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Julian Schmidt |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | again with Assign, then Reset and Print #n. Look under Reset in the Help to. yet rather is it even, whom String with a others Separator into File To write. then can You it in a Slip again read and part it in the program with Eplode() again on. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/07/12 ▲ |
Julian Schmidt | i will, but not jedesmal The complete Textdatei into memory reading must. Gibts not a Possibility directly The n'te row auszulesen?
look you time my actually View source on. the reading lasts, How I find too long... Should I on a smaller ones Textdatei zurückgreifen, with less Opportunities... |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | You should the indeed not jedesmal make must, separate only once at the beginning the Spiels everything into aray invite. then can You to Belieben The Startzustände abrufen and must not over ands over again on The Festplatte grab. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/07/12 ▲ |
Julian Schmidt | there had I Yes yourself on it come can. the mix functions really super-quick. thanks for Tipp.
on the side functions the Compile again. The Error lying means evident in the procedure for mix. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | On Schwierigkeitsstufe 5 comes 'ne Error Message: the element there not Time 287. Evtl. first at second time. Also shift itself one part same at the beginning, if The mouse drübersteht, without that one clicked has. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/08/12 ▲ |
Julian Schmidt | Jörg Sellmeyer (08.04.12)
On Schwierigkeitsstufe 5 comes 'ne Error Message: the element there not Time 287. Evtl. first at second time. Also shift itself one part same at the beginning, if The mouse drübersteht, without that one clicked has.
Related to the move have I into handle get. but Why The Error Message appears, white I unfortunately neither. I thought To beginning, the it on the on the enable the Images lying, on it lags but not. strange that the trouble only in Level 5 in the Compiler appears. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | I suspect, You greifst within of/ one While-Loop on one aray To or verwendest Teilstrings with SubStr. thereby goes your Loop higher, as The Number of items. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/08/12 ▲ |
Julian Schmidt | good supposition. on it has it lain. Update! |
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Julian Schmidt | Update: - kleineres Bugfix. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Hab's time tested. so far no Ungereimtheiten. functions everything How desired. I frag me only, why you The Mixer.exe thereby have. the could You still sure in Hauptcode unterbringen or instead a Mixer.prc enclosing, The You with the Hauptprogramm launch. as always fänd I it Yes class, if to the Solution the riddle the fehlende Bildteil too To see is. and for integrally Doofe or Ungeduldige, How me, Please too another 2x2-Size |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/15/12 ▲ |
Julian Schmidt | The Mixer.exe have I only in the archive for View source. whom sense these into Hauptarchiv To lay see I straight not.
I have The Exe, instead of the PRC reingelegt, because I thought the tappt im dunkeln to that one faster functions and to that second no XProfan on the computer needed becomes. 2x2 find I plenty To simply. there's one in the rule to 4 Zügen ready. plenty To simply if you ask me. there missing the Spaßfaktor. |
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| Pingelheini means:
The Margins between whom Images or. The black Borders are not always same wide. |
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