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| Thanks Sebastian [...] here DrawPic-Nachbau to application on definierbaren DC: CompileMarkSeparation
DrawPic_(long tDC,lBmp,nX,nY,nMode){
long hBitmap=lBmp
mem bm=BITMAP
getObject(hBitmap, sizeof(bm),bm)
int nCopyMode=srcCopy;
select nMode
caseOf 1: nCopyMode = SRCAND
caseOf 2: nCopyMode = SRCPAINT
caseOf 3: nCopyMode = SRCINVERT
caseOf 4: nCopyMode = DSTINVERT
nCopyMode = SRCCOPY
long hTempDC = CreateCompatibleDC(tDC)
long hOldBmp = SelectObject(hTempDC, hBitmap)
BitBlt(tDC, nX, nY, bm::bmWidth&, bm::bmHeight&, hTempDC, 0, 0, nCopyMode)
SelectObject(hTempDC, hOldBmp)
dispose bm t color=#0000FF>}
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| and here the reason for Nachbau - one geclipptes drawPic: CompileMarkSeparation
drawPicClipped(long tDC,lBmp,nX,nY,nMode,x,y,xx,yy){
long hBitmap=lBmp
add xx,x
add yy,y
mem bm=BITMAP
getObject(hBitmap, sizeof(bm),bm)
int nCopyMode=srcCopy;
select nMode
caseOf 1: nCopyMode = SRCAND
caseOf 2: nCopyMode = SRCPAINT
caseOf 3: nCopyMode = SRCINVERT
caseOf 4: nCopyMode = DSTINVERT
nCopyMode = SRCCOPY
long hTempDC = CreateCompatibleDC(tDC)
long hOldBmp = SelectObject(hTempDC, hBitmap)
BitBlt(tDC, x,y, xx-x, yy-y, hTempDC,x-nx,y-ny, nCopyMode)
//SelectObject(hTempDC, hOldBmp)
//deleteObject hBitmap
dispose b
The last 4 Parameter give a area on the the spending dull.
accordingly can one large Image to a small neckline laid go without the More as the neckline objectively überschrieben becomes.
The CopyModus becomes hiebei however (yet) unregarded there the Content the ZielDCs not yet mind becomes. yet means only srcCopy. |
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Frank Abbing | on the end not only whom DC, separate too The Bitmap again destroy through DeleteObject. and beautiful in this Order. |
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| can You, the once vormachen so it too yet functions? |
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