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Nico Madysa |
$H windows.ph
$H Messages.ph
$I controls.prf
3 + 4 + 8
proc Add_Dir
parameters way$ , wrestling% , p&
declare i%[14] , nextdir$
if (wrestling% < 0)
p& = TV_AddItem(tv&,0,2,2,drive + way$ + \,i#[t%])
inc wrestling%
inc t%
ClearList lb&[wrestling%]
AddFiles way$ + \*
whileloop 0 , %GetCount
Match $(^~[.+~]$,ListBoxItem$(&loop))
if %MatchPos >= 0
DeleteString(lb&[wrestling%],Select String(lb&[wrestling%],(-1),[.]))
DeleteString(lb&[wrestling%],Select String(lb&[wrestling%],(-1),[..]))
clear i%[wrestling%]
while i%[wrestling%] < (GetCount(lb&[wrestling%]))
nextdir$ = GetString$(lb&[wrestling%],i%[wrestling%])
nextdir$ = Mid$(nextdir$,2,len(nextdir$) - 2)
inc t%
if wrestling% < 14
Add_Dir (way$ + \ + nextdir$) , (wrestling% + 1) , i#[t% - 1].hItem&
i%[wrestling%] = i%[wrestling%] + 1
proc terminate
FreeDLL shl&
Dispose il#
Dispose i#[]
declare il# , tv& , tx& , shl& , i#[1999] , lb&[14] , t%
Dim i#[] , TV_Item
shl& = UseDll(SHELL32)
cls SysColor(15)
Window Title Please Waiting, create Verzeichnisbaum...
whileloop 15
lb&[&loop - 1] = Create(ListBox,%hWnd,1,0,0,0,0)
il# = New(ImageList)
il#.AddImage($SysPath + \Shell32.dll,3)
il#.AddImage($SysPath + \Shell32.dll,4)
il#.AddImage($SysPath + \Shell32.dll,8)
tv& = Create(Treeview,%hWnd,il#.hList&,5,5,200,400)
Add_Dir C: , (-1) , 0 <-- here whom Laufwerksbuchstaben/Anfangspfad prompt; on the end must no Backslash stand
TV_Expand tv& , i#[0].hItem&
SetText %hWnd , st$(t%) + Entries in the Treeview
whilenot IsKey(27)
of these code becomes one Treeview created and through Rekursion (be I proud, I the hinbekommen have! ) with all Verzeichnissen a drive filled. unfortunately is the very umständlich and lasts quite long. therefore have I two ask: 1.) How many Entries contains the Treeview with you maximum? (standing to the loading in the Titelleiste) me goes it therefore, to know, whether The Handles wealthy. 2.) gives not irgendeinen einfacheren lane? in the Win32.hlp have I nothing found and Assembler know I sonderlich from. might to the so speed? |
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Hubert Binnewies | I had it Yes gladly tested, but unfortunately have I only XProfan 9.1...sorry...
Hubert |
| WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie
Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal: "Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!" | 04/25/07 ▲ |
Jörg Sellmeyer | you should not any data immediate reading, separate first with want. means always only The Files read, The straight in the actually Ordner are. otherwise must You too continuing everything update, if itself on the Dateibestand what changes. unfortunately must one then too so fiese Messages How Click on plus-/Minuszeichen to the Ordner intercepting. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/25/07 ▲ |
| You could my addfiles.dll using! These is by a long shot faster and bid likewise Rekursion until Abwinken. task the XProfanprogrammes is then only another Loop to that Befüllen the TreeViews. |
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| Übrigens - controls.prf should You to that obigen example already mitliefern - or The DownloadURL indicate. |
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Frank Abbing | Hm,
soar by me to kurzer Time from with the Error: the element there not. (row 46)
your Solution, The Icons from the Shell32.dll To loading, is imaginable unfit, because the Icons so a code quality display. i'd in each drop The system-Image List using, then erhälst You hochwertige Icons. In my List view.dll-pkg is my Treeview.dll, The ditto directories in a Treeview listet. look time mere, so should The Icons looks. is too a very speedy Solution, there in Assembler prepares.
Perhaps helps you The Message WM_SETREDRAW, circa your Geschwindogkeit To raise. |
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Thomas Freier | would have been I me gladly respected. but unfortunately break any Examples with Error ex. List view.zipper of March 2007 |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 04/25/07 ▲ |
Frank Abbing | alas nö... Have The Codes today afternoon still yourself tested. walk tidy XP... certainly is your Programmeditor not whom suitable way tuned. Probierste time solid Paths or $progdir? |
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Thomas Freier | faith I you. come but not further. enclosed the Original with $drive and once with $PROGDIR...https://XProfan.com/images/smiles/6.gif |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 04/26/07 ▲ |
Frank Abbing | both Exe functions correct by me. Know not, I there for you do could. would the Please yet further User testing? |
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| @Frank both DLL - (List view.DLL and Treeview.DLL) funtionieren correct. ultimately are we you often enough on the Wecker gone, because again someone a bow found or a Verbesserungsvorschlag having
in the Image sees one The gleichzeitige Benutzung the both DLL - the Mainwindow shows The List view.dll with all relevanten data on. is in foreground The Treeview.dll active. |
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Carlo Keil | I suspect a Context with the Verzeichnisstruktur and so with the Recursion. On my C:-drive (directories and Verzeichnisschachtelungen almost without end) there too The Error Message the element there not.. On my P:-drive (contains only my complete Profan-Entwicklungssystem) works it without Error Message.
Greeting Carlo |
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