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Web Scanner | Nachtrag: Web Scanner, Beitrag=56582, Zeitpunkt=28.03.2010
You can you this thermometer with Ebay order: USB xp linux thermometer,RS232 protocol,TEMPer232 Ebay Artikelnummer:220564891464 Herstellerseite: [...] The thing cost 18US$ + 6$ Fracht. the Temper232 comes from China, lasts couple days. Regards Web
Web Scanner, Beitrag=56571, Zeitpunkt=28.03.2010
enclosed the View source. Can sure yet much better make, but it functions erstemal: CompileMarkSeparationTemperaturmessung Temper232 für PROFAN
über RS232 COMPORT 3
(C) Webbisoft 3/2010
Declare a$, f%, ende%,e%
Declare x$, y$, z%, bz&, xtemp!,xdtemp!, ll&, hh&, testtemp%
Proc GetComInput
Parameters id%
x$ = @ReadCom$(id%,10)
y$ = @ComError(id%)
bz& = @addr(x$)
print "temp: ",bz&
WhileNot x$ = ""
testtemp% = 0
x$=@ReadCom$(id%, 10)
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,1,1))
print "temp1: ",(bz&); " ";
if bz& = 36
testtemp% = 1
testtemp% = 0
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,2,1))
print (bz&); " ";
if bz& = 254
testtemp% = 1
testtemp% = 0
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,3,1))
print (bz&); " ";
if bz& = 2
testtemp% = 1
testtemp% = 0
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,4,1))
print (bz&); " ";
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,5,1))
print (bz&); " ";
bz& = ord(mid$(x$,6,1))
print (bz&); " "
hh& = ord(mid$(x$,4,1))
ll& = ord(mid$(x$,5,1))
Print "ll& =", (ll&)
Print "hh& =",(hh&)
Xtemp! =256*hh&+ll&
Print "xtemp!=", xtemp!
If Xtemp! > 16384
XDtemp! = -(16384-(Xtemp!)/4)*(0.03125) Korrekturwert 4000h ab 100°C
XDtemp! = (Xtemp!/4)*(0.03125)
XDtemp!= XDtemp!-3 Korrekturwert
print "Temperatur USB232= ",xdtemp!,"°C"
sleep 800
Window 0, 0 - 400, 400
f% = @OpenCom("COM3", 1024, 1024)
@WriteCom(f%, chr$($24)+ chr$($10)+chr$($05)+chr$($01)+chr$($01)+chr$($00)+chr$($32)+chr$($01)+chr$($55))
Thermometer initialisieren
y$ = @ComError(f%)
GetComInput f% Antwort abwarten und anzeigen
ende% = 0
WhileNot ende%
a$ = @Inkey$() Tastatur abfragen
If a$ = "§" Ende mit SHIFT-3
GetComInput f% empfangene Zeichen lesen
@Clos a> (f% )
Hello Programmierfreunde,
to längerer Time have I again small Softwareprojekt. it's about a Temperatursteuerung. moreover must I a USB Temperaturstick evaluate. Something like here: Ebay Artikelnummer: 380167386533
now my question, has such a thing already someone made? gives it there Special driver, dlls, or other Aids? I must moreover say, the the Stick not yet by me weilt and therefore is it yet something dürftig with the Datenlage
Web |
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| not dispose, something übersehnwa - vlt. can we once more of in front begin. -.- |
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Detlef Tussing | If you whom USB-Stick over a mitgelieferte DLL File anspricht could it sooner weg
z. B.
def cleardigi(1) !"c:RelaisK8055.dll","ClearDigitalChannel" def opendevice(1) !"c:RelaisK8055.dll","OpenDevice" def CloseDevice(0) !"c:RelaisK8055.dll","CloseDevice"
the are command a USB Relay Card anspricht
ticket2%=opendevice(2)Initialisierung the ticket ifnot ticket2%=2 messagebox "Karte 2 defekt or fehlt","",0 closedevice(1) freedll dllh& end
so could it with you too weg
which DLL You take must can I you not say, You can Yes time any DLL your Stick standing (with the EDITOR) there become You then The suitable command find(in the rule end the File) or schick time any DLL´s that I tappt im dunkeln me standing can, it true one attempt worth |
| Gruß Detlef Tussing Windows XP, XProfan 10 | 03/21/10 ▲ |
Web Scanner | Hi Zusammmen,
here The only DLL The it moreover gives: [...]
Web |
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H.Brill | Hi, Have there too time a question. I Have there too so a USB To Seriell cables of VIVANCO, that I test times wished. Since I yet a PC with truer COM have, I had time whom Profilic-driver installs. this shows me in system COM6: on. means fix The real with the USB->Seriell cables joined. If I now with the real COM (tappt im dunkeln code) what send, comes too everything correctly. on. Vertausche I now (f% + f1%) with WriteCom and ReadCom$(), comes too what on, but apparently only one leerer String. make I there what wrong or has who already such experience with the VIVANCO-part made ? sees so from, as had the Profilic-driver at Send a problem. CompileMarkSeparation $H windows.ph
Declare f%, f1%, flag%, flag1%, fehler%, sende$, empfang$
Declare GridBox%
sende$ = "D"
flag% = 0
flag1% = 0
Proc OpenComPort1
f% = @OpenCom("COM1", 1024, 1024)
SetCom("COM1: 1200, N, 8, 1")
If f% > 0
flag% = 1
flag% = 0
Proc OpenComPort6
f1% = @OpenCom("COM6", 1024, 1024)
SetCom("COM6: 1200, N, 8, 1")
If f1% > 0
flag1% = 1
flag1% = 0
Proc Dialog
Declare hD%, hB%, opencom%, Edit1%, Label1%, OK%, send%, Name$
hD% = @Create("Dialog",%DeskTop,"Dialogfenster",100,100,600,400)
hB% = @Create("Button",hD%,"&ENDE",10,10,60,25)
opencom% = @Create("Button", hD%, "&Open Com", 100, 10, 100, 25)
send% = @Create("Button", hD%, "Send", 220, 10, 100, 25)
Label1% = @Create("Text", hD%, "Name : ", 10 ,50, 60, 20)
Edit1% = @Create("Edit", hD%, "Text", 70, 50, 240, 20)
GridBox% = @Create("Gridbox", hD%, "Spalte 1;0; 120;Spalte 2; 2; 100; Spalte 3; 1; 120; Spalte 4; 3; 120; Spalte 5; 3; 120", 2, 10, 80, 580, 320)
Clear OK% OK% auf 0 setzen
WhileNot Ok% solange OK% gleich 0 ist
If @Clicked(hB%)
Ok% = 1
ElseIf %Key = 2
OK% = 1
ElseIf @Clicked(opencom%)
If flag% = 1
@MessageBox("Schnittstelle geöffnet !", "Info", 0)
If flag1% = 1
@MessageBox("Schnittstelle geöffnet !", "Info", 0)
ElseIf @Clicked(send%)
If flag% = 1
sende$ = GetText$(Edit1%)
WriteCom(f%, sende$)
fehler% = @ComError(f%)
If fehler% <> 0
SetText Edit1%, Str$(fehler%)
Sleep 100
empfang$ = @ReadCom$(f1%, 14)
fehler% = @ComError(f1%)
If fehler% <> 0
SetText Edit1%, Str$(fehler%)
SetText Edit1%, empfang$
@AddString(Gridbox%, empfang$ + "|" + empfang$ + "|" + empfang$ + "|" + empfang$ + "|" + empfang$)
If flag% = 1
If flag1% = 1
4 href='./../../funzione-riferimenti/XProfan/endif/'>EndIf
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 03/22/10 ▲ |
Detlef Tussing | Hello WEB
in the DLL could I nothing find but vileicht helps you the found with Date "usb rd" ================ Dim aComPort$() = TEMPer.Communication.TEMPerInterface.FindDevices() ================ Provided that Alex’s DLL has been linked in, this finds all the USB TEMPer devices and puts their names into on aray
In my case, these are: aComport$(0) = “COM17″ aComport$(1) = “COM18″
These can then be read individually ================ For i = 0 To n Dim ti As New TEMPer.Communication.TEMPerInterface(aComPort$(i)) TempC# = ti.ReadTEMP MsgBox(��?i=��? + Str(i) + ��? aComport$=��? + aComPort$(i) + ��? Temp = ��? + Str(TempC)) Next ================
Diese is simply a vb “for loop” Breaking it down, for each COM port, “create” on object called “ti” (or “Fred” or “Rumplestiltskin”) if you prefer using: ================ Dim ti As New TEMPer.Communication.TEMPerInterface(“COM17″) ================
I’m hardship sure exactly what this does (I’d like to), but provided that Alex’s DLL has been linked, it just works.
The next step is to read the device. Diese must of course be done for each device. ================ X = ti.ReadTEMP ================ |
| Gruß Detlef Tussing Windows XP, XProfan 10 | 03/22/10 ▲ |
Web Scanner | Hi Detlef,
thanks for the Listing, but I be "nur" on Profan geeicht, I come sincere said lest really moreover
the in Profan To translate, I get not there, already because of the seltsamen Sonderzeichen, Sorry...
Web |
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| can also not get by, The Definition TEMPerInterface missing. :/ |
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Web Scanner | Hmmm, then GEHTS so means neither...
Webbi |
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| means again, The active Comport-number the Gerätes is parat? |
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Web Scanner | Jo, I have now time on the virtual Comport No.2 umgestellt. now I get with @Comerror still already a "284" back. before wars ne -1 so could I garnix begin.
means well:
$0200 - with the communication with the parallelen interface entered Timeout on. $0080 - Receive-line-signal-detect-disruption. $0004 - The hardware set a Parity-Error solid
Well and now?
Web |
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| I Have simply no idea, son Mist...
with unit would I well with obigen Apis testing, vlt. comes one so moreover. |
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Web Scanner | I schick you the thermometer-Dingens happy times rüber, if you like
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