Source / code snippets

filled control over any Keys inkl. Mouse buttons (Simple XProfan)



Window Title "Volle control over any Keys inkl. Maus"
Windowstyle 24
CLS'Window 0,0-%maxx,%maxy-40
Font 2


    print %mousepressed,%mousex,%mousey,"   ",

    select %mousekey

        caseof 1:print "Linke Maustaste",

        caseof 2:print "Rechte Maustaste",


    select %scankey

        caseof 1:print "$01 left Mouse button VK_LBUTTON",'??

        caseof 2:print "$02 rights Mouse button VK_RBUTTON",'??

        caseof 3:print "$03 Strg-disruption VK_CANCEL",

        caseof 4:print "$04 Mittlere Mouse button VK_MBUTTON",

        caseof 8:print "$08 BackSpace VK_BACK",

        caseof 9:print "$09 tab-Button VK_TAB",

        caseof 12:print "$0C Remove VK_CLEAR",

        caseof 13:print "$0D Return VK_RETURN",

        caseof 16:print "$10 Invoice values VK_SHIFT",

        caseof 17:print "$11 Strg VK_CONTROL",

        caseof 18:print "$12 old / Menu VK_MENU",

        caseof 19:print "$13 interval VK_PAUSE",

        caseof 20:print "$14 CapsLock VK_CAPITAL",

        caseof 27:print "$1B Esc VK_ESCAPE",

        caseof 32:print "$20 Space VK_SPACE",

        caseof 33:print "$21 BildHoch VK_PRIOR",

        caseof 34:print "$22 BildRunter VK_NEXT",

        caseof 35:print "$23 end VK_END",

        caseof 36:print "$24 Pos1 VK_HOME",

        caseof 37:print "$25 left VK_LEFT",

        caseof 38:print "$26 high VK_UP",

        caseof 39:print "$27 right VK_RIGHT",

        caseof 40:print "$28 down VK_DOWN",

        caseof 41:print "$29 Select VK_SELECT",

        caseof 42:print "$2A pressure VK_PRINT",

        caseof 43:print "$2B Execute VK_EXECUTE",

        caseof 44:print "$2C pressure VK_SNAPSHOT",

        caseof 45:print "$2D Einfg VK_INSERT",

        caseof 46:print "$2E Entf VK_DELETE",

        caseof 47:print "$2F Help VK_HELP",

        caseof 48:print "$VK_0",

        caseof 49:print "VK_1",

        caseof 50:print "VK_2",

        caseof 51:print "VK_3",

        caseof 52:print "VK_4",

        caseof 53:print "VK_5",

        caseof 54:print "VK_6",

        caseof 55:print "VK_7",

        caseof 56:print "VK_8",

        caseof 57:print "VK_9",

        caseof 65:print "VK_A",

        caseof 66:print "VK_B",

        caseof 67:print "VK_C",

        caseof 68:print "VK_D",

        caseof 69:print "VK_E",

        caseof 70:print "$VK_F",

        caseof 71:print "VK_G",

        caseof 72:print "VK_H",

        caseof 73:print "VK_I",

        caseof 74:print "VK_J",

        caseof 75:print "VK_K",

        caseof 76:print "VK_L",

        caseof 77:print "VK_M",

        caseof 78:print "VK_N",

        caseof 79:print "VK_O",

        caseof 80:print "VK_P",

        caseof 81:print "VK_Q",

        caseof 82:print "VK_R",

        caseof 83:print "VK_S",

        caseof 84:print "VK_T",

        caseof 85:print "VK_U",

        caseof 86:print "VK_V",

        caseof 87:print "VK_W",

        caseof 88:print "VK_X",

        caseof 89:print "VK_Y",

        caseof 90:print "VK_Z",

        caseof 91:print "VK_LWIN",

        caseof 92:print "VK_RWIN",

        caseof 93:print "VK_APPS",

        caseof 96:print "VK_NUMPAD0",

        caseof 97:print "VK_NUMPAD1",

        caseof 98:print "VK_NUMPAD2",

        caseof 99:print "VK_NUMPAD3",

        caseof 100:print "VK_NUMPAD4",

        caseof 101:print "VK_NUMPAD5",

        caseof 102:print "VK_NUMPAD6",

        caseof 103:print "VK_NUMPAD7",

        caseof 104:print "VK_NUMPAD8",

        caseof 105:print "VK_NUMPAD9",

        caseof 106:print "NUMPAD VK_MULTIPLY",

        caseof 107:print "NUMPAD VK_ADD",

        caseof 108:print "NUMPAD VK_SEPARATOR",

        caseof 109:print "NUMPAD VK_SUBTRACT",

        caseof 110:print "NUMPAD(,) VK_DECIMAL",

        caseof 111:print "NUMPAD(/) VK_DIVIDE",

        caseof 112:print "VK_F1",

        caseof 113:print "VK_F2",

        caseof 114:print "VK_F3",

        caseof 115:print "VK_F4",

        caseof 116:print "VK_F5",

        caseof 117:print "VK_F6",

        caseof 118:print "VK_F7",

        caseof 119:print "VK_F8",

        caseof 120:print "VK_F9",

        caseof 121:print "VK_F10",

        caseof 122:print "VK_F11",

        caseof 123:print "VK_F12",

        caseof 124:print "VK_F13",

        caseof 125:print "VK_F14",

        caseof 126:print "VK_F15",

        caseof 127:print "VK_F16",

        caseof 128:print "VK_F17",

        caseof 129:print "VK_F18",

        caseof 130:print "VK_F19",

        caseof 131:print "VK_F20",

        caseof 132:print "VK_F21",

        caseof 133:print "VK_F22",

        caseof 134:print "VK_F23",

        caseof 135:print "VK_F24",

        caseof 144:print "VK_NUMLOCK",

        caseof 145:print "VK_SCROLL",

        caseof 160:print "VK_LSHIFT",

        caseof 161:print "VK_RSHIFT",

        caseof 162:print "VK_LCONTROL",

        caseof 163:print "VK_RCONTROL",

        caseof 164:print "Linke old VK_LMENU",

        caseof 165:print "Rechte_Alt VK_RMENU",

        caseof 186:print "Ü_UE",

        caseof 187:print "Plus",

        caseof 188:print "Semicolon",

        caseof 189:print "UnderScore",

        caseof 190:print "FullStop",

        caseof 191:print "Number#",

        caseof 192:print "Ö_OE",

        caseof 219:print "Backslash",

        caseof 220:print "ToThePowerOf",

        caseof 221:print "Accent",

        caseof 222:print "Ä_AE",

        caseof 226:print "LessThan",

        otherwise :print "?";%scankey,



until 0

XProfan 11
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...

Zum Quelltext

Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Uwe Lang09/04/24
Member 862464105/12/24


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