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to comment:[public comment hinzuzufügen]Notes to that meet: date: saturday, the 23. june 2012
| place: Lautech-Technologiepark Lauta, street the friendship 92 02991 Lauta
ticket: [...]
| Time: ex 10 watch
| Teilnehmergebühr: 20 Euro per person
Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten 02991 Lauta
"Sachsenstube" ca. 5 Autokilometer
internet: [...] [...] single rooms ex 40 Euro double room ex 55 Euro
superannuation Opitz ca. 3 Autokilometer single rooms ex 20 Euro
internet: [...] Mail: [...] Phone: 035722-30762
superannuation Opitz Lessingstraße 4 02991 Lauta
further Pensionen and Zimmervermietungen in 02991 Lauta [...]
Pensionen and Zimmervermietungen in 02994 Bernsdorf ca. 15 Autokilometer [...]
Hotels, Pensionen and spare bedroom in 02977 Hoyerswerda ca. 20 Autokilometer [...]
Hotels, Pensionen and spare bedroom in 01968 Senftenberg and surroundings ca. 15 Autokilometer [...]
Mitfahrgelegenheiten who a Mifahrgelegenheit to that meet offer can, the ought to these here present: [...]
i'll The offers then zeitnah hither transfer.
for people, The with the way anreisen:
who with the way anreist and not white, How it of a the nächstgelegenen Bahnhöfe in Lauta (the railway-station Lauta lying unfortunately ca. 5 kilometres of Lautech removes), Hoyerswerda, Ruhland or Senftenberg to that Lautech come should, the möge itself Please timely with me by Mail or phone in link settle.
my Kontaktdaten are in the Imprint ours MMJ-HP to find: [...]
iF bid Mitfahrgelegenheit of Berlin from on.
E.T. bid Mitfahrgelegenheit of Freiberg (Sa.) from on.
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« this Posting watts as Solution marked. » |
Nico Madysa | RGH (29.06.12)
so, and here are my Images: [...] it was not simply, The amount on 160 To reduce ...
thanks for Images, Roland! are really pretty become. (particularly from Dresden. )
where I straight thereby be, I will The opportunity benefit, circa me once more with all Teilnehmern, edlen Spendern and the heimlichen Helfern in the background To thank, without The the meet not had come off can. without particular Order therefore once more one large Thank you on: - iF, Roland, Dietmar, Lothar, Antje & Paul, Manfred & son, as well as - woman Demczenko from the Press, - woman Kunert & Kollegen of KKK-Landwarenhaus, as well as self-evident - Herrn Prof. Biegel, woman Schlesinger and woman Schütze of Lautech.
it was nerve-racking, but it was too spaßig and interestingly and has definitiv again the predicate „wiederholenswert“ earn.
so, and now I'm going in that bed. good night, together! |
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RGH | corpus christi day would for me again möglicherweise passender deadline. there could I it ggf. with a short vacation in Eurer lovely countryside contact. an alternative would evt. in summer, but bislang there there yet no Urlaubsplanung.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 08/05/11 ▲ |
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| Well - i think, we could it too once in Berlin make. clear with PC / networking etc. and eigenem Server wären there. trouble are then but the Unterkünfte. there can I not help. |
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Dietmar Horn | [offtopic]and who power this tender, d.h. who has that here written?[/offtopic] |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 08/22/11 ▲ |
| would be hold useful to know where one to that meet attend could. ^^
and because of Unterkünfte... there Programmer eh little pennen are Stundenhotels mostly completely enough! |
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| I had already with Dietmar above talked. in the Grunde bräuchte one only a superannuation or günstiges hotel, on the best in the middle Deutschlands, so the lane for most not quite so far is. If the deadline feststeht, booking itself eachone one rooms there for night. in the running of the day truddeln then The people one, who Hunger has, order itself food. an superannuation with Tagungsräumen would naturally ideal. the minimizes whom whole hoisted vastly. I suspect well correctly., the Dietmar with whom previous meet some on preparation To do having. the had itself accordingly Done.
I Have letztes year very so one internet-meet mitgemacht and it was super. only time so as Why stay.
Presumably becomes The holding larger, if the meet zentraler would. me personally are 630 km lane for a rad with my lädierten Back simply To far. |
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| means here in this Topic goes it first only around the when -
the where-Topic käme thereafter. there You can then check where most subscriber presumably entstünden.
unfortunately has Dietmar as an afterthought a address supra added -
was so initially but not virtual.
one can suppose the deutschlandzentral More subscriber enstünden -
but too the contrary can itself show z.B. if The potential subscriber itself eh only in 1-2 regions detain.
moreover then but even The survey.
it should in the when-Topic means at least theoretical not less people vote as at all go along could. |
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E.T. | has already long voted |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 08/31/11 ▲ |
Manfred Barei | Have already voted |
| Zu wenig Wissen ist gefärlich, zu viel auch.(XProfan X4) | Win 10 Pro 64 | Win7 Ultimate 32/64 | AMD FX-8320, 16GB, GeForce GT 630 | | 09/03/11 ▲ |
| the could one then vlt. "einstimmen" name. |
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