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CB | Hello
I wanted to in my Program gladly The ongoing Time in the Statusbar and I me To this object time into diversen Forums umgesehen, unfortunately but none Posting found, where the directly umgesetzt was. some Fundstücke were but well for my tack useable - my Thanks for done Vorarbeiten on Andreas Miethe, Rolf Koch and Co. Herausgekommen isn't only The Uhrzeit, separate too another small optische Spielerei with 2 LEDs in the Statuszeile. The Icons are - with few unverkennbaren Ausnahmen - selbstfabriziert, your must means quiet grab.
plenty Fun, Christian |
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Rolf Koch | Hi Christian,
Yes, so see it integral rather from. however, How You points, use I WIN TLB (windows Teletubbie, the was well )
Rolf |
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CB | Hi, Rolf!
Freut me, that it you gefällt. but look you please times on, what NT (4, SP6) from it power! is the one NT-spezifisches trouble?
is ne good idea - Win TT instead of XP... and XP(rofan)
Sincerely, Christian |
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CB | another appendix: IrfanView zeigts NT completely correctly on - now Better get going mysteriös. One (X)Profan-trouble NT? on it kanns really neither lying, too the Explorer zeigts Yes wrong on - I know not!
Christian |
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Rolf Koch | Hmm, unfortunately must I now short path. but Perhaps somehow one Parameter with Loadimage? The $50?
Rolf |
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CB | another appendix: IrfanView zeigts NT completely correctly on - now Better get going mysteriös. One (X)Profan-trouble NT??? |
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Frank Abbing | Hello Christian,
Erstelle I a graphic with Corel Photopaint and load tappt im dunkeln within one Profanprogramms into Window, then is the einstmals farbenprächtige graphic only yet blass and colourless. the have I already often watch, can but not very say, Why the lying. Meinst You the Phänomen? |
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CB | Hello Frank,
Möglicherweise - I faith, I have whom Error made, The animierten Cursor in the 32bit-stature to create and could me present, that itself NT lest auskennt. The IrfanView might but to statement better Own Opportunities available having. i'll time versuchsweise apiece a aniseed in 24, 16 and 8 bit transfiguring and a gänzlich without transparency make, then should sichs Yes show, whether there somewhere the dog bury is. stops you on the ongoing!
Sincerely, Christian |
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| i'd time hoping the a 8bit ani with of/ one as transparent-deklarierten colour itself everywhere same behaviour becomes.
salvo, iFNurn Test |
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CB | Hello again!
now be I again something klüger become: 8 bit NT and no slightly More - everything else is wrong displayed! IrfanView shows interessanterweise XP and NT always 24 bit, alike whether the 8- ,16- ,24- or 32-bit-Files are.
D.h., i'll Rolfs suggestion with the Unit of Andreas Miethe aufgreifen, The windows-Version inquire and thereafter The Graphics style must - bullshit! unfortunately is these display in my Program important and then reserves too tidy looks. has of/ one of you under 98 up To 2000 similar Darstellungsprobleme with my aniseed? because if I me The work make, must so did i know, which windows-versions only with 8 bit walk.
Sincerely, Christian |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Hello Christian, I see of course nice LEDs but no watch . Weder in the Interpreter yet compiliert or in the program. Win98se
Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 01/21/05 ▲ |
| Why take You do not simply 8-bit aniseed?
possible save ani for each keyframe even ne Own palette, that is it should still so or so completely suffice.
You müsstest but neither umbedingt Ani use - could indeed MCI use - could but too The thread.pcu use circa self The animation from Einzelicons hinzubeuteln.
salvo, iF |
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CB | @ Jörg: So the is me schleierhaft. for the watch have I a suggestion from this Forum uses with of/ one DEF and %wmtimer, by me GEHTS (How said XP, XProfan). I seh already, I must a old box with Win 98 reaktivieren. the stupid is namely: The users, for I this program write, operates yet under Win 98. has Yes none sense, if the a or others only me correctly. functions! or liegts Perhaps on your Profan-Version? (though I me not right present can, finally is the Zeitgeber nothing Ungewöhnliches)
@iF: in the principle geb I you completely right, mere Have I with 256 no half-way lovely Farbverläufe hingekriegt and nachdems by me on attempt with 32bit so beautiful ausgesehen has, I had yet no inducement moreover, with the 8 bit To release. Perhaps war I the still somehow there. What the threads angeht: I have me your suggestion of to a couple Meet naturally respected, mere know I unfortunately so (yet) zuwenig from. (What the bright is MCI - Myocardinfarkt? - I nothing verstehn, I other Construction site the must irgendeine Media-interface his - stimmts?)
Sincerely, Christian |
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