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to comment:[public comment hinzuzufügen]Notes to that meet: date: survey launched!
| place: Lautech-Technologiepark Lauta, street the friendship 92 02991 Lauta
ticket: [...]
| Time: ex 10 watch
| Teilnehmergebühr: 20,-€
Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten "Sachsenstube": [...] ca. 5 Autokilometer
superannuation Opitz: [...] ca. 3 Autokilometer
further Pensionen and Zimmervermietungen in 02991 Lauta: [...]
Pensionen and Zimmervermietungen in 02994 Bernsdorf: [...] ca. 15 Autokilometer
Hotels, Pensionen and spare bedroom in 02977 Hoyerswerda: [...] ca. 20 Autokilometer
Hotels, Pensionen and spare bedroom in 01968 Senftenberg and surroundings: [...] ca. 15 Autokilometer
Mitfahrgelegenheiten who a Mifahrgelegenheit to that meet offer can, the ought to these here present: [...]
i'll The offers then zeitnah hither transfer.
for people, The with the way anreisen:
who with the way anreist and not white, How it of a the nächstgelegenen Bahnhöfe in Lauta (the railway-station Lauta lying unfortunately ca. 5 kilometres of Lautech removes), Hoyerswerda, Ruhland or Senftenberg to that Lautech come should, the möge itself Please timely with me by Mail or phone in link settle.
my Kontaktdaten are in the Imprint ours MMJ-HP to find: [...]
iF bid Mitfahrgelegenheit of Berlin from on.
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| Topic to that meet 2014 laid out and period-Abstimmungs-survey (Please supra vote) launched. |
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E.T. | Well, is still not a little bit a blank ?? I pers. knows not yet time, whether I 2013 hinbekomme... |
| XProfan X2Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 02/23/13 ▲ |
| 2014 becomes come, so or so! |
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Johannes Meyer | 02991 Lauta To far simply :/ |
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E.T. | |
| XProfan X2Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 03/07/13 ▲ |
| we can for 2014 indeed time something other try, about one Camp, about "Camp-XProfan".
I put a Special ticket based on the XProfan-ticket ( [...] ) ready,
in the itself any present can The go along would, and the ticket draw lines of all there eingetragenen members To all there eingetragenen members and there, where the most lines To kreuzen shine, make we one Camp on - one meet z.B. in a sea, if it warm is outside and Zelten and campfire.
Virtually one open meet, that but not only 1 day lasts separate several days, where one too time More Time has, itself kennen To learn and to that talk shop. If then in the sew too another superannuation is, can also any on the Camp participate, The not so gladly with a tent thud would.
what hold your of it? |
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GDL | Hallöle,
I find The idea supi.
superannuation ought to his, I krankheitsbedingt not any more zelten can.
then Waiting we time ex, what The others my.
Grüßle Georg |
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| there having we in the telephone call Yes again what ausgedacht. |
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Dietmar Horn | fundamentally find I The idea lovely, one XProfan-meet prospective too time over several days To organize (wherever in Germany, the would me almost alike).
still once this in direction camping, Zeltlager, etc. goes, would this for me currently unfortunately one absolutes "No-Go-Thema".
I had and I nothing against camping, Zeltlager, etc., because I had as teacher over 20 years long during the Sommerferien in each year 2 weeks of my Urlaubes geopfert, circa with Kindern and Jugendlichen of me private organisierte Zeltlager durchzuführen. To DDR-times with my Musikschülern, and to the political contact "Informatik-Zeltlager".
because known none younger becomes, can I from gesundheitlichen Found, particularly because of of my handicap, something like unfortunately not any more organize and could on it neither More participate. it can't be helped, if one to that weg on its 2 crutches dependent is and to that Happiness yet straight times the 25 metres from the front-door until own PKW creates, without To entrapments.
Greeting Dietmar |
| XProfan X2Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 03/07/13 ▲ |
ByteAttack | So I find The idea lovely. though is a camping-Space absolutes MUSS. man must indeed time the still Örtchen, or time showers I drive each year for three days on one Open-Air-festival. there becomes too 'gecampt'. but there there too sanitäre facilities. but i'm thereby !!! |
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RGH | So I think, i'll whom 2-year-rhythm to maintain and on the 2014it meet again participate.
Persönlichh had I nothing against it again to Lauta To rad, even if not straight around the corner is. with has it bislang in the lausitz always very well fallen. there's there thoroughly yet some, I me gladly standing would. and two To three people could I on the way yet aufsammeln or ex Nußloch bear.
what a others place concerns, so would I one Selbstverpflegerhaus with beds and tidy sanitären Einrichtungen one tent- or Campingplatz vorziehen, especially since I presently weder tent yet Caravan own. If gezeltet becomes, ought to for the "gesetztere Publikum" a günstige superannuation in the sew his.
Greeting Roland |
| XProfan X2Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 03/11/13 ▲ |