Source / code snippets

create Menüleiste


Source watts on the 15.07.2007 from the MMJ-Quellcodesammlung (Dietmar horn) in The Babyklappe on XProfan.Com stored:
Menüleiste create
executable ex Profan-Version 5.0
cover:    Menüleiste
Author:    Rolf cook - ROKO-SOFTWARE
e-mail:   webmaster@rokosoft.de
homepage: http://www.rokosoft.de
date:    10.01.2001
How becomes one Menu prepares?
How question I The individual spots ex?
Declare end%				Variable preparing
Window 10,10 - 500,300			How always Window create
Windowtitle Menüs create/evaluate	Window Title
here becomes The Menüleiste prepares:
the & means: the to the & characters coming character
becomes underlined and can then with the letters on
the keyboard the same effect and in example File öffnen . Run
Pop &File				integrally left Obereintrag File
AppendMenu 1,&öffnen		Untereintrag (File) öffnen
SEPARATOR				an Trennlinie
AppendMenu 2,&close		Untereintrag (File) close
AppendMenu 3,&End of program		End of program (File) End of program
Pop &Help				next entry groin: Help
SubPopup &Info			Untereintrag (Help) Info
AppendMenu 4,&Program		Untereintrag to that Untereintrag Info :-) Program
AppendMenu 5,&Author		Untereintrag to that Untereintrag Info :-) Author

Whilenot end%				as long as Endevariable = 0

    waitinput				wait on mouse or Button
    here now The Auswertungen the items (integrally simply)

    IF @Menuitem(254)			exception 254 is the (c) characters

        becomes this klicked can one a
        Infobox create or so what.
        in the Interpreter comes but always yet
        first the Info to that Profaninterpreter
        cls				screen delete
        PRINT demonstration to that Menüprogramm	spending Text screen

    Elseif @Menuitem (1)			File öffnen chosen

        Print now would in example the Dateiwahldialog opened

    Elseif @Menuitem (2)			File close chosen

        Print here could one The actually File again close

    Elseif @Menuitem (3)			End of program chosen

        Print now would the Program exits
        Print then should in the Source stand
        Print let end%=1
        let end%=1			becomes the Hochkomma removes
        really End of program, there creep
        circumstance given is end%=1

    Elseif @Menuitem (4)			Help/Info/Program chosen

        Print this Program is to demonstration Menu virtual

    Elseif @Menuitem (5)			Help/Info/Author chosen

        Print (c) by Rolf cook - Roko-software 2001
        ENDIF					end the request
        Wend					back To Whilenot end% (To End of program)

Zum Quelltext

Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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