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![p.specht: 05/01/21](.././../../i/a/3477.gif) p.specht
![DOKTOR XPROFAN EHRENHALBER](.././../../i/dr.gif) |
Window Title "Ellipsenbögen in beliebiger Lage"
' Info: Please Achsendimensionen accommodate to Bildschirmauflösung!
' (T) Trashware 2012 by P. woodpecker. To my Gunsten is on nachfolgender place one
' maximum rechtswirksamer Haftungsausschließungtext of Programmanwender einzufügen:
' <This lines intentionally left blank>
' Bildausgabe changed by Volkmar Göritz
Window Style 16 | 64
Window 0,0 - %maxx,%maxy
Font 2:randomize
var col&=rgb(200,200,200)+rgb(rnd(56),rnd(56),rnd(56))
var f!=pi()/180:var xm!=%maxx/2:var ym!=%maxy/2
declare end&,ctr&
Declare Bitmap%
inc ctr&
WHILELOOP 360,0,-10
'Locate 1,1:Print " end: ESC hold! "
'MCLS %maxx,%maxy,col&:StartPaint -1
Case Bitmap% : DeleteObject Bitmap%
Bitmap% = create("hNewPic", %maxx,%maxy,col&)
StartPaint Bitmap%
Text Color 20200,-1'col&
DrawText 1,1,"Ende ESC"
Achsen xm!,ym!
Ellipsenbogen 400,170,f!*0; \'Halbachsen a,b, desired turn (f!*grd=rad)
f!*&Loop+pi(),f!*(&Loop+30); \'Start- and Endwinkel from visibility the Ellipse_
rgb(220,0,0),6;0' colour,strength,Segmentierschalter 0/1
Ellipsenbogen 400,170,-f!*50; \'Halbachsen a,b, desired turn (f!*grd=rad)
-f!*&Loop,-f!*(&Loop+40); \'Start- and Endwinkel from visibility the Ellipse_
rgb(0,0,220),9;1' colour,strength,Segmentierschalter 0/1
Ellipsenbogen 400,170,-f!*80; \'Halbachsen a,b, desired turn (f!*grd=rad)
f!*&Loop,f!*(&Loop+60); \'Start- and Endwinkel from visibility the Ellipse_
rgb(0,220,0),5;0' colour,strength,Segmentierschalter 0/1
'EndPaint:MCopyBMP 0,0 - %maxx,%maxy >0,0;0
DrawPic Bitmap%, 0, 0; 0
waitinput 5:if %key=27:end&=1:break :endif
if end&:Sound 2200,40: DeleteObject Bitmap% :END :Endif
Goto "Begin"
proc Ellipsenbogen
parameters a!,b!,alpha!,beta!,gamma!,col&,thk&,sw&
declare x!,y!,g!,tmp!,nenr!,wrz!,inkr!
if beta!>gamma!:tmp!=gamma!:gamma!=beta!:beta!=tmp!:endif
var of!=beta!:var To!=gamma!:g!=of!
Repeat :x!=a!*cos(-g!):y!=b!*sin(-g!)
case g!=of! : moveto xm!+x!,ym!-y!
usepen 0,thk&,col&:lineto xm!+x!,ym!-y!:usepen 0,1,0
case sw&:line xm!,ym! - (xm!+x!),ym!-y!
g!=g!+inkr!:until g!>=To!
proc Achsen :parameters x!,y!
line xm!,0 - xm!,2*ym!
line 0,ym! - 2*xm!,ym!
| Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'... | 05/01/21 ▲ |