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Web Scanner | Nachtrag: Web Scanner, Beitrag=56582, Zeitpunkt=28.03.2010
You can you this thermometer with Ebay order: USB xp linux thermometer,RS232 protocol,TEMPer232 Ebay Artikelnummer:220564891464 Herstellerseite: [...] The thing cost 18US$ + 6$ Fracht. the Temper232 comes from China, lasts couple days. Regards Web
Web Scanner, Beitrag=56571, Zeitpunkt=28.03.2010
enclosed the View source. Can sure yet much better make, but it functions erstemal: CompileMarkSeparationTemperaturmessung Temper232 für PROFAN
über RS232 COMPORT 3
(C) Webbisoft 3/2010
Declare a$, f%, ende%,e%
Declare x$, y$, z%, bz&, xtemp!,xdtemp!, ll&, hh&, testtemp%
Proc GetComInput
Parameters id%
x$ = @ReadCom$(id%,10)
y$ = @ComError(id%)
bz& = @addr(x$)
print "temp: ",bz&
WhileNot x$ = ""
testtemp% = 0
x$=@ReadCom$(id%, 10)
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,1,1))
print "temp1: ",(bz&); " ";
if bz& = 36
testtemp% = 1
testtemp% = 0
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,2,1))
print (bz&); " ";
if bz& = 254
testtemp% = 1
testtemp% = 0
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,3,1))
print (bz&); " ";
if bz& = 2
testtemp% = 1
testtemp% = 0
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,4,1))
print (bz&); " ";
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,5,1))
print (bz&); " ";
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,6,1))
print (bz&); " "
hh& = ord(mid$(x$,4,1))
ll& = ord(mid$(x$,5,1))
Print "ll& =", (ll&)
Print "hh& =",(hh&)
Xtemp! =256*hh&+ll&
Print "xtemp!=", xtemp!
If Xtemp! > 16384
XDtemp! = -(16384-(Xtemp!)/4)*(0.03125) Korrekturwert 4000h ab 100°C
XDtemp! = (Xtemp!/4)*(0.03125)
XDtemp!= XDtemp!-3 Korrekturwert
print "Temperatur USB232= ",xdtemp!,"°C"
sleep 800
Window 0, 0 - 400, 400
f% = @OpenCom("COM3", 1024, 1024)
@WriteCom(f%, chr$($24)+ chr$($10)+chr$($05)+chr$($01)+chr$($01)+chr$($00)+chr$($32)+chr$($01)+chr$($55))
Thermometer initialisieren
y$ = @ComError(f%)
GetComInput f% Antwort abwarten und anzeigen
ende% = 0
WhileNot ende%
a$ = @Inkey$() Tastatur abfragen
If a$ = "§" Ende mit SHIFT-3
GetComInput f% empfangene Zeichen lesen
@Clos a> (f% )
Hello Programmierfreunde,
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GDL | Hello Roland,
just as How You The serial interface eingebettet have. the your XProfan The Windowseigene USB Übergabe anspricht.
know me with USB in the WinBereich not at all from. might me something like present - dialog the The associated USB tools with channel indicating - open usb for channel - read of channel - write on the channel - close channel
trouble is hold, that with USB The Portnummern not solid give away are.man must always first any USB tools detect and the Portnummer from his infected hardware detect.
Hello Georg |
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Web Scanner | Ohh apiece, the sees but not straight very trivial from there be I time something floored... hopefully have I me there not too much undertaken?
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GDL | Hello iF,
there besorge I me rather couple old computer with RS232 and on long visibility progge I my Program again on inp and out circa. If the Industrieboards yet better go, soar I circa, there these present Multimediakisten for me eh never useable are.
Hello Georg |
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| where very lying because the trouble with such USB-RS232-Port?
I frag because of the Moonbuggy. |
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GDL | @iF,
the trouble is with Atmel not The USB Mikrocontrollertreiber. The having The new Atmel already Onboard.
The problem is, How greife I from XProfan out through windows on The loaded driver To. The Problems catch already with the USB Kanalnummerermittlung on. If the driver a virtual ComPort erschafft isses Yes no trouble.only create any driver a virtual ComPort? but How said,USB is for me too new territory.
Hello Georg |
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GDL | @ Moonbuggy
the Moonbuggy can your already with USB and the FTDI RLE245 or RLE235 operate. The FTDI Bausteine report itself with the mitgelieferten Treibern automatically with windows on. there produce tappt im dunkeln a virtual COMPORT the with the XPofan command addressed go can. Ausgangsseitig produce The Bausteine 8bit parallel or seriel with Handshaking.
Diesen detour make I already. i wish me but direct grabbed of XProfan on The windowsinterne USB Übergabeschnittstelle. so as with whom Printers too goes.I login The USB-printer indeed with windows on and not each Program what print can.
Hello Georg |
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E.T. | i think, the announced printer becomes neither differently as a COM addressed, if I me the with my printer so anschaue, what this arranged has:
this becomes well only the driver make can. |
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Web Scanner | so, the USB Temperaturfühler is there.
so far functions the too with the mitgelieferten software. The data go on one Excelfile outputted. probably The simplest Variante the File access and the data einzulesen?
I had But gladly differently, directly with Profan in my Program read. How can I there begin, be something ratlos... be for each Help grateful.
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| gives it a mitgelieferte software The The _aktuelle temperature indicating?
Link to that product? |
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Web Scanner | Produktlink is here:
actually temperature becomes into Excelfile stored and currently displayed.
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| lying ne DLL Doku with?
otherwise ne EMail on whom Progger from the Program there... |
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