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Frank Abbing | A small Testprogramm of me. Happert it yet somewhere? |
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Michael Wodrich | i'm time with the Search to whom windows Agenten hereon punched. as i but saw, the almost each Zusatzteil only over The Homepage the jeweiligen Toolanbieters To get is - naturally only against Knete - there have I given.
whom parrot I had by me on the walk had -- but too only in english.
try means time to whom Microsoft Agents To forschen...
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 06/20/06 ▲ |
Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hello people!
The installierten voices stand in the Registry under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftSpeechVoicesTokens] Each has a Unterschlüssel ATTRIBUTES, in the everything drin standing, what it to know gives. so far I the understood have, reading The suitable SAPIs to that select/enumerate too only there to.
SeeYou Pascal |
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Frank Abbing | [quote:3dd6bef327]The installierten voices stand in the Registry under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftSpeechVoicesTokens] Each has a Unterschlüssel ATTRIBUTES, in the everything drin standing, what it to know gives. so far I the understood have, reading The suitable SAPIs to that select/enumerate too only there to.[/quote:3dd6bef327] so far clear. I can there any installierten voices find. only can I at best sake not discern, which voice because now activate is. can me time someone NEN Schubs into right direction give? |
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Frank Abbing | OK, Have The suitable place found. there werd I again one little moreover basteln. |
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Frank Abbing | The english to german Transformation bring not plenty one. i'll tappt im dunkeln for Dll not further pursue. I schreib another guide, but otherwise is tappt im dunkeln ready.
@Pascal, your Program produced yet Error (crash or fehlende Sprachausgabe), if The letters c, q and x in the Text using go (sch becomes Yes transformed in sh). |
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Walter | Hi, the Topic Sprachausgabe is here since 2006 verwaist, interested me however already long well then again particularly. have 4 voices installs and successful some programs with Sprachausgabe written - dank speech.dll - now but the necessity, too The Volume To steer and the approve change (what with speech.dll presently you don't say so is). The Versuchs- and Beispielscodes understand I unfortunately only to that part . Scheitere Yes already on the ! in the first row (what means the? where find I something above? zB
! window 50,50-500,200
If me too Speicherbereiche not integrally strange are, are Registry and COM at least presently not within of my Wirkungsvermögens - short: there ev. still a DLL or a INC, with the too Unbedarfte SAPI velvet Stimmenauswahl, Volume, time-outs,... address can? |
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| is correct, the Topic is 10 years young. ^^
the exclamation points at the beginning this Codes heard not to that code - the was one Flag for a hiesiges feature for Verzicht on Codeformatierung.
What the speech.dll concerns wrote Frank in 2006:
> The english to german Transformation bring not plenty one. > i'll tappt im dunkeln for Dll not further pursue.
Perhaps kontaktierst You it for directly over its Page: [...]
see I the right, that Uwe (moreover supra) with seinem code successful Language outputs? |
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Walter | >Sehe I the right, that Uwe (moreover supra) with seinem code successful Language outputs?
so sound it, what about me have it too to Remove the Rufzeichens attempts. Problemloser Durchlauf, however by me no Mucks. Waran it's located?? unfortunately looks I the interface not through... would be naturally interestingly, there Yes (next to the Transformation the Laute) The German voice too directly called becomes.
>Vielleicht kontaktierst You it (Frank) for directly over its Page
will be I make. Thank you! |
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| have You time whom Code Uwe repariert and parat, means these whole überflüssigen characters removes? |
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Walter | the was my latest Trial (of 30.12.) |
| 4 kB | | Bezeichnung: | Test SAPI | | Kurzbeschreibung: | Versuchscode from Uwes example | | Hochgeladen: | 01/12/16 | | Downloadcounter: | | | | Download |
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Walter | have of Frank unfortunately a call off receive: "...becomes it of of my software no Update More give." in the meantime too attempts, in the code-Example of Pascal StringToGUID("{96749377-3391-11D2-9EE3-00C04F797396}",a#) by the Key of Steffi from of my Registry To supplant. Result: but not Durchlauf without Sprachausgabe (How before) erfolgte one crash. gives it somewhere Doku, The me weiterhilft? best Regards Walter |
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Georg Teles | Nabend,
Walter (12.01.2016)
... now but the necessity, too The Volume To steer and the approve change (what with speech.dll presently you don't say so is) ...
means with the Volume can itself with the WINMM.DLL behelfen, circa these at least over the MS-Mixer To steer, here The erweiterte Speech.prf
Declare sx&,sy&,Text$,x&,y&,speechdll&
Declare hButt01&, hButt02&, hEdit01&
Def GetSysColor(1) !"USER32","GetSysColor"
Def LoadIcon(2) !"USER32","LoadIconA"
Def InitSpeech(0) !"SPEECH","InitSpeech"
Def DeInitSpeech(0) !"SPEECH","DeInitSpeech"
Def PlaySpeech(2) !"SPEECH","PlaySpeech"
Def StopSpeech(0) !"SPEECH","StopSpeech"
'--------# additional DEFs
DEF waveOutSetVolume(2)!"winmm","waveOutSetVolume"
DEF waveOutGetVolume(2)!"winmm","waveOutGetVolume"
Def HiWord(1) (&(1)\$10000)
Def LoWord(1) And(&(1),$FFFF)
Def MakeLong(2)Or(&(1),(&(2)*$10000))
Def GetLeftChannel(1) (LoWord(&(1))\$028F)
Def GetRightChannel(1) (HiWord(&(1))\$028F)
Windowstyle 26+512
Windowtitle "Speech.dll Testcode."
Window %maxx,0-sx&,sy&
SendMessage(%hwnd,$80,1,LoadIcon(0,32517))'Application Icon settle
Cls GetSysColor(15)
UseFont "MS Sans Serif",13,0,0,0,0
SetDialogFont 1
hButt01& = Create("BUTTON",,%hwnd,"Text sprechen",16, 408, 120, 24)
hButt02& = Create("BUTTON", %hwnd,"Sprache stoppen", 144, 408, 120, 24)
hEdit01& = Create("MultiEdit",%hwnd,"Das is a Probetext.",16,16,600,382)
'--------# additional VARs & regulator
Declare volumeregler&,LautL%,LautR%,Volume&
volumeregler&=Create("HScroll",%HWND,"",288, 408, 120, 24)
SetScrollRange volumeregler&,0,100'brat on 100 settle
LautL% = GetLeftChannel(Volume&)'linker channel reciht from circa both same To settle
'LautR% = GetRightChannel(Volume&) 'right channel
SetScrollPos volumeregler&,LautL%
SetWindowPos %hwnd=(%maxx/2-(sx&/2)),(%maxy/2-(sy&/2))-sx&,sy&
While 1
'--------# additional request regulator & Volume settle
LautL% = (GetScrollPos(volumeregler&))
waveOutSetVolume(-1,MakeLong((LautL%*$028F),(LautL%*$028F)))'both same settle to the regulator
'waveOutSetVolume(-1,MakeLong((LautL%*$028F),(LautR%*$028F))) 'both Kanäle
If %key=2
ElseIf Clicked(hButt01&)
PlaySpeech(addr(text $),len(text $))
ElseIf Clicked(hButt02&)
Freedll speechdll&
but The approve change, no idea, yet never so zutun had
Hello |
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