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Blink Led Statusbar Uhrzeit

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I wanted to in my Program gladly The ongoing Time in the Statusbar and I me To this object time into diversen Forums umgesehen, unfortunately but none Posting found, where the directly umgesetzt was. some Fundstücke were but well for my tack useable - my Thanks for done Vorarbeiten on Andreas Miethe, Rolf Koch and Co.
Herausgekommen isn't only The Uhrzeit, separate too another small optische Spielerei with 2 LEDs in the Statuszeile. The Icons are - with few unverkennbaren Ausnahmen - selbstfabriziert, your must means quiet grab.

plenty Fun,

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

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so, love people, its so far:
here's The versprochene multiple unterteilte Statusbar with Blink-LED to display of Speichervorgängen o.ä., one - straight actually - normalen Icon and the Uhrzeit.
stupendous were for me tlw. The unterschiedlichen Resultate the .ani-Files.
evident expects the Cursorcontrol always 32x32 large Files, The To Versuchszwecken in 16x16 erstellte Blinkled 2 becomes twice so big and from the 32x32 large floppy disk is always only The Half visible - strange!
this Cursorcontrol have I something russian on The desired place gepflanzt, because a korrekte Zuweisung to a designed Part have I not yet found - Perhaps have your there ne better idea, the control depends sozusagen a morsel of over the downstairs Fensterrand out...

The optische local is already so, How ichs wished.
plenty Fun so

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

Hi Christian,
Real comic.
Well in my example have I simply The (or heist it the? The Leuchtdiode, or?) LED with ANIEDIT of Microsoft prepares.
I have integrally simply The ANI small into left upper corner the 32x32 erstellten Teils drawn.
means: The Animation is ca. 10x10 or so tall though the part Yes 32x32 tall is, however by the transparency observes to the Yes not.
then Have I in code one Static 10x10 on the Statusbar prepares and the Animation hereon 0,0 staid.
over again means:
the Static occupied not The whole Statusbarhöhe and therein becomes simply The Animation displayed.

See over again in my code. what but means, that You The Animationen new,small and The left corner draw must.
your Animationen are integral To tall prepares and ausserdem is the Wiederholrate integral To quick.



is plenty To big XP. there has it right. The Dauerweihnachtsmann .

Mist, any my lovely Icons are lane. iF, when clear You here on...?

same - same mach ichs.

likes aba here net moreover on it come in - Wrong Topic. Aba Perhaps say me by PM which Icons you mean.
salvo, iF

Sodale-I again

have me Your suggestions - How always - To hearts taken and the whole revised. The aniseed come by me but rather, if I tappt im dunkeln in the 32x32-area supra center platziere.
in the code have I another Variante installed: have me from whom Header-Files The required Defs extract, so launch the window in the interpreter mode faster.
i think, much better war I The Statuszeile not any more there
and hope, you are too of my opinion. for wohlmeinende review be I but always grateful!
only red me Rolfs Zipfelmütze in silence - the thing is still integrally dekorativ! Also can it still nothing for, that we not yet our Userdaten Change can!


XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

Hi Christian, be me Please not angry, but I see in the Difference to middle-aged Version none Difference. the part is integral To tall and the Blinkfrequenz is To quick.

goes it with you really not so?
B_LED& = Control("Static","",$50000003,376,4,0,0,Statuszeile&,3000,%Hinstance)  Control anlegen
Ani& = LoadImage(0,ADDR(Ani$),2,27,27,$50)                                         Cursor ladene>


Hi, Rolf!
Why appear the with you To big - the understand I do not integrally?!
I habs now again with your Variante probiert. the sees completely identical from, I must but the control on 376,2,0,0 settle, otherwise is the LED To high supra. The Size is by me completely same! (XProfan8, XP - Perhaps liegts in a the both?)
The Blinkfrequenz have I purposely something faster tuned - The LED is always only for max. 1-2 sec active and there ought to tappt im dunkeln at least 2x light up - faster ists by me never! winking The with you plenty faster?
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

Kuckkuck Christian,
means by me blinkt it within 1 second on/from/on.
and these for my eyes something To quick

See my Image (so see it XP from)
- the upper with the smaller and under with your.

Have straight time on view classic set and then sees
it from How with you means angenehmer.
sees hold XP Mist from.
But if You optisch what afford want, then kucke time on Andreas Miethe its Page under Units. there The Untit to that discern the Betriebsystems loading and install (Real heavy the part) - integrally simple functions.
then can You according to system your or my code create.


6 kB

OK - have me convincing!
with genauerer Betrachtung is really one Größenunterschied, the werd I yet Change.
The Blinkfrequenz is solid. As I said, in my Program (I you available set have, is Yes only a demonstration) should The LED only light up, if The Patientendaten into .ini written go. there the but so madding rasch goes, have I a morsel of tricksen must and the Leuchtdauer artificially therefore continues, that the LED first terminates, if another Another Programmteil worn out been is. the are but too not more than 1- 2 sec and optisch wished I a the Festplatten-LED from the PC ähnlichen effect to achieve.
The .ani have I moreover with of/ one series of 6 Einzelbildern (3x On and Off) prepares with each unterschiedlicher Anzeigedauer (18-6-3-9-12-6 jifs, properly are the The time-outs between whom Einzelbildern) If I the but slower place, see I not more than yet 2 phases of it.
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

then is Yes everything clear

Hello together,
wants you Yes really not whom Wecker weg, but something Eurer opinion to Unfertiges wished I still not so stand let.
therefore have I do not only The Animationen (tlw.) revised, separate too another couple new added. so ought to The Größenproblematik eliminating his.
What the Blinkfrequenz angeht: The have I only slight modifiziert (How said, I need the for a integrally designed object), moreover can itself the eachone with want yourself Change, good Icon-Editoren Gibts mengenweise Internet! (AWicons, Microangelo, EasyIcons etc, any shareware)
I have purposely whom code so configures, that the from the DLL aufgerufenen .aniseed not to use again deleted go. The stand hereafter in the equal directory - with Originalname, only without File extension. simply on *.ani rename and the pair stand To Eurer disengaged Disposal - guaranteeing lizenzfrei, because home-made!
ought to someone not know, How it The of it modified aniseed again into DLL zurückbekommt, kriegt it h.o. sure anytime Help. (I Have for whom ResourceHacker benützt).

22 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: Last Update
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

Hello again,
I have now To Versuchszwecken my demonstration on 2 different NT-Systemen ausprobiert - The by me lovely aniseed see there Yes completely besch... from!
first I thought, the käme therefore, because the pure Graustufenmonitore are (is really my Befundungs-Workstation with 2 fabulous good Siemens-Monitoren, Stückpreis then round 8000 €) and Have the then on one others PC with normalem TFT-Monitor probiert - selbes Result!
where comes this effect really - fehlende Transparenzdarstellung NT? has of/ one of you the same thing Result under one anderem Betriebssystem (98, ME, 2000)?
I can the unfortunately not try, Have everything on XP umgestellt, and after I the Teletubbies-Desktop not endure can, The view on classic tuned (sees but with a others schema just as from).
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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