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CB | Hello
I wanted to in my Program gladly The ongoing Time in the Statusbar and I me To this object time into diversen Forums umgesehen, unfortunately but none Posting found, where the directly umgesetzt was. some Fundstücke were but well for my tack useable - my Thanks for done Vorarbeiten on Andreas Miethe, Rolf Koch and Co. Herausgekommen isn't only The Uhrzeit, separate too another small optische Spielerei with 2 LEDs in the Statuszeile. The Icons are - with few unverkennbaren Ausnahmen - selbstfabriziert, your must means quiet grab.
plenty Fun, Christian |
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| The XProfanhilfe gives over MCI Brauchbares from. so could AVI instead of Ani use.
salvo, iF |
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CB | OK, werds nachlesen. now must I but first heimwärts.
Btw - I know, heard not hierhin, therefore integrally short: goes The watch on Your Server wrong? - 2:15 mins Zeitdifferenz? Sincerely, Christian |
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| now Serverzeit becomes daily synchonisiert - but the Communityzeit is possible wrong. Perhaps but too The Zeiteinstellung Your Profiles.
I faith but Profiländern goes not yet - the must I first repair.
I gug time to.
To denne, iF |
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| so - server and communityzeit having gestimmt - but your Profilzeit was -1 instead of +1. Habs changed - too the Datumsforumat your profiles wasn't correctly. deutschlich.
now should you the community any times correctly. Show.
salvo, iF |
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CB | Hi, iF! thanks - now passts! Have me only gewundert - my Handy says cuckoo (really!) if ne SMS eintrudelt (my Mailbox versendet the for free with new mail), I look on your new Posting and see there a completely incorrect Time...
Vielen Thanks too for your MCI-hint. have me The Profan-Help to bust taken and then one geniales I see-experience had. even if I The Graphics Perhaps still conventional make will be, eröffnet me The MCI a completely others Possibility: my Program should Yes one Gerichtsgutachter as much as possible Time save, some Befunderhebungen can but erheblche (to) take time. in the drop could the by Mikro adopted, as .wav stored and these later on a Spracherkennungssoftware skillful go. If the once on The voice the Anwenders angepaßt, means trainiert been is, is the Erkennungsrate in the meantime amazing well. mandatory time checken, whether these Possibility desired becomes.
with this opportunity already time my cordial Glückwunsch To Your 1000. Forumsbeitrag - whom become You Yes soon access having!
Sincerely, Christian |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Hi, to that Topic Time in the Statusbar is me yet what invaded. Uwe Pascal Niemeyer has one Program namens PrfAsm written. into Examples moreover has it by asm a watch in a own Thread launched. slight abgewandelt sees the then so from: CompileMarkSeparationwindow 50,50-500,200
usermessages 16
def GetModuleHandle(1) !"KERNEL32","GetModuleHandleA"
def GetProcAddress(2) !"KERNEL32","GetProcAddress"
def CreateThread(6) !"KERNEL32","CreateThread"
def TerminateThread(2) !"KERNEL32","TerminateThread"
declare a$,a&,a#,StatusBar1&
declare Funct1&,Funct2&,Funct3&,Dummy&,Thread&
Dim a#,200
###### Statusbarerzeugung ####
Declare text$
Long a#,0=50
Long a#,4=170
Long a#,8=-1
Clear a#
$I G:DatenProfanProfASMDemosExtraPermanentClock.inc
long a#,100 =Funct1& GetTimeFormat
long a#,104 =Funct2& SendMessageA
long a#,108 =Funct3& Sleep
long a#,112 =StatusBar1&Zielhandle
while 1
case %umessage=16:break
TerminateThread(Thread&,259) 259 = STILL_ACTIVE
dispose a#
though white I do not, whether it possible would, The Uhrzeit too in a the others Statusfelder view. The dazugehörige Inc is enclosed. whom remainder can itself on Uwes HP runterladen: [...]
Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 01/21/05 ▲ |
CB | Hello Jörg, have me the part hither respected - Although of code since not so far lane of my example, mere come so did i not on it, How I the thread another Part the Statusbar allocate could - I faith, in this shape does it too none. otherwise can I in Your example everything analog To my take on. here in the Forum was time one ähnliches Example of Pascal for Uhrzeit, the was me something To komplex. Pascal is genial (the reimt itself even), but for me ne good number To high... How the itself with Things game, of them I do not once railway-station understand, is me almost awfully.
which Profanversion verwendest You moreover? Viellweicht liegts on it, that my Uhrzeit with you not runs:
Long Intwidth#,0 = 374,408,582,%MaxX by me, (I know but, that the in older Profan-versions so not goes)
entspräche in Your code Long a#,0=50 Long a#,4=170 Long a#,8=-1
would You Please versuchsweise in my code the so Change: Long a#,0=374 Long a#,4=408 Long a#,8=582 Long a#,12=640
so long a#,something - sometime träum I of variables! (presently sinds already almost 1200 in my Program and daily go it More...) :| thanks for your Help Christian |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Hello Christian, Related to the Long a#,0=10,20,300 was me none noticed. I Have 7.6 there gabs the still not at all (we'd Yes nothing ). Also goes by me SendMessage only with Addr(txt$). after I the rewritten having funktionierts. Perhaps ought to one code yet at least To into 7it-versions compatible hold - Perhaps have I but too just a XProfanhinweis overlooking.
but time ne others question, Why using You SendMessageA and not SendMessage?
Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 01/22/05 ▲ |
CB | Hi, Jörg!
human, You can you none present, How me the beruhigt, ifs now with you under 98 functions! with SendMessageA have You right, the yielded itself therefore, that I me The DEF versuchsweise selbstgestrickt have, circa not all Header mitladen To must, and there's the A stehengeblieben...
That the Abwärtskompatibilität is so ne thing (for me): The row is me too first noticed, as i your Sourcecode over again Piece for Piece with my compared and me then reminds have, time something like ähnliches in 2 mutants for 7.6 and 8 seen to have. With the Addr(Text$) had I against not known! so correctly. hineingewachsen in Profan be I namely first with Version 8, d.h., I know The differences to the middle-aged versions zuwenig, circa reliably whom code so heruntertunen to, that it with you all functions! Version 7.6 have I of course too yet, but hardly uses... Please therefore circa understanding, the has nothing with Nichtwollen To do! will be but in Hinkunft with releases particularly my Systemvoraussetzungen dazuschreiben. I go time of it from, that the most Forumsmitglieder already plenty longer profanisieren, Perhaps would of/ one of you then so nice, evtl. Inkompatibilitäten To post.
Perhaps should we any our Userdaten with of/ one Infozeile slip, The then automatically each Posting mitgesendet becomes? I werds anyway make, if I there again hineinkomme!
Sincerely, Christian and thanks over again |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Hello Christian, >Mensch, You can you none present, How me the beruhigt, ifs now with you under 98 functions! still! >Bitte therefore circa understanding, the has nothing with Nichtwollen To do! this is still clear!
Übrigens the Code Uwe is already integral differently as your, there the Profanprogramm itself not at all More around the Uhrzeit concern must. the Done the Assemblercode in a own Thread. Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 01/22/05 ▲ |
CB | Hi, with the the Asm is me already clear - I meant the around the %wmtimer or. whom thread drumherum. Christian |
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| the eachone his Sys as Signatur mitsich carry find I particularly in this Programmierercommunity exemplary. I faith but the Changing the own Profiles goes in the momentum not - the must I yet repair.
Uwes code appear naturally particularly for non-asmer something muddy - so effective is it however.
there but not everyone Profaner with the Grundlagen the aimed Assemblereinpflanzung intimate is - and this ebend neither necessary is - have I circa everything possible heavy To vereinfachen The thread.pcu to that disengaged Download offered.
with this can eachone threadorientierte releases manage let - without the the eigendliche Program this manage must - and - what particularly in that weight falls: it must not Assembler program go, separate with XProfan.
everything what The thread.pcu power is a in the Hauptprogramm festgelegte procedure thread.do in designed Intervallen to open. The Intervalle can set go. it can up to 5 Threads separated voneinander angesteuert go.
to that Topic Kompatiblität would like so did i what contribute - too ifs perilous is. I am not the opinion the it umbedingt necessary is the any Codes Rückwärtzkompatibel his must. Please my formulation mind so I do not fehlverstanden will be. sooner ought to one of it go out can the eachone XProfan too with the latest Version operates. these well with almost eachone software so - and not only a manner the Chaosvermeidung. generally becomes here means - be because differently verkündet - from the newest official to that buy offered XProfan-Version spoken. the it naturally not each immediate possible is - same from welchem reason - The latest Version To own - understand itself of self - must but no obstacle present.
salvo, iF |
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