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 Peter Mallow | I have one point given, the in the dreidimensionalen space The Coordinates x=0.6,y=0.5,z=0.5 own. I viewing whom space under a Drehwinkel Alpha=302° and a Neigungswinkel Betha=18°. are means The Blickwinkel (see Image). Uch be I do not sure, as Winkel very hot. now would like I The Coordinates in the zweidimensionalen Koordinatensystem to charge, so I whom point in the Room on one leaf paper present could.
in this Image sees one whom point in the space with Berücksichtigung the Blickwinkel. so stell I me the to:

and now would like I The Coordinates the Punktes for the 2D-Koordinatensystem calculate, everybody can here in the Image read could:

1. have Problems the trouble correctly. To describe, because me The Vorraussetzungen in maths yet are missing. How called such Berechnungen? 2. How can I The X and Y-Coordinates the Punktes for the zweidimensionale Koordinatensystem to charge? On The Formel for x-Koordinate be myself through stundenlanges testing come: x = y * cos(alpha) + x * sin(alpha) but whom Zusamenhang for y have I only to that part herrausgefunden: y = -(z * cos(betha) - x * sin(betha)) <- gilt nur wenn alpha = 0
can someone Please help?
(example: [...] for the Program GeoGabra) |
| WinXP Pro SP2, XProfan 9 + XPSE AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800 | 08/27/06 ▲ |
 | How to the name? IMHO just Koordinatensystemumrechnung. the here ought to you help: [...]  |
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 | Nachtrag: If it you circa a ogl -Spielerei goes then Gibts for Testfunktionen. |
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 Jac de Lad | CompileMarkSeparationtmat![0,0]:=cos(alpha!)*cos(gamma!)-sin(alpha!)*sin(beta!)*sin(gamma!);
proc calcx
parameters x!,y!,z!
Return xleft%+dx%*(0.5+scalx!*(tmat![0,0]*x!+tmat![1,0]*y!+tmat![2,0]*z!/(zmax!-zmin!)))
proc calcy
parameters x!,y!,z!
Return yleft%+dy%*(0.5-scaly!*(tmat![0,1]*x!+tmat![1,1]*y!+tmat![2,1]*z!/(zmax!-zmin!))));
If I not crazy. The Formel, slight extended, use I to Representation of the Graphen in Parcival.
xleft%,yleft%,dx%,dy% give whom neckline in a Control on, into drawn go should (z.B. STATIC or Window). scalx! and scaly! are The Skalierung (as standard would I 0.2 recommend). xmin!, xmax!, ymin!, ymax!, zmin! and zmax! are The Coordinates, the 3D-Ausschnittes in the displayed becomes.
The Matrix must for each Winkel recalculated and be The Declaration the variables missing yet! The Ergebisse is the point in the Control, into drawn go should.
Jac  |
| Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE) Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP | 08/27/06 ▲ |
 Peter Mallow | first thanks
guck me the example of Jac once more accurate on |
| WinXP Pro SP2, XProfan 9 + XPSE AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800 | 08/29/06 ▲ |
 Jac de Lad | Please Nich cut, ifs Nich works. The Originalquellext is in Delphi, can his, I what wrong Translated have.
BTW: Wennde time see want, How the then looks, gib with Search simply Parcival one, lad you The neuste Version down, starte the Demoprogramm and staune! 
Jac  |
| Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE) Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP | 08/29/06 ▲ |