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Web Scanner | Nachtrag: Web Scanner, Beitrag=56582, Zeitpunkt=28.03.2010
You can you this thermometer with Ebay order: USB xp linux thermometer,RS232 protocol,TEMPer232 Ebay Artikelnummer:220564891464 Herstellerseite: [...] The thing cost 18US$ + 6$ Fracht. the Temper232 comes from China, lasts couple days. Regards Web
Web Scanner, Beitrag=56571, Zeitpunkt=28.03.2010
enclosed the View source. Can sure yet much better make, but it functions erstemal: CompileMarkSeparationTemperaturmessung Temper232 für PROFAN
über RS232 COMPORT 3
(C) Webbisoft 3/2010
Declare a$, f%, ende%,e%
Declare x$, y$, z%, bz&, xtemp!,xdtemp!, ll&, hh&, testtemp%
Proc GetComInput
Parameters id%
x$ = @ReadCom$(id%,10)
y$ = @ComError(id%)
bz& = @addr(x$)
print "temp: ",bz&
WhileNot x$ = ""
testtemp% = 0
x$=@ReadCom$(id%, 10)
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,1,1))
print "temp1: ",(bz&); " ";
if bz& = 36
testtemp% = 1
testtemp% = 0
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,2,1))
print (bz&); " ";
if bz& = 254
testtemp% = 1
testtemp% = 0
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,3,1))
print (bz&); " ";
if bz& = 2
testtemp% = 1
testtemp% = 0
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,4,1))
print (bz&); " ";
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,5,1))
print (bz&); " ";
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,6,1))
print (bz&); " "
hh& = ord(mid$(x$,4,1))
ll& = ord(mid$(x$,5,1))
Print "ll& =", (ll&)
Print "hh& =",(hh&)
Xtemp! =256*hh&+ll&
Print "xtemp!=", xtemp!
If Xtemp! > 16384
XDtemp! = -(16384-(Xtemp!)/4)*(0.03125) Korrekturwert 4000h ab 100°C
XDtemp! = (Xtemp!/4)*(0.03125)
XDtemp!= XDtemp!-3 Korrekturwert
print "Temperatur USB232= ",xdtemp!,"°C"
sleep 800
Window 0, 0 - 400, 400
f% = @OpenCom("COM3", 1024, 1024)
@WriteCom(f%, chr$($24)+ chr$($10)+chr$($05)+chr$($01)+chr$($01)+chr$($00)+chr$($32)+chr$($01)+chr$($55))
Thermometer initialisieren
y$ = @ComError(f%)
GetComInput f% Antwort abwarten und anzeigen
ende% = 0
WhileNot ende%
a$ = @Inkey$() Tastatur abfragen
If a$ = "§" Ende mit SHIFT-3
GetComInput f% empfangene Zeichen lesen
@Clos a> (f% )
Hello Programmierfreunde,
to längerer Time have I again small Softwareprojekt. it's about a Temperatursteuerung. moreover must I a USB Temperaturstick evaluate. Something like here: Ebay Artikelnummer: 380167386533
now my question, has such a thing already someone made? gives it there Special driver, dlls, or other Aids? I must moreover say, the the Stick not yet by me weilt and therefore is it yet something dürftig with the Datenlage
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GDL | Hi Detlef,
what about me suspect, the your dll nothing other power as with the Windowsschnittstelle to USB kommuniziert and that this standardized is.As I said supposition. These functions the dll, if it so is, heard in XProfan installed.
As I said,I soar again on Input/output cards circa.plenty faster and leichter To manage.
Hello Georg |
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Web Scanner |
I have now first whom Temperatursensor with USB To RS232 COM interface order. Sooo valuable is the Fun Yes not.
The is loudly Website directly for Own Softwareprojekte vorgesehen.
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Web Scanner | Juhu, the Temper232 Temperaturfühler is today arrived now must I it only "noch" read can. on the Website finds one following lean Info:
The communication protocol of TEMPer232 instruction:
a) When plug the TEMPer232 device into the computer, please distinguish the corresponding serial port number in your computer;
b) Baud rate is 4800; c) There is 8 digit and no need to verify of odd or even number, the stop bit is 1bit; d) After open the serial port, do as below: Sending command: 24, 10, 05, 01, 01, 00, 32, 01, 55. Then you wants sea :24, FE, 02, HH, LL, 88 The temperature Xtemp=256*HH+LL If Xtemp > &H4000 Then XDtemp = -(&H4000 - (Xtemp / 4)) * 0.03125 Else XDtemp = (Xtemp / 4) * 0.03125 End If
the zugehörige Program the Herstellers gives at least already time by me whom Comport 12 from...but How GEHTS now moreover
i'll something zusammenfummeln.
Web |
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Web Scanner | Hello Friends
having quite what around the ears, now goes it finally moreover. unfortunately says me the thermometer nothing over The interface. whom Programmschnipsel Have I in the Help found and bissel adjusted. what could I there try? About the beigelegte Program I see the it over COMPORT 12 to find is...
Web CompileMarkSeparationTemperaturmessung
über RS232 COMPORT 12
Declare a$, f%, ende%
Proc GetComInput
Parameters id%
Declare x$, y$
x$ = @ReadCom$(id%,1)
y$ = @ComError(id%)
Print x$;
WhileNot x$ = ""
x$=@ReadCom$(id%, 1)
Print x$;
Window 0, 0 - 400, 400
f% = @OpenCom("COM12", 1024, 1024)
@WriteCom(f%, "24,10,05,01,01,00,32,01,55") Thermometer initialisieren
GetComInput f% Antwort abwarten und anzeigen
ende% = 0
WhileNot ende%
a$ = @Inkey$() Tastatur abfragen
If a$ = "§" Ende mit SHIFT-3
IfNot a$ = "" Zeichen ans Modem
GetComInput f% empfangene Zeichen lesen
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| The Comportnummer can imho always another his, can the User imho too determine. what GEHTS you really? ^^ |
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Web Scanner | Ahsoo...
Tja I Have Yes now the besagte USB thermometer with the RS232 Emulation. in the Posting above standing what take on ought to, around the data read to. unfortunately Have I the well wrong geproggt.. by me comes in the Program nothing on. No data simply gornix. **seufz**
y$ = @ComError(id%) gives the value -1 from. |
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| Ah, could You even manually herausbekommen, on welchem Port the driver the Termo staid has?
Perhaps. helps too: [...] though above unfortunately only The available Ports, but not The Portnamen abrufbar are. Perhaps. could one too any available Ports phone and question, whether these The right are. ^^ Perhaps. helps too: [...]
What is
really for a unit? Plotter? |
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| see strain yet...:
Initialize with... 24, 10, 05, 01, 01, 00, 32, 01, 55
You but: WriteCom(f%, "24,10,05,01,01,00,32,01,55")
Richtiger would imho WriteCom(f%,chr$($24)+chr$($10)... You send by "24, Yes 50, 52, 44 ... |
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Web Scanner | Okay, correctly., this is drin. The Thermo wants not yet. in the Thermo is ne small LED, The should with the inquire concern, The wants neither. certainly depends the on the Comportadresse.... |
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Web Scanner | this is a selbstgebaute PC-gesteuerte CNC-Fräsmaschine. so can wood, Kunststoffe and aluminum Edit. somewhere I had here time a Fred, there have I with a Program moreover started. From hand went the then still already the take action the Achsen. unfortunately from Zeitgründen first too Halde... |
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| an selbstgebaute PC-gesteuerte CNC-Fräsmaschine, nice. ^^
can You whom Comport übern Gerätemanager find out? |
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the isser |
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