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Physikalische units in the SI-system



... and some others, hereinafter for XProfan useable made. Interessanterweise are Vorsätze How Kilo, Mega etc. with designed units not allows. there kilogram already The SI-Base is and More as one Vorsatz not allows is, there means no Kilokilogramm. but too Milligrad celsius becomes one in vain search, of Zeitangaben in Hektosekunden integrally To silence. And then there too yet sprachliche influences, otherwise should it namely Hekto-Ar heissen instead of Hektar. the erschwert The Programming of from- and Inputs with such Vorsätzen.
Window Title "Physikalische units in the SI-system plus kompatible"
Windowstyle 24:Window 0,0-%maxx,%maxy:cls:var SI$=\
"Länge;l,L;Meter;m;1/299792458 Lichtsekunde#"+\
"Masse;m,M;Kilogramm;kg;gen.Urkilogramm-hinterlegt with Sevres#"+\
"Zeitdauer;t,T;Sekunde;s;9192631770 Hyperfeinstruktur-Grundzustandsübergänge the Caesium-Isotops 133Cs#"+\
"Datum;D;JMD;JJJJ-MM-DD UTC+X.X;1970-01-01<Uxtm#"+\
"El.Stromstärke;I,i;Ampere;A;Stromstärke The in two 1m entfernten el.Leitern 2*10^-7 n/m hervorruft#"+\
"Thermmodyn.Temperatur;T,T;Kelvin;K;1/273.16 the Temp.d.Tripelpunkts v.waters (-0.01°C) def. Isotop-Zusammensetzg.#"+\
"Temperatur;T;Grad_Celsius;°C,k-273.15;Raumtemperatur (with °C no Einh.Vorsätze!)#"+\
"Raumtemperaturdifferenz;dT;dGrad_Celsius;°C;Raumtemperaturdiffreenz (DIN 1301-1:2010 attachment A cut offed A.5)#"+\
"Stoffmenge;n,N;Mol;mol;Einzelteilchenanzahl How Atome in 12g Kohlenstoffnuklid 12C in ungebund.status include are.#"+\
"Lichtstärke;I_v,J;Candela;cd;Lichtstärkeäquivalent To monochrom. 540THz-Strahlung (~555 nm) with Strahlstärke 1/683 W/sr#"+\
"Druck;P;Bar;bar,100000 Pa;0.1MN/m^2;m^-1·kg·s^-2#"+\
"Leistung;P;Watt;W;J/s,V A;m^2·kg·s^-3#"+\
"Celsius-Temperatur;T;Grad Celsius;°C;K#"+\
"Katalytische Aktivität;K;Katal;kat;s^-1·mol#"+\
"Magnetische Konstante;µ0,µ_vac;;H/m;4*pi*10^-7#"+\
"Feldfläche;A;Morgen_;Mg,Viertelhektar vha antiquated#"+\
"Ackerfläche;H;Hekt/o/ar;ha;100m*100m=1 Quadrathektometer#"+\
"US-Fläche;A;Acre;0.40468564224 ha#"+\
"Volumen;V;Liter;ltr;1dm x 1dm x 1dm =0.001 m³"
Declare i&,Einh$[]:Einh$[]=explode(SI$,"#"):clear SI$

whileloop 0,sizeof(Einh$[])-1:i&=&Loop:print

    :whileloop 5:locate %csrlin,2+12*(&Loop-(&Loop=1))
    color 14,&Loop : print " "+substr$(Einh$[i&],&Loop,";")+" ";
    :endwhile:if %csrlin>50:waitinput:cls:endif:print

EINSCHUB: standard-uncertainty one Messwertes

The "Standard-Unsicherheit" u(y) one Messwertes y is the Quadratwurzel
from the gemittelten Abweichungs-Squares the individual Messungen of
story all this Messungen. this worth becomes as "1 Sigma" marks
and becomes to that undertow. Erwartungswert the Messabweichung the Messwertes y
declared. Sigma has The quality, that in the Intervall [Messwert +/- 1*Sigma-
deviation] (too as Vertrauensbereich marks) in the average 68%
(means round 2/3) all measured values lying, and charaktersiert accordingly well
The "Standard-Messunsicherheit".

for the Gültigkeit such Wertangaben are though some Annahmen necessary:
u.a. takes one on, that the Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung the Meßwertes a
Gaußverteilung is (what ex 12 ... 20 Messungen ohnehin by the "Gesetz the
large Zahlen" ensured is). whom story the Messwerte can
then but as "wahres Messergebnis" to accept.

inside the Sigmagrenzen, means the Intervall [y-u(y) ... y+u(y)] lying then
about 68 % the Messergebnisse. Dass the (through yet so many Einzelmessungen
only annäherbare) "Wahre Wert" Y objectively in this Intervall lying, is means
To 68% sure: Y = y +/- u(y) = y +/- 1 Sigma

indicated To Messunsicherheiten
If in example the Messwert y = 1234,56789 V measured and is
The angegebenen uncertainty __u(y) = ___0,00011 V totals, then lying the
true worth the Size with Y = (1234.56789 +/- 0,00011) V with of/ one safety
of 68 %.

an alternative, too often übliche indicated the uncertainty sounds folgendermaßen:
Y= 1234,56789(11). The worth (11) shows two to put, relating itself means on
The letzen both Kommastellen, means [89-11 ... 89+11].the Intervall
sounds therefore in absoluten numbers [1234.56778 ... 1234.56800].

Umrechnung on others branchenübliche Sicherheiten
The number in the Klammer shows means the value the +/- Messabweichung, the
with 68% probability guaranteeing, that the Messung there lying becomes.
what but, if one More safety having wants? with welchem factor must
the +/-Sigma-worth then multipliziert go, - how much breiter must means
the Vertrauensintervall go?:
factor, percent within Intervall, percent outside, Anwendungsbereich
0.674490, 50%, 50%;
0.994458, 68%, 32%;
1 Sigma: 68.2689492%, 31.7310508%, Fehlertabellen and Angaben;
1.281552, 80%, 20%, Glücksspiel;
1.644854, 90%, 10%, technical Applications without Lebensgefahr
1.959964, 95%, 5%, engineering (Bruchspiel-tables)
2 Sigma: 95.4499736%, 4.5500264%, Medizinische Untersuchungen
2.575829, 99%, 1%, Versicherungen ("100-year-incident)
3 , 99.7300204%, 0.2699796%
3.290527, 99,9%, 0.1%, Pharmazie, traffic
3.890592, 99,99%, 0.01%, Atomkraftwerke (Sollwert)
4 , 99.993666%, 0.006334%;
6, 99.999986%, 0.000014%, "Six-Sigma" (management-
ideology, quasi Nullfehler-culture, useful never accessible)
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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