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| because of the write one own Installers have I so many File/Paths Stringmanipulationsfunktionen written.
some of it poste I here, but first a couple DEFs of a Herrn Jörg Sellmeyer, which I in Profan-Forum found. CompileMarkSeparationDef CharCount(2) Int(Sub(Len(@$(1)),Len(translate$(@$(1),@$(2),""))))
Def VerzeichnisTiefe(1) Int(Sub(Len(@$(1)),Len(Translate$(@$(1),"\",""))))
Def PfadTeil(2) SubStr$(@$(1),@%(2),"\")Vorher sollte man die Verzeichnistiefe ermitteln
Def DateiName(1) SubStr$(@$(1),Add(VerzeichnisTiefe(@$(1)),1),"\")
Def DateiPfad(1) Translate$(@$(1),Add$("\",DateiName(@$(1))),"")
Def Home(0) Translate$(Upper$(Par$(0)),Upper$(FindFirst$(Par$(0))),"")
here some Procs from my in the meantime still älterem Installer:
These function prepares in example a directory c:estest2est3 too then, if it yet garkein directory c:est or c:estest2 gives. The function can sozusagen self-indulgent one To erstellendes directory transfer go, and self the place there becomes prepares. CompileMarkSeparation
Proc void_CreatePath
Parameters s$
declare lw$
while len (s$)
Let lw$=add$(lw$,Mid$(s$,1,add(1,len(substr$(s$,1,"")))) )
let s$=del$(s$,1,add(1,len(substr$(s$,1,""))))
if (lw$<>"")
here another couple undokumentierte: CompileMarkSeparation CompileMarkSeparation CompileMarkSeparation CompileMarkSeparation CompileMarkSeparation CompileMarkSeparation CompileMarkSeparation
too The function [...] might not are missing. |
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| here another small Zugabe, around the File extension to exchange.
CompileMarkSeparation {$i}//file-extension-renamer by iF :-D
print changefileext("somefile.gif","ps")
proc changefileext
parameters f$,e$
declare tmp$,i&,ii&
if len(f$)
ifnot instr(".",f$)
until not(len(tmp$))
sub i&,2
for ii&:=1 to i& do tmp$:=tmp$+substr$(f$,ii&,".")+"."
return f$
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Sebastian König | Hello iF,
are You sure, that The procedure void_makesuperpath the power, what You want?
I have time tested: CompileMarkSeparation the Result is still certainly not so desired...
You must mind, that The semidetached-Backslashes only in Stringliteralen validly are, not but in variables. concise: One semidetached-Backslash, whom You into code eintippst, is objectively one plainer Backslash.
c:estesthallo is objectively: c:[TAB]est[TAB]esthallo and c:\Test\Test\Hello is objectively c:estesthallo
or have I The procedure wrong understood?
Sebastian |
| Windows XP, XProfan/Profan² 4.5 bis 11 Profan2Cpp-Homepage: [...] Alte Profan²-Seite: [...] | 07/21/04 ▲ |
| Yes, have You wrong understood. The procedure isn't for there circa Eingabefehler via Escapesequenzen auszubessern. I have me too in the Description badly framed.
The procedure should objectively just a two make. circa More went it thereby not, because I others functions having The not after a separate to two sought.
I have but the Proc from the Program taken, circa possible Mißverständnissen from the ways to go.
with Pfadangaben via XPSE there the what You ansprichst via CompileMarkSeparationor even: CompileMarkSeparation |
Sebastian König | Hello iF,
ok .
[quote:871ef2f47c]with Pfadangaben via XPSE there the what You ansprichst via //xpse-source s$=c:est oraanchor:file [/quote:871ef2f47c] Yes, know I. I find it sincere said but really plainer, whom semidetached-Backslash or Franks Variante (plainer Slash) To using.
comic, that the Topic so often auftaucht...
Sebastian |
| Windows XP, XProfan/Profan² 4.5 bis 11 Profan2Cpp-Homepage: [...] Alte Profan²-Seite: [...] | 07/21/04 ▲ |
| now, the the Topic so often auftaucht wundert me eigendlich right little. who in Hochsprachen Proggt is hold geübt too with such Gegebenheiten How Escapesequenzen umzugehen, Profan-Progger are however chiefly Programmier-Beginner, for the Topic often a entrapment darstellt.
I personally be even the opinion, the The Escapesequenzen in Profan nothing to search having. sooner would I understand if one #0, #13#10 etc. possible would. I have to this with XPSE umzusetzen.
[quote:94aea63370=Sebastian king]Hello iF,
I find it sincere said but really plainer, whom semidetached-Backslash or Franks Variante (plainer Slash) To using.[/quote:94aea63370] now, therefore goes not. It's all right sooner daraum the one simply vergißt. and of course the one soebend a way association has. If one itself means angewöhnt one :file anzusetzen, carry this simply moreover with, the one it Perhaps less except eight läst. because one reminds itself Perhaps on the SYMBOL :file. itself on Slash oda Doppelslash remind is from psychologischer visibility tougher, because it no SYMBOL darstellt. and with Anfängern comes the hold sooner -- How one Yes sees -- to that carry.
Simple Gedankenspiel: Würe it in Profan you don't say so his, Strings simply by anzugeben, separate would there a function for normal Strings namens string(gogol), and Files one file(c would the trouble never emerged, because eachone at the latest to the 1. Fehlschlag itself reminds the it file() To benefit has. One Indizienbeweiß for can his, the itself yet never someone beschwert has the one with string b#,0= no LONGS into area pack can. its hold coherent.
To denne, iF |
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Sebastian König | Hello iF,
one can sure very long above diskutieren ...
it is correct, as recollection, is your :file really integrally useful.
string() and file() would find I personally plenty To umständlich. rather would I it find, if XProfan How others Languages with not erkannten Escape-Sequenzen (How h in Your c:estesthallo) meckern would. then learn one too right quick, that The Backslashes nunmal a Sonderrolle having.
but what reserves - so has one at least what to that talk...
P.s.: but not #0, #13#10 would I naturally ooo (Oktal) and xhhh (Hexadezimal) favorisieren . |
| Windows XP, XProfan/Profan² 4.5 bis 11 Profan2Cpp-Homepage: [...] Alte Profan²-Seite: [...] | 07/21/04 ▲ |
| [quote:64eb88146a=Sebastian king]Hello iF, P.s.: but not #0, #13#10 would I naturally ooo (Oktal) and xhhh (Hexadezimal) favorisieren .[/quote:64eb88146a] Jaja, is correct already.
I Have but already angemerkt, that I ESC-Seqs in Profan not for correctly. stops. the comes me so a little bit to How :stream in Basic. me goes it means not therefore possible
s$=Hx41LLO write to, separate s$=H+#65+LLO+#13#10
Yup, iF |
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Sebastian König | Hello iF,
[quote:905bcf7e0d]me goes it means not therefore possible
s$=Hx41LLO write to, separate s$=H+#65+LLO+#13#10 [/quote:905bcf7e0d] ok, the would a good short cut for @chr$()!
Sebastian |
| Windows XP, XProfan/Profan² 4.5 bis 11 Profan2Cpp-Homepage: [...] Alte Profan²-Seite: [...] | 07/21/04 ▲ |