Source / code snippets | | | | - Page 1 - |
| Jörg Sellmeyer | Hi, I have time a couple Regexpressions zusammengefummelt, with them functions How Sub, Mul u.s.w automatically from the View source removes go can. herewith can no nested Funktonen supplant and be too OR and AND stay unbehandelt. nevertheless can it one a crowd work take off. CompileMarkSeparationDeclare Term$[10,2],Wert$[5]
Declare Edit&,Text&,hFont&,btnLaden&,btnStarten&,btnSpeichern&,Liste&,ListeFertig&
Term$[0,0] = ([Ss][Uu][Bb])+ ?~(
Term$[1,0] = (([Aa][Dd][Dd])+ ?~()
Term$[2,0] = (([Aa][Dd][Dd]~$)+ ?~()
Term$[3,0] = (([Mm][Uu][Ll])+ ?~()
Term$[4,0] = ([Dd][Ii][Vv]+ ?~()
Term$[5,0] = ([Dd][Ii][Vv]&+ ?~()
Term$[6,0] = ([Aa][Nn][Nn]+ ?~()Wem was dazu einfällt...
Term$[7,0] = ([Oo][Rr]+ ?~()
Term$[8,0] = ([Mm][Oo][Vv][Ee][Ll][Ii][Ss][Tt][Tt][Oo]+([Ll][Ii][Ss][Tt]|[Cc][Hh][Oo][Ii][Cc][Ee]|[Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt]) ?~()
Term$[9,0] = (([Ss][Ee][Tt])([Aa][Uu][Tt][Oo][Pp][Aa][Ii][Nn][Tt]|
[Ss][Tt][Rr][Ww][Ii][Dd][Tt][Hh])) [0-9]+
Term$[0,1] = -
Term$[1,1] = +
Term$[2,1] = +
Term$[3,1] = *
Term$[4,1] = /
Term$[5,1] = \
Term$[6,1] = &
Term$[7,1] = |
Term$[8,1] = MoveListToHandle(
Wert$[0] = ( ?[0-9]+(~.[0-9]+)? ?)Zahl
Wert$[1] = ( ?[!%&]?[A-Za-z0-9]+[!%&]? ?)numerische Variable; Hex-, Binär- oder Octalzahl; Konstante oder Systemvariable
Wert$[2] = ( ?q{1}.*q{1} ?)String
Wert$[3] = ( ?([A-Za-z0-9ÄÖÜäöü~-_])+~$+ ?)Stringvariable oder Konstante
Wert$[4] = ( ?~$+[A-Za-z0-9ÄÖÜäöü~-_]+ ?)Stringkonstante
Proc Bearbeiten
Parameters Zeile$,hEdit&,hText&
Declare Funktion$,RegExpVar$,FunktionTransformiert$
Case Zeile$ > :SetText hEdit&,Zeile$
{ Sub:
RegExpVar$ = Term$[0,0] + ( + Wert$[0] + | + Wert$[1] + ) + , + ( + Wert$[0] + | + Wert$[1] + ) + ~)
While Match$(RegExpVar$,Zeile$) >
Funktion$ = Match$(RegExpVar$,Zeile$)
FunktionTransformiert$ = Translate$(Funktion$,Term$[0,0],()
FunktionTransformiert$ = Translate$(FunktionTransformiert$,,,Term$[0,1])
Zeile$ = Translate$(Zeile$,Funktion$,FunktionTransformiert$)
Case Zeile$ > :SetText hText&,Zeile$
{ Add:
RegExpVar$ = Term$[1,0] + ( + Wert$[0] + | + Wert$[1] + ) + , + ( + Wert$[0] + | + Wert$[1] + ) + ~)
While Match$(RegExpVar$,Zeile$) >
Funktion$ = Match$(RegExpVar$,Zeile$)
FunktionTransformiert$ = Translate$(Funktion$,Term$[1,0],()
FunktionTransformiert$ = Translate$(FunktionTransformiert$,,,Term$[1,1])
Zeile$ = Translate$(Zeile$,Funktion$,FunktionTransformiert$)
Case Zeile$ > :SetText hText&,Zeile$
RegExpVar$ = Term$[2,0] + ( + Wert$[2] + | + Wert$[3] + | + Wert$[4] + ),( + Wert$[2] + | + Wert$[3] + | + Wert$[4] + ) + ~)
While Match$(RegExpVar$,Zeile$) >
Funktion$ = Match$(RegExpVar$,Zeile$)
FunktionTransformiert$ = Translate$(Funktion$,Term$[2,0],()
FunktionTransformiert$ = Translate$(FunktionTransformiert$,,,Term$[2,1])
Zeile$ = Translate$(Zeile$,Funktion$,FunktionTransformiert$)
Case Zeile$ > :SetText hText&,Zeile$
RegExpVar$ = Term$[3,0] + ( + Wert$[0] + | + Wert$[1] + ) + , + ( + Wert$[0] + | + Wert$[1] + ) + ~)
While Match$(RegExpVar$,Zeile$) >
Funktion$ = Match$(RegExpVar$,Zeile$)
FunktionTransformiert$ = Translate$(Funktion$,Term$[3,0],()
FunktionTransformiert$ = Translate$(FunktionTransformiert$,,,Term$[3,1])
Zeile$ = Translate$(Zeile$,Funktion$,FunktionTransformiert$)
Case Zeile$ > :SetText hText&,Zeile$
RegExpVar$ = Term$[4,0] + ( + Wert$[0] + | + Wert$[1] + ) + , + ( + Wert$[0] + | + Wert$[1] + ) + ~)
While Match$(RegExpVar$,Zeile$) >
Funktion$ = Match$(RegExpVar$,Zeile$)
FunktionTransformiert$ = Translate$(Funktion$,Term$[4,0],()
FunktionTransformiert$ = Translate$(FunktionTransformiert$,,,Term$[4,1])
Zeile$ = Translate$(Zeile$,Funktion$,FunktionTransformiert$)
Case Zeile$ > :SetText hText&,Zeile$
RegExpVar$ = Term$[5,0] + ( + Wert$[0] + | + Wert$[1] + ) + , + ( + Wert$[0] + | + Wert$[1] + ) + ~)
While Match$(RegExpVar$,Zeile$) >
Funktion$ = Match$(RegExpVar$,Zeile$)
FunktionTransformiert$ = Translate$(Funktion$,Term$[5,0],()
FunktionTransformiert$ = Translate$(FunktionTransformiert$,,,Term$[5,1])
Zeile$ = Translate$(Zeile$,Funktion$,FunktionTransformiert$)
Case Zeile$ > :SetText hText&,Zeile$
RegExpVar$ = Term$[8,0]
While Match$(RegExpVar$,Zeile$) >
Funktion$ = Match$(RegExpVar$,Zeile$)
FunktionTransformiert$ = Translate$(Funktion$,Funktion$,Term$[8,1])
Zeile$ = Translate$(Zeile$,Funktion$,FunktionTransformiert$)
Case Zeile$ > :SetText hText&,Zeile$
RegExpVar$ = Term$[9,0]
Declare Zahl$
While Match$(RegExpVar$,Zeile$) >
Funktion$ = Match$(RegExpVar$,Zeile$)
Zahl$ = SubStr$(Funktion$,2, )
FunktionTransformiert$ = Translate$(Funktion$,Zahl$,q, + Zahl$ + ))
FunktionTransformiert$ = Translate$(FunktionTransformiert$,Left$(FunktionTransformiert$,3),Left$(FunktionTransformiert$,3) + (q)
Zeile$ = Translate$(Zeile$,Funktion$,FunktionTransformiert$)
Case Zeile$ > :SetText hText&,Zeile$
Return Zeile$
Proc DateiLaden
Declare Datei$,Zeile$
Datei$=LoadFile$(Profan-Code laden,Profan-Code (*.prf)|*.prf|
+ Include-Datei (*.inc)|*.inc)
If Datei$ >
ClearList Liste&
Assign #1,Datei$
Reset #1
WhileNot @Eof(#1)
Input #1,Zeile$
AddString(Liste&, Zeile$)
Close #1
WindowTitle Datei$ + geladen
Proc DateiBearbeiten
If GetCount(Liste&) > 0
Declare Zeile$,ZeileNeu$
ClearList ListeFertig&
WhileLoop 0,GetCount(Liste&)
locate 12,0
Zeile$ = GetString$(Liste&,&Loop)
ZeileNeu$ = Bearbeiten(Zeile$,Edit&,Text&)
If ZeileNeu$ <> Zeile$
AddString Str$(&Loop) + + Trim$(Zeile$)
AddString Str$(&Loop) + + Trim$(ZeileNeu$)
WindowTitle Translate$(GetText$(%hwnd),geladen,bearbeitet)
Proc DateiSpeichern
If GetCount(ListeFertig&) > 0
Declare Datei$
Datei$ = SaveFile$(Datei speichern,Profan-Code (*.prf)|*.prf|
+ Include-Datei (*.inc)|*.inc|
+ Andere (*.*)|*.*))
If Datei$ >
Assign #1,Datei$
ReWrite #1
WhileLoop 0,GetCount(ListeFertig&)
Print #1,GetString$(ListeFertig&,&Loop)
Close #1
WindowTitle Translate$(GetText$(%hwnd),bearbeitet,gespeichert)
Window 1,1 - 1100,400
hFont& = Create(Font,MS Sans Serif,14,0,0,0,0)
SetDialogFont hFont&
Edit& = Create(Edit,%hwnd,,0,0,Width(%hwnd),24)
Text& = Create(Text,%hwnd,,0,50,Width(%hwnd),24)
btnLaden& = Create(Button,%hwnd,laden,10,100,60,24)
btnStarten& = Create(Button,%hwnd,starten,80,100,60,24)
btnSpeichern& = Create(Button,%hwnd,speichern,150,100,60,24)
While 1
If Clicked(btnLaden&)
ChDir C:/ProfanTools
ElseIf Clicked(btnStarten&)
ElseIf Clicked(btnSpeichern&)
DeleteObject hFont&
| | | Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/10/06 ▲ |
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| | Peter Max Müller | nabend, How you mean. thought only because of the XProfan Help WRITEINI SPIEL.INI,MeinProgramm, HIGHSCORE=@Str$(HighScore&)
means without clinging.
@IF : my Avatar Image was spare of rechten dritter and has neither against The good Sitten verstoßen and nevertheless is it again deleted the meantime already the 4th. Why? |
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| | Jörg Sellmeyer | Peter Max Müller
Howdy, because I me sure be that you your code so hinkriegst the it everything ordnungsgemäß umwandelt have I me virtual that I with the whom dbase things time erwähne.
Peter Max Müller
the would definitiv not rather, there You Yes the first Klammerpaar already self in the code stand have what about me whom actual code naturally possible unangetastet let! The transformed functions let I in clinging, there otherwise Problems with verschachtelten functions appear can/go. with Strings could to the evtl. omit but the risk, that then what schiefgeht is larger as the from it arisen benefit. How iF already says: rather a couple clinging too much, as zuwenig. |
| | | Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/12/06 ▲ |
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| | Peter Max Müller | now but
you have right. Einleitende clinging come of me and should therefore not angetastet go.have I not on it geachtet. but The clinging to the transfiguring are definitiv To plenty. i know , I know: rather To plenty as To little. says the Tax too always. CompileMarkSeparation to CompileMarkSeparation |
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@IF : my Avatar Image was spare of rechten dritter and has neither against The good Sitten verstoßen and nevertheless is it again deleted the meantime already the 4th. Why?
I should in that LogFile look who your Ava deaktiviert has - must but confess that I neither 100%ig sure was whether it itself hierbei circa something Own deals. it was one photo ne? anyway anscheinlich keins from you ?! - and ausgesehen has it neither as though it one eigener Schnappschuss was. Perhaps watts it just therefore as a precaution deaktiviert because ebend not eindeutig was whether it objectively rechtefrei is.
I must too admit that I it well heisse if rather one Avatar More deaktiviert becomes, instead of Perhaps one To little. can at least nobody crude injury the duty of care nachsagen. |
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| | Jac de Lad | Please not cut, but I having already times the idea. I habs time completed. there's yet Problems with variables, The same or similar names as functions having (ought to only wend concern) and self-defined functions, The similar names having (to that example Gosub()). and with several command, The through : separated, go, have I yet nothing installed. but as Trial sits Perhaps interestingly... |
| | | Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE) Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP | 10/12/06 ▲ |
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| | Jörg Sellmeyer | so, now functions The row too. Also are most DB-functions/-command drin. If yet what missing: message say. I have simply from Help for Profan 9 copies.
New is moreover one Input, into single Lines to that transfiguring eingefügt/-written go can.
These dBase-terms go now supplant. I yourself none nennenswerten code of these functions have, could I do not too much testing. I would therefore glad over Rückmeldungen moreover.
db(Appendblank|Browse|Close|Delete|Edit|Find|Get$|GetField$|GetMemo|Go|Index|Open|Pack|Put|PutField| PutMemo|PutRec|Seek|Undelete|Use)
Greeting Jörg
Nachtrag: straight yet a Error expanded: dbCreate watts not Translated. now GEHTS. |
| | | Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/13/06 ▲ |
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| | Michael Wodrich | dbgetfield$ missing yet
Überflüssige functions automatically Remove
superfluously are you Yes not, you've itself only a little bit changed.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich
P.s.: it missing yet More. look still simply with the / ex. there find You indeed The Umsetzung. The code is spare - the a should speedy remedy with whom (sometime) missing functions his - the others should whom Fortbestand and the light care the Codes secure. Both becomes used. P.P.s.: ...really quick... |
| | | Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 10/13/06 ▲ |
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| | Michael Wodrich | get your Proggi not running. Exception Error and start... |
| | | Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 10/13/06 ▲ |
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| | Jörg Sellmeyer | Michael Wodrich
get your Proggi not running. Exception Error and start...
Oh... there can I quite nothing To say I habgerade time yourself The latest Version Downloaded and runs free from problems. Schmiert the program because already at Start ex or if you attempt, a File To loading or To Edit? Teste still again. I had yet a Errors in the RegExp discover. who can because presage, that circa these Time here yet someone as active is.
Greeting Jörg |
| | | Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/13/06 ▲ |
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| | Michael Wodrich | again nothing. 5 Buttons - left leeres Window - right listview and to this display then same the start.
I try time one Image anzuhängen, but have always bad luck so in a day where The quersumme ...
small interval, to the breakfast GEHTS moreover.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| | | Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 10/13/06 ▲ |
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| | Jörg Sellmeyer | I could mirdenken, Why it's located: into global Deklarationen standing Term$[16,2] Ändere the in Term$[20,2]. I have namely already 0-16 => 17 in use. Erstaunlicherweise gives the by me no Problems. in the new Version istdas korrigiert.
Greeting Jörg |
| | | Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/13/06 ▲ |
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| | | Hm Perhaps crashes therefore the actually Release (not the published) of my Okrea too ex - Perhaps liegts on whom Arrays hmmm. |
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