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![Georg Teles: 06/11/20](.././../../i/a/910.gif) Georg Teles | good evening,
enclosed one View source, with the one the clicking the Buttons reacted without which Variablennamen To kennen. the Workarea arose, there one with designed Programs Buttons at Start ToGo define must, so The absoluten Variablennamen not famous or first not at all definiert are.
Create("Button",%hWNd,"Button 1",300,5,200,40)
Create("Button",%hWNd,"Button 2",300,50,200,40)
Create("Button",%hWNd,"Button 3",300,95,200,40)
var active_button% = 0
' 1. alternative if klicked
While 1=1
' SKControl Buttons = 272 instead of 78 !
' SKControl rather 2. ALternative using (Focus) there Click not functions !
If ((%Message = 32) OR (%Message = 78))
active_button% = %GetFocus
If Clicked(active_button%)
Print "Handle: ";active_button%;" Text: ";GetText$(active_button%)
SetFocus(%hWnd)' important whom Fokus zurückzusetzen
active_button% = 0
' 2. alternative already with FOCUS
While 1=1
' SKControl Buttons = 272 instead of 78 !
If ((%Message = 32) OR (%Message = 78))
active_button% = %GetFocus
Print "Handle: ";active_button%;" Text: ";GetText$(active_button%)
SetFocus(%hWnd)' important whom Fokus zurückzusetzen
active_button% = 0
Regards |
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![Jörg Sellmeyer: 06/11/20](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | I collecting with such opportunities The Handles the begot Buttons in of/ one list and can then with %getfocus search, which the are. with GetHandle(%ItemID) come You too very well on the jeweilige lever. |
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![Georg Teles: 06/12/20](.././../../i/a/910.gif) Georg Teles | Hi, quasi in a list collect and evaluate ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1100084240.gif)
in my concrete drop do I the too, at create collecting I The Handles in a Grid where to that ButtonHandle yet the suitable Program, the launched becomes as well as which way and Zusatzparameter come.
The Auswertung the variables spar I me and greife directly the lever How You ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1100084240.gif)
Regards |
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![iF: 10/30/20](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | And then there yet gwl_userData and gwl_wndProc! |
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![Michael W.: 10/31/20](.././../../i/a/4750.gif) Michael W. | from the nothing upcoming? How comes one there heran. |
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![iF: 10/31/20](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Perhaps have I the trouble wrong understood.
what I meant was sooner, that one one Control z.B. with gwl_userData likewise with Information slip can The to %getFocus read go could. |
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![Michael W.: 10/31/20](.././../../i/a/4750.gif) Michael W. | Ah, ok.
P.s.: gwl_userData and gwl_wndProc supplying Yes a true repository on ideas. Buttons in Taskbar, Subclassing, ...
is for later note... thanks |
| System: Windows 8/10, XProfan X4 Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 10/31/20 ▲ |