
n2% = 40 + Rnd(60)
Case n2alt%:MidiPlayInstrument(Midi&,Rnd(4),1,n2alt%,40 + Rnd(88))
n2alt% = n2%
midiOutSetVolume(Midi&,MakeLong((78 + Rnd(50)) * 256,(78 + Rnd(50)) * 256))
Tick& = &GetTickcount
Sleep 125 + (Rnd(141) - 70)
Tick& = &GetTickcount - Tick&
Case Rnd(20) = 4:PlayAccord(Midi&,3,Rnd(40) + 30,80 + Rnd(48))
If Takt& >= 1000
Locate %CsrLin,1
Print " "
Print " "
Print " "
Locate 8,1
Clear Takt&
Add Takt&,Tick&
Print Format$(" 000",Tick&),Format$(" 000%",Tick& / 125 * 100),Format$(" 0000",Takt&)
Locate 25,1
Print "Das war eine vom Computer qimprovisierteq Suite"
FreeDll hWinMMDll&
MidiOutClose< on class=s2>(Midi& )
alas Yes: Please too time that here testing: [...] |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 09/01/08 ▲ |
Dieter Zornow | by me hats without Problems functions, have only whom code tested |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 09/01/08 ▲ |
| functions (awful!) beautiful! Perhaps ought to sometimes yet between Moll and Dur umhergeschalten go - and some Multiseptimakkord (now and than) would the whole something round down. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | iF
functions (awful!) beautiful! Perhaps ought to sometimes yet between Moll and Dur umhergeschalten go - and some Multiseptimakkord (now and than) would the whole something round down.
If my News Program, for which I with the the WINMM.DLL first time ausgetüftelt have, is done, I will time a virtual Klavierspieler create, the music to wish game. with Reglern for:
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 09/01/08 ▲ |
| simply only a nice thatswhy-Machine (which itself a Midi-Temporegler in the speed Change can) would well einmalig! have with the whom Knobs on the Synth rausbekommen and therefore the Knob-Control program had. the Control shows me The detailed turn - The values this can I means announce. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | on something like Ähnlichem work I straight. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 09/01/08 ▲ |
Sebastian Sprenger | Hi Jörg, shining To functions, but sincere said can I with the Harmonien self (what fürn jazz is the?? ) and the expenses not plenty begin.
a couple Tipps I will you time give:
midiOutGetNumDevs has The incorrect Parameterzahl (3 instead of 0; becomes the with ImportDLL not screen? Nachtrag: If ichs right consider, can it well hardly...) You can for a accord quiet the same channel indicate (in one MIDI-channel can several different sounds at the same time sound). Please not The Lautstärkeregelung of my Systems Change!! Perhaps known You but just not yet, How one The Volume one Kanals changes: CompileMarkSeparation $B = ControlChange
$07 = ChannelVolume
midiOutShortMsg(hMidiDevice&, $07B0 | Channel% | Volume% << 16)re> Greeting, Sebastian |
| Profan² 7.0e, XProfan 9, 11.2a, FreeProfan32 Windows Vista Home Premium 32-Bit, 2.8 Ghz, 4 GB RAM Windows Me, 1.8 Ghz, 256 MB RAM | 09/01/08 ▲ |
Jörg Sellmeyer | Hello SSebastian,
midiOutGetNumDevs Hm - but since have I still three Parameter... the have I incidentally from Your Piano coach and it was The first function, The I uses have, circa at all time one little of what the To understand, what there expires
i'm there still heavy on the might try experimenting. These whole Statusbits and Messages are already something undurchschaubar, find I. How can because one instrument in the Stereobild move? or is the Midikanal-Volume just as geregelt, How with midiOutSetVolume? On each drop thanks for hints. can well his, that I another paarmal nachhake, ifs right is.
Greeting Jörg
I see: The Zahlenausgaben are beside the point, but the Striche, (The though only in the Exe vorkommen), can as notes(positions) in the beat standing. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 09/02/08 ▲ |
Sebastian Sprenger | Jörg Sellmeyer
but since have I still three Parameter... The three Parameter with midiOutGetDevCaps are correctly.. You commit but on midiOutGetNumDevs ditto three Parameter, though for no vorgesehen are. Jörg Sellmeyer
How can because one instrument in the Stereobild move? Similar as ChannelVolume, only with $0A instead of the $07: CompileMarkSeparation $B = ControlChange
$0A = PanPot
midiOutShortMsg(hMidiDevice&, $0AB0 | Channel% | PanPot% << 16)re> Beispielwerte: 0 = integrally left 64 = center 127 = integrally right
Jörg Sellmeyer
can well his, that I another paarmal nachhake, ifs right is. go ahead - really I will integrally gladly with ask gelöchert - at least, if I not straight in the school be... Greeting, Sebastian |
| Profan² 7.0e, XProfan 9, 11.2a, FreeProfan32 Windows Vista Home Premium 32-Bit, 2.8 Ghz, 4 GB RAM Windows Me, 1.8 Ghz, 256 MB RAM | 09/02/08 ▲ |
Frank Abbing | Huch, strain first discover, sorry. one, my computer is completely unmusikalisch, had More of it expects... |
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