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Web Scanner | Nachtrag: Web Scanner, Beitrag=56582, Zeitpunkt=28.03.2010
You can you this thermometer with Ebay order: USB xp linux thermometer,RS232 protocol,TEMPer232 Ebay Artikelnummer:220564891464 Herstellerseite: [...] The thing cost 18US$ + 6$ Fracht. the Temper232 comes from China, lasts couple days. Regards Web
Web Scanner, Beitrag=56571, Zeitpunkt=28.03.2010
enclosed the View source. Can sure yet much better make, but it functions erstemal: CompileMarkSeparationTemperaturmessung Temper232 für PROFAN
über RS232 COMPORT 3
(C) Webbisoft 3/2010
Declare a$, f%, ende%,e%
Declare x$, y$, z%, bz&, xtemp!,xdtemp!, ll&, hh&, testtemp%
Proc GetComInput
Parameters id%
x$ = @ReadCom$(id%,10)
y$ = @ComError(id%)
bz& = @addr(x$)
print "temp: ",bz&
WhileNot x$ = ""
testtemp% = 0
x$=@ReadCom$(id%, 10)
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,1,1))
print "temp1: ",(bz&); " ";
if bz& = 36
testtemp% = 1
testtemp% = 0
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,2,1))
print (bz&); " ";
if bz& = 254
testtemp% = 1
testtemp% = 0
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,3,1))
print (bz&); " ";
if bz& = 2
testtemp% = 1
testtemp% = 0
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,4,1))
print (bz&); " ";
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,5,1))
print (bz&); " ";
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,6,1))
print (bz&); " "
hh& = ord(mid$(x$,4,1))
ll& = ord(mid$(x$,5,1))
Print "ll& =", (ll&)
Print "hh& =",(hh&)
Xtemp! =256*hh&+ll&
Print "xtemp!=", xtemp!
If Xtemp! > 16384
XDtemp! = -(16384-(Xtemp!)/4)*(0.03125) Korrekturwert 4000h ab 100°C
XDtemp! = (Xtemp!/4)*(0.03125)
XDtemp!= XDtemp!-3 Korrekturwert
print "Temperatur USB232= ",xdtemp!,"°C"
sleep 800
Window 0, 0 - 400, 400
f% = @OpenCom("COM3", 1024, 1024)
@WriteCom(f%, chr$($24)+ chr$($10)+chr$($05)+chr$($01)+chr$($01)+chr$($00)+chr$($32)+chr$($01)+chr$($55))
Thermometer initialisieren
y$ = @ComError(f%)
GetComInput f% Antwort abwarten und anzeigen
ende% = 0
WhileNot ende%
a$ = @Inkey$() Tastatur abfragen
If a$ = "§" Ende mit SHIFT-3
GetComInput f% empfangene Zeichen lesen
@Clos a> (f% )
Hello Programmierfreunde,
to längerer Time have I again small Softwareprojekt. it's about a Temperatursteuerung. moreover must I a USB Temperaturstick evaluate. Something like here: Ebay Artikelnummer: 380167386533
now my question, has such a thing already someone made? gives it there Special driver, dlls, or other Aids? I must moreover say, the the Stick not yet by me weilt and therefore is it yet something dürftig with the Datenlage
Web |
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Web Scanner | DLL Doku isn't thereby..unfortunately. so siehts installs from:
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| well The 169KBer sees still Schonmal well from, look still time mere - under stand often same Exportnamen and chiding time in your Explorereinstellungen [X] known Extensionen Hide ex - sees one Yes otherwise nüscht. ^^ |
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Web Scanner | in the 169it standing under the drin:
helps the
now Have so did i yet the found: [...]
with RS232 spending..... would well plainer, what
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uses the communicating protocol and supports the RS232 4800bps standard, and this supplies convenience to the users who want to write programs themselves. well very, the driver becomes NEN (virtual) COM-Port provide, means OpenCom . |
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Web Scanner | Gibts only one keines trouble, I Have NOT whom RS232 Types here lying
Spassenshalber have I the software for RS232 Stick runtergeladen, but so runs my Stick naturally not.
gives it with USB evident different Anbindungen:
1 x over the Comport = RS232 1 x USB somehow differently
will be means rather try the RS232 Dingens To get? or we find yet ne others Solution. I see Yes not time on welchem Comport I search ought to? give there ev. ne Auswertesoftware, or something like? |
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GDL | very the my I with channel detect. the ought to too with XProfan weg and not only over the Gerätemanager.
I wisely neither as mitgelieferten software The Kanäle detect on which COM number now your unit lying.On any Cases finds The mitgelieferte software your unit without the the users Settings make must,alike which channel straight give away watts.somehow there a Windowsinterne Übergabe.
- Gerätetreiber becomes at infect on USB loaded - windows recognize hardware and divides next disengaged USB channel To. means 4 if already 3 USB occupied are or 2 if only 1 USB occupied is - Gerätetreiber depends of these channel virtual Port one - windows position Anwenderprogrammen whom virtual Port einschliesslich channel and Kennung To available.
How greife I now with XProfan on any virtual Port with names(supply driver) and Kanalnummer(supply Window) To and Search my Port out.without that the users first its Portnummer on the Program Start somewhere search must ? |
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| Comports lists, no idea - should one vlt. ergoogeln. ^^ here stand already a couple command: [...]
Internally the code provides 9 different ways (yes you read that right: Nine) of enumerating serial ports: Using CreateFile, QueryDosDevice, GetDefaultCommConfig, two ways using the Setup API, EnumPorts, WMI, com Database & enumerating the values under the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEHARDWAREDEVICEMAPSERIALCOMM.
and here: [...] |
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GDL | Hi,
now are we on the point, where I me already moreover supra direct USB Support wish.
whom virtual names know I Yes of driver since.
would be me something like present : channel%=find$(Portname$)
Hello Georg |
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Detlef Tussing | I have under XProfan too with USB experimentiert.
have however a DLL get circa 8 from and 2 Eingangskanäle To steer.
I suspect with your software is a versteckte DLL
look time How I The ticket anspreche
declare a%,b%,c%,d%,e% a%=0 Kartenadresse b%=2Digitalkanaleingang c%=1Analogkanaleingang d%=3Digitalkanalausgang e%=2Analogkanalausgang def opendevice(1) !"k8055d.dll","OpenDevice" def closedevice(0) !"k8055d.dll","CloseDevice" def readdigi(1) !"k8055d.dll","ReadDigitalChannel" def readanalog(1) !"k8055d.dll","ReadAnalogChannel" def ClearAllDigital(0) !"K8055d.dll","ClearAllDigital" def setdigi(1) !"K8055d.dll","SetDigitalChannel" def analogout(1) !"K8055d.dll","SetAnalogChannel" def clearallanalog(0) !"K8055d.dll","ClearAllAnalog" declare dllh& dllh&=usedll("k8055d.dll")
ifnot dllh&
messagebox "dll not loaded error","",0 end
declare kartenadresse&,readdigi&,schreibdigi&,readanalog&,schreibanalog& kartenadresse&=opendevice(a%)Initialisierung the ticket
while readanalog&<125
readanalog&=readanalog(c%) locate 10,10 print "Analogkanaleingang",c%," = ",readanalog& readdigi&=readdigi(b%) locate 14,10 print "Digitalkanaleinganggang",b%," = ",readdigi& schreibdigi&=setdigi(d%) locate 18,10 print "Digitalkanalausgang",d%," = ",schreibdigi& locate 22,10 print "Kartenadresse:",kartenadresse& waitinput schreibanalog&=analogout(e%)
waitinput clearalldigital() clearallanalog() closedevice() freedll dllh& end
these only one Testprogramm for USB-ticket. sure would it beautiful a direct grabbed of XProfan on USB to have. |
| Gruß Detlef Tussing Windows XP, XProfan 10 | 10/21/09 ▲ |
Frank Abbing | |
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