Source / code snippets

Halbwertszeit of/ one radioaktiven fountain to determine



if again one Kernkraftwerk hochgeht (or in similar stupid Make) could professionelle geiger counter quick out of print his. Diesfalls can itself a such but too from einschlägig offered electronics-Bausätzen zusammenlöten. small disadvantage this preiswerten Bausätze: tappt im dunkeln point no calibration on, separate let in a small loudspeaker if need be one lustiges Knacksen listen.

through Nachschaltung one speedy elektronischen Zählers could one at least detect, How long one sinnvoller point none Freilandsalat food ought to. Üblicherweise wealthy 5 To 6 Halbwertszeiten from, circa about through Regenfälle The strahlenden Isotope in at least 1/2 m Erdtiefe spülen To let. should our transatlantischen Friends z.B. your ukraine-Monopoly until end run through, then supply us our Selbstbau at least one Indiz for, How long we The children rather not rauslassen should (this Text stammt from 2015, not 2021) ! thereby helps possible the following Progrämmchen, presupposed your Laptop übersteht whom EMP and has still something battery pack-load.
Window Title "Halbwertszeit"
Window Style 24
declare n&,m&,x&,y&,T&,hwz!
Print "\n The radioactivity one Isotops becomes through geiger counter    "
print " measured: The geiger counter knackst thereby in n sec X time.  "
Print " T hours later becomes the experiment repeatedly and one misst "
print " thereby now in M minutes Y time one Knacksen. "
print " which Halbwertszeit has the measured radioaktive Isotop? \n"


    print " 1. Messung:  Messzeit n [sek]= ";:input n&
    case n&=0:break
    print "             amount Knackse X = ";:input x&
    print " The next Messung results to T hours. T = ";:input t&
    print " 2. Messung:  Messzeit M [sek]= ";:input m&
    print "             amount Knackse Y = ";:input y&

    if x&<=1:font 2

        print " it deals itself for a stabiles element. "
        case y&>1:print " this watts meanwhile with Neutronen beschossen."
        font 0


    if (x&/n&)=(y&/m&):font 2

        print " it deals itself circa a technical fountain. "
        print " (The Halbwertszeit goes against infinite!) \n":font 0


    print " The Halbwertszeit the Isotops totals: "
    font 2:print "     ";hwz!;" hours."
    case hwz!>48:print " or. ";stature$("%g",hwz!/24);" Tage"
    case hwz!>(24*7):print " or. ";stature$("%g",hwz!/(24*7));" Wochen"
    case hwz!>(24*365.25):print " or. ";stature$("%g",hwz!/(24*365.25));" Julianische Jahre"
    case hwz!<0:Print "      caution, it deals itself circa a bomb!\n"
    font 0

Until %key=27

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