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Julian Schmidt |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | now have I time one hochformatiges Image loaded: crash and the program is to Neustart only yet with of/ one Minititelzeile visible. where save You The Settings? |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/05/12 ▲ |
Julian Schmidt | hmmmm....vlt is the image Yes larger as your screen-dissolution. then would it at Center into Minusbereich weg. by me functions Images in Hochformat. Dreh still time an example-Image and teste!? I bastle straight on nem hüpschen Update |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | If I the program to Exe kompiliere comes one Error in line 124. It can his, the your If()-Auswertung there not correctly. of Profan recognized becomes. If I the take:
( means with Int() ). shining it To functions. Nachtrag: still not. The Error exit in the Exe on and not Compilat. the Image has a dissolution of 683 x 1024. So not To big for my Monitor
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/05/12 ▲ |
Julian Schmidt | Related to the HSizedPic have I straight even made. Related to the kompilieren is me already aufgeallen I attempt time your Lösungsweg with Int()... |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | this Part here
whileloop 1,part_x&,If((part_x& Mod 2)=0,2,1)
space&=Create("hNewPic", &loop, part_y&, Back_Color())
DrawPic space&, ((spalte_&-1)*part_x&), (zeile_&-1)*part_y&; 0
DrawPic pic_part&[i_&], ((spalte_&-1)*part_x&)+&loop, (zeile_&-1)*part_y&; 0
DeleteObject space&
shining me always same To his. Mach from it still a procedure. Then the code übersichtlicher and viell leichter To Waiting. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/05/12 ▲ |
Julian Schmidt | with Int() functions it neither compiled. Why could it lying, the the code compiled not functions? whom Part can I not a procedure pack. The Parameter of whileloop and both DrawPics are always (minimal) different! |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | but straight the bid itself still on for a procedure. You can the procedure The suitable Parameter transfer and have at least 20 Lines gespart. Also will need you Changes only yet at a place durchzuführen. with so of/ one einfacheren structure can itself then too leichter rauskriegen, where so one hinterhältiger Error cache is. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/05/12 ▲ |
Julian Schmidt | Have now time one Update uploaded. by me zurück so no Problems Win7 and WinXP on. Getestet in the Interpreter of XProfanX2. zurück with you yet diverse Problems on? |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | The Buttons see by me differently from and are cut. If the mouse drübersteht, go tappt im dunkeln complete visible. Nutzt You Height(%hwnd) for your Größenberechnungen or what other?
The adjust Version without Buttons pleased me rather. Perhaps should You The Buttons only visible make, if one with the mouse on the downstairs edge is or by Hotkey. the mix and dissolve is well. The Kracher would, if you The dissolution yet animate would, means whom lane the Puzzleteile visible make. too the mix ought to something spektakulärer looks. If one resolved has, ought to too yet the fehlende Bildteil eingeblendet go. The Einstellungsmöglichkeit the Schwierigkeitsgrade is well. though reacted the Button "speichern" already at Draufklicken and not first at release. the Program gefällt me well. fass the means Please as konstruktive review on. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/05/12 ▲ |
Jörg Sellmeyer | If I now into vain area click, shift itself the next Some of them already, if I with the mouse drüber be. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/05/12 ▲ |
Julian Schmidt | Jörg Sellmeyer (05.04.12)
The Buttons see by me differently from and are cut. If the mouse drübersteht, go tappt im dunkeln complete visible. Nutzt You Height(%hwnd) for your Größenberechnungen or what other?
Jörg Sellmeyer (05.04.12)
the mix and dissolve is well. The Kracher would, if you The dissolution yet animate would, means whom lane the Puzzleteile visible make. too the mix ought to something spektakulärer looks.
How would you the mix spektakulärer make. I can still not The Puzzelteile to whom eyes the Users through move mix. then could it it Yes simply ape. the dissolve would so did i gladly animate. though white I do not How I ansätzen should.
Jörg Sellmeyer (05.04.12)
If one resolved has, ought to too yet the fehlende Bildteil eingeblendet go.
Why. If one it self resolve, get one it neither displayed. If to the Image entire see would like. Can too simply the Originalbild open.
Jörg Sellmeyer (05.04.12)
The Einstellungsmöglichkeit the Schwierigkeitsgrade is well. though reacted the Button "speichern" already at Draufklicken and not first at release.
Jörg Sellmeyer (05.04.12)
If I now into vain area click, shift itself the next Some of them already, if I with the mouse drüber be.
hmmmm....is correct. changed.
[OFFTOPIC]More than Schwierigkeitsstufe 2 have I yet not gepackt. is really heavy [/OFFTOPIC] |
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Jörg Sellmeyer |
How would you the mix spektakulärer make.
there will need you just thrice one after another to the mix The Einzelbilder Show and already see it How mix from.
Why. If one it self resolve, get one it neither displayed.
therefore goes it Yes - it could a reward his, if one it geschafft has. and naturally knows to the Image or can it itself Show let but the joke is Yes, that one it itself erarbeiten should.
the dissolve would so did i gladly animate. though white I do not How I ansätzen should.
the white I unfortunately neither. On Wikipedia gibt's general Info and a Verweis to a self auflösenden Java-Puzzle: [...] Date finds certainly Lösungswege...
have Thou in the meantime found out, what whom Error in the compilierten Program auslöst?
Achso: the Leerfeld ought to another (Perhaps red) Umrandung having. If one one Image with plenty Black has, is it with difficulty to find. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/05/12 ▲ |